Whoever made these changes deserves to be shot, this is just embarrassingly bad especially for a GTA game.
Firstly just a heads-up, being passive-aggressive isn't going to solve anything. Quite honestly, it's making you come across as an imbecile. Secondly, if you want to call someone a nerd, you shouldn't have an anime avatar. Thirdly, I own a PS2 and have done runs on PS2. And lastly, if you wish to talk about people's heads being ''up their arses'', why don't you actually read what me and ef14 have actually posted which backs up our reasons for emulator being the primary platform for this game. Because it's pretty clear at this point you just want to have your own way and you don't think you can be wrong and that's not how it works. But yeah i'm not going to waste anymore time replying to you because not only does the speedrun of this game mean absolutely nothing to me, it's pretty clear at this point that it's impossible to have a civil talk with you nor do you appear to possess the maturity so I don't care anymore. P.S I'd rather not even have the community grow if it's going to have people that possess your attitude in it.
Update: Okay so I actually checked your 54:xx and I do not have words right now. Not only do you actually make your own rules but you claim your 54:xx as being ''would of been wr'' when WR doesn't actually break the rules when you clearly do. Again let me just get this straight, you want Season Mode to be half an hour longer with load times and have as minimal gameplay as possible by using an exploit that is against the rules. Logic.
Pretty much what I told you 28 days ago and also what ef14 said. Also it's going through 'Season Mode' the way it was intended, not skipping everything by using 'Exit Game'. Also you 're not giving a very good impression right now.
Update in regard to the Pastebin: Ok so ChristianMM has made a claim to Youtube to take down my proof of his splicing in his Level 7 100% video. His spliced ASM ''''''WR'''''' has also been privatised so another claim can't be made, but don't worry we'll have both back up somewhere where he cant do anything about it because Youtubes copyright system is broken. There'll be a new pastebin.
@m13 We had reason to believe that ChristianMMs run was spliced due to some black frames that we found when analysing the run. Then it was pointed out that one of his Individual Level runs was clearly spliced as it could clearly be seen in the video when the icon in the upper left screen mysteriously changes for no reason when he exits Barts room. We confronted him with our suspicions and he said ''Could we keep this to ourself'' and then told me that I could remove the runs. Before we could do so, he did a runner and removed all his runs, even the ones we had no suspicion of yet which gave us the belief that they too were fabricated so they were also removed. He then resurfaced a number of hours later trying to apologise and straight up admitting it. It was basically a spliced run but there have also been beliefs that there was some in-game hacking, tampering with vehicle files etc but that we have no proof of right now. He has also been permanently banned from ever submitting to the Hit & Run boards ever again. So that's basically what happened. You can find more info on what happened in the Speedrunning section of the Simpsons Discord as it's pinned there and also in the Pastebin that Martyrr linked.
Dear Community,
Due to ''recent events'', we have decided to crack down and be more strict with verifying runs. If you now claim a top four time, you will need to use the Load Remover and have the Loadless Timer be shown on screen. We have also now banned manually removing load times, so timing loads ''by hand'' is no longer allowed if you are claiming a top four time. All this applies to all Categories and Individual Levels. Should go without saying but this is for the PC version. We have also updated the NG+ rules to where it states that All Missions must be completed in the same order that you would in All Story Missions.
btw hate to ask this here but could i get mod back accidently removed myself a while back lol
True but the only actual advantage of playing on emulator is load times and if emulator were to be banned, jumping from a 30 minute world record time to an hour world record time just seems nonsensical and arbitrary given the circumstances. And if we did want to use a load remover we could realistically only do that accurately on emulator anyway. Not only that but depending on the ps2 model and condition of the hardware, load times will differ from console to console anyway so thats pretty much why I think its arbitrary to not play on emulator.
The reason that emulator is pretty much the main platform here is because half the run would be load times anyway and I dont think anyone wants to sit through an extra 25 minutes of extra loads. It would be different if it was another game though.
Thanks for the post very informative! This is very similar to the route I used to get a 1:05 if not the same. Actually i'm pretty certain I used the same route. In my run I used Rico because like you suggested, using a bad character is better due to lack of matches/storylines/title shots and that he's only 3 scrolls up from the Rock. I could go down 1 scroll to use rodney mack, but he's on Raw and from my experience, Raw a bit more tedious with match types, and for the fact that Rico is the worst Character you can choose from. The only problems I run into using this route is the triple threat matches, they're very annoying because the only way to finish it quickly is to pin/get pinned. What I like to do is get a chair and beat the hell out of one character whilst keeping the other character at a distance, and hope that once I hit a finisher with the chair, that the cpu pins the cpu just so I lose incase i get any title shots or matches from winning. Another "strat" I use is when in Cage matches, I just let the cpu attack me and attack me until they climb the cell and I let them win because it's quicker. For TLC matches, I grab a steel chair, let the cpu grab it and beat me up with the chair and let them win (again incase I get any more matches or title shots) For lumberjack matches, should go without saying, hit an opposing lumberjack with a steel chair. When choosing between Table and Ladder, I will now choose Ladder from now on due t losing a minute plus in my PB due to not being able to break the table. I will just beat up Old Man Steroids with a steel chair, set up the ladder, throw him outside, hit him with a chair finisher outside, then climb the ladder. Also Is it definitely better to lose rather than win when you can win? I just dont want to be getting extra matches or title shots. Also should go without saying, but in the game options before starting, I turn entrances off and set the game difficulty to easy. Also i didnt know about being able to hit your partner with a Chair to get DQ'd that shall save me a bit of time!
@ef14 I have decided to add your time to the leader board, but for the future all runs will require verification. So please feel free to submit your time,. Thanks!
If you have a route please feel free to post it anywhere you want! But for the future could you at least have some sort of proof just to make it easier to verify? Thanks! Also @Tayler No problem man! I've also just decided to have one category for all of season mode which is just all rules out the window because depending on your character you can't skip some matches anyways. Also are loads different on emulator? If so emulated runs may require a separate category so that it's fair to console runners. I'm happy this game is getting some attention.