スレッド: Hearts of Iron IV
Player2099 months ago

What about making new "Capitulate someone" categories? The variants are "Capitulate Eastern Co-Prosperity Sphere" (Japan), "Capitulate China" (or whole chinese block, when it is formed), "Capitulate Comintern" (USSR), and "Capitulate Anyone" (just defeat any 1 country you want).

List of other possible factions (including Allies, Axis, Comintern, Chinese United Front, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere)


Player2099 months ago

I made the list. Check the resources page.

Player2099 months ago

Most players would prefer to have it in form of written catalogue or spreadsheet.

And it seems what the one who needs to write this into spreadsheet is me, because everyone else don't care.

Player2099 months ago

Could you place total list of items (weapons and armor), so players could calculate their builds and loadouts for Arena Mode. Classic Project Nexus had total list of weapons and total list of armors. Modern Project Nexus has it or not?

Player20910 months ago

When you kill major plot NPC, game gives you message what you broke the plot and you must load the game or play in cursed world you created. That could be made into a extension category - achieving this "ending" with plot going off the rails ASAP.

スレッド: Hearts of Iron IV
Player20910 months ago

Well, extra 5 army XP cost is the same, both in infantry and artillery one-battalion divisions. But in the long run, lots of divisions training in the field after deployment will give a lot more than 5 XP, so it will pay off quickly. So while this is useful in normal gameplay or in multiplayer, it's less useful in speedruns.

Artillery instead of guns can be ignored if artillery reserve divisions are fielded while being under-equipped (they will re-stock with new gear after template change). Besides, if your army uses artillery in their proper templates (support or normal), then your divisions are going to use artillery anyway (and if you are planning to use artillery in divisions, you are going to produce enough of it for whole army anyway), so artillery given to reserve divisions will be then used by real divisions after template change. You can also give reserve divisions low priority, so they won't "steal" equipment from real divisions (though that may result in proper divisions being fielded while wielding some outdated junk, if you do have outdated junk at storage).

If i took it wrong, do division need some minimal amount of equipment to be fielded (so can you field them bare-handed to instantly change template)?

Increased speed on which divisions can be trained and fielded are not only benefits of reserve divisions. For example, amount of special forces divisions and amount of volunteer divisions depend on number of divisions without regard of what templates of those divisions; fielding lots of reserve divisions can increase these parameters. The same thing goes to amount of divisions on border with country what has non-aggression pact, what would allow to prolong it (though this variant has risk of reserve divisions being dragged into fight). And such high number of divisions would confuse opponents. Not many of these are used in speedruns, but it's great in normal gameplay and in multiplayer, to the point when one-battalion divisions are banned on some multiplayer servers.

Generally, while reserve divisions in general are good in play, but less useful in speedruns specifically, what do you think is better in comparison to each other in reserve role - one artillery battalion divisions or one battalion infantry divisions?

スレッド: Hearts of Iron IV
Player20910 months ago

I found one flaw in that strategy: production costs. Infantry battalion needs 100 infantry equipment while Artillery battalion needs artillery. That means what even battalion with T3 small arms (69 production) costs more than battalion of T1 cannons (126).

But remember: reserve divisions don't and shouldn't go into battle, so they could be fielded in the rear bare-handed, and then their template changed to something useful and what has needed equipment in storage (after that they will re-stock).

Any other flaws?

Player20910 months ago

... And yet you are not only current WR, but also faster than current WR of "Glitched" Category.

スレッド: Hearts of Iron IV
Player20910 months ago

It seems like no one cares? Unlike the "combat worthy 1-battalion divisions" (what is arguably nonsense), the 1-battalion artillery divisions look useful in practice - on paper, Artillery Reserve Divisions are better than Infantry Reserve Divisions, and Penal Battalion Reserve Division is even better. Did you find any flaws in that strategy?

スレッド: Hearts of Iron IV
Player20910 months ago

Everyone knows about that tactic with 1-battalion divisions. Rather than training divisions normally, you could recruit 1-battalion divisions, instantly deploy them, then swap template to actually needed one, and then send those proper, but inexperienced divisions to training - that combination is faster than normal training, and also gives you Army Experience.

But, i come up with new idea. Instead of 1 battalion of infantry, you should use 1 battalion of towed heavy weapons: artillery, AT guns, AA guns, rocket artillery. Towed field artillery is the cheapest and earliest from them all, so let's go with it.

The reason for this is because fielding artillery 1-battalion divs is fater than 1-battalion infantry. Yes, single artillery battalion is somewhat slower to train (120 training artillery, 90 infantry), but artillery have 500 manpower, while infantry has 1000. That means what you can train 2 artillery reserve divisions in place of 1 infantry reserve, therefore effectively being able to train them faster.

For "spherical cow in vacuum", but mathematically correct example: let's say we want to train 100 divs, and we can train 10000 manpower simultaneously. For that, Artillery one battalion divisions need 5 "shipments" (with 20 divs in each), while Infantry needs 10 "shipments" (10 divs in each). Put in division training time and you can see, what to complete this task, Artillery Reserve Divisions need 600 time units total, while Infantry Reserve Divisions will need 900. In practice, Artillery will recruit even faster, as limit of simultaneously trained manpower is increased by increasing numbers of actually fielded troops.

There is one thing even faster than this: Penal Battalion. They need 850 manpower and 50 training, so they can do the same "10000 limit, 100 divisions" task in 425 time units (11,76471 divisions in each "shipment", 8.5 total shipments). The problem is, they can only be Unlocked via the Soviet Union’s Penal Battalions national focus; if you haven't done it yet, or you are not Soviet Union, you will stick with artillery.

スレッド: Gyromite
Player20911 months ago

Also, what about new category - Game B Co-Op and Game B - Phases 1-25.

Just like in Game A Co-Op and Game A - Phases 1-40; Game B Co-Op and Game B - Phases 1-25 would be played by multiple players and one player respectively (without animal's or ROB).


  1. Timing starts when you press start on Game B (Both categories)
  2. Timing ends when the end of level music starts after completing Phase 25. (Both categories)
  3. Everdirve or PowerPak may be used. (Both categories)
  4. In "Co-Op", One player controls the professor while the other player controls the pipes.
  5. In "Phases 1-25", One player must use both controllers

I think that category would have some activity, due to it being very easy to play (and therefore not that hard to get on top of leaderboard). What do you think about it?

mx_seitan これを好き
スレッド: Gyromite
Player20911 months ago

Electronical AI's don't qualify, but what about living ones? These AI networks use living neurons for computing and learning; neurons usually taken from brains of domestic animals, like lab rats (but you could use neurons of other species - dog's for example). So, these things are alive in some way, technically cyborgs. So those kinds of AI's qualify as "domestic animals?

スレッド: Gyromite
Player20911 months ago

What about monkeys? Also i heard what crows of all birds are very smart.

Also, what about AI's, especially self-learning neural AI networks? Some of them are about as smart as animals, and they are also not sapient (as they can't complete Turing Test - and that is just start of tests needed to qualify AI as sentient), so they qualify. Some even use live neurons in them.

スレッド: Gyromite
Player20911 months ago

Maybe even broader: can any non-sapient animal be used with dog assistance category, or only dog counts?

スレッド: Hearts of Iron IV
Player20911 months ago

Not glitch, but whatever; you should request lend-lease from as much countries as possible; that not only includes most major nations and your war allies, but also countries of same ideology (even if it's tiny minor on other side of map), and probably unaligned ones. Due to AI shenanigans you, sometimes, can befriend the unlikeliest allies, so why not to try?

This is especially important if you're playing as minor nation, as in that case it's native weaponry will likely be out-numbered and out-performed by outdated trash from entire world - and therefore, your army performance directly correlates with how many countries you begged.

In speedrun, it's too time consuming (so it's better used in in-game time runs), and it's less crucial for major, but it's useful anyway.

スレッド: Hearts of Iron IV
Player20911 months ago

I have a idea, what seems nonsensical at first, but it could be good in practice. Normall 1-battalion divisions are cheesy reserves - you make them to convert them into something useful, or use them in situations what don't require actually fighting someone - like charging deep into territory or executing Order 66. But there is an idea of actually combat-worthy tiny divisions:

You would take 1 battalion and as much support companies as possible (at maximum of 5), basically making divisions composed mostly of supports; this is because you can't make divisions made entirely of support companies (if i am wrong in that instance, you can try that too). Because support companies don't take front width, that translates into more bonuses per width; of course these tiny divisions must group into "piles", with each pile being same width as a sane man's division (for example, if we want our pile of microdivisions to have width 40, and each of them have combat width of 2, like Infantry, microdivisions must group in swarm of 20 - and that is equivalent of 1 division, now if country would normall have 100 divisions, it would translate into 2000 microdivisions).

Obvious minuses is what they won't fit into any commander's limits, and it would be extra hard to control them, both macro and micro (you must make sure they don't separate when that is not needed and don't overcrowd, and also disperse and concentrate them in right moments). But most "meta" ideas from HoI4 would look like nonsense when taken out of context and put IRL - so, this 1 battalion + support divisions should be analyzed (as no one has tried that idea before).

How would they fare against "normal" divisions, given if we take both of them of same combat width, or of the same cost, or training time?

Also, would divisions made just of 1 battalion work in battle (for example, 10 divisions with 1 infantry battalion in each versus 1 normal 20 width infantry division)? I don't think so, if they are taken individually they loose, but what if each group of tiny divisions will go in pack, results could be diffrent?

The logic behind it what divisions gets debuffs if it is overly large, so if we extrapolate that to other end of scale, group of small divisions is stronger (?) than a normal-sized division of same composition. Also they would fit pretty much into any terrain's width with no problems, and also increase the technical amount of used divisions, what could affect things like other country getting scared by sheer number of them, or amount of volunteers what can be sent to you.

Also, is it a good idea to go in opposite direction - make huge divisions of 25 battalions and 5 supports (at cost of having less divisions overall)? They would have combat width issues though, is it's also probably bad.

Both "big divisions" and "tiny divisions" actual combat strength better be seen in normal gameplay or multiplayer; in speedrun the 1 battalion only division's role is clearly capturing unoccupied lands, not getting into actual combat. Meanwhile the "25+5" and "1+5" divs are made for actually fighting enemy. 1 battalion division and "1+5" division are different things for different purposes.

Player2091 year ago

Или успешно победить Вову Виста (или всех вояк той самой группы, где в том видео заспавнился Вова Вист), или просто пробежать до конца карты, защищенного Вовой.

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