スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative7 months ago

Thats not even the fastest time this month. Not including scam bots...

GeometryDashFan これを好き
スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative8 months ago


Being in the discord server is not a right, it's a privilege. Any mod or admin can deem any behavior as breaking the rules. I've read through all the relevant messages and you first misunderstood Sarah's criticism, and then got hostile about it. An example of this would be you saying "So if a trans person gets a negative test result for, idk, some illness test, you can't call it that, because it's this individuals' test = transphobic reaction? I love the world we live in". Sarah never claimed this would be transphobic, and she was merely saying that misinterpreting data in a way that harms a minority group, like the video discussed did, is harmful to that group. If you want to argue about the semantics of calling that "transphobic" then you're in the wrong place. I get that you're not a native English speaker, and that's okay, but that does still break rules 1 and 3, for being hostile, and for needlessly prolonging an argument, and this is why you received a 24 hour timeout, just to cool off.

When said timeout was over, you immediately questioned that decision in a hostile way, saying Sarah just wanted to talk to herself, and implying she wasn't willing to have a productive conversation about it, when you were quite literally arguing semantics. Everyone in this thread, as well as the moderation team of the discord, all agree on the nature of these messages, even if you did not intend for them to come across that way. Your lack of communication skills do not grant you an excuse to needlessly misinterpret an argument and making a scene of it. I will not be responding to this thread any further.

charityneverfails, DysseAlex そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative11 months ago

semka when like 45 second cutscene:

NorwayRealCreative1 year ago

Hey, I would have preferred to do this privately but src wont let me message you for some reason and you dont have discord linked. You're totally right that this game has had some problems with verification. It turns out your run was left in the queue on purpose by 2 seperate moderators, both assuming the other would take care of it. This was a stupid communication issue that we are really sorry about. If you could contact me or hugnable on discord we could talk it out in a bit more detail. Thank you.

スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative2 years ago

Just like spend a few years being an active community member and spend that time to become a good and knowledgeable player, and you'll get it eventually lol

ラン: Portal
NorwayRealCreative3 years ago

sick run

ラン: Portal
NorwayRealCreative3 years ago


adamantite これを好き
ラン: Portal
NorwayRealCreative3 years ago

who tf are you even?

adamantite これを好き
スレッド: The Site
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

Doesn't seem like anyone has brought this up yet, but my queue has been scuffed for the past week or so, so I cannot see any runs awaiting verification. I know for a fact that this is affecting the entire Portal 1 mod team and allthough I only know for a fact that 1 or 2 Portal 2 moderators have the same issue, I would guess that this isnt just a problem for us. Our queue has built up to 112 now and I really hope this isnt too problematic to fix.

Thanks in advance!

スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

Well it could be that a recent livesplit update broke it, wouldn't be the first time, but you might not be comparing against gametime or you also could have a different issue. If you join the portal speedrunning discord you'll get answers way quicker.

スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

The one you have right now. I would recommend you to get discord, its free and its super helpful for being in the community. I know that some people cant use it for various reasons tho.

スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

that should be fine. I highly recommend joining the portal 1 discord and ask questions in #tas. You'll get help way quicker, and by people with more experience.

スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

Your probably just submitted it as a different category on accident. I looked through the first run and it didnt use sla so if you want I can change it to nosla instead.

スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

That was a super throw yeah. the sound you hear is basically you picking the cube back up and throwing it again, making it go much further. It can indeed overshoot with a normal throw as well, but I'm pretty sure this is a super throw. If you want you can submit demos so we cna check properly, but off of the proof we have, that is a super throw.

NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

I believe someone already routed this and found its not nearly as much of a difference as you'd think, I could be wrong tho, but I seem to remember lambo saying something like that.

Rubii これを好き
スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

You said it onlyhappens while you're recording. I had a similar issue, so I basically couldn't record/stream when that happened. I would recommend recording demos instead, and if you are still having the issue, you should join the portal discord, so you'll get answers way quicker than on here.

スレッド: Portal 2
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

In portal 2 you dont need to record a video at all. If you chose to record demos you will get the same performance as if you were not recordding at all. It's slightly more hassle to submit, but very worth it if you cannot handle recoring.

Here is cant even's video explaining how to set it up:

GamerYuri これを好き
スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

You can just name it anything, the name doesnt matter

スレッド: Portal
NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

It only happens at the chambers where you have to wait for dialouge, so only 05 and 18, just don't stand at the front of ele to fix it.

NorwayRealCreative4 years ago

To quote goodigo: "Also Intended%, No Skips, True Glitchless or whatever you wanna call it will not be added unless you can come up with a good way of defining it."

If you believe that you can come up with a consistent rulesset for the category then go ahead and request with those.

Also remember to read the rules for how to submit a category here: https://www.speedrun.com/portal_category_extensions/thread/zzd25

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