This was a completely blind run. I had some graphical issues with my emulator that make it impossible to see Donald's shadow while jumping in some levels, so the third boss took forever. Same graphical issues layer the final boss' attacks on top of everything else so I have no concept of how far away the fire is. It's a miracle I ever finished the run. If anybody has any tips for how I could fix these graphical issues, please let me know. Once I fix these I will try again. I used PJ64 1.6 with Jabu's Direct3D 8.1.6, which is the newest plugin I could find.
I'd like to invite anybody looking for a new speed game to try out Lilo & Stitch 2 on GBA. It's a great game that was usually overlooked because it came out on GBA after the DS came out, and I'd like to build a community for it. We don't have many runners and I'm the only active one at the moment, but it's easy to learn.