スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Nice! Also the shop updates after atlas, so I would meet the monk, buy the golems and go back to fight atlas? (the monk is not far away)

If not buying encounter evade, it would save 100000 chips indeed that would mean less time in casino

(or maybe it is still worth to go back to london with the snow village teleport even if the ice dungeon is short?)

but the fact it is not possible to go back in london would mean converting all chips into money with the low selling price powders

edit : wait, I just realised that seraphim would become completly obsolete we do not need him to fight amazonia and atlas could be fought with some other golems, that would save 99000 TB + lots of gems that would be better spent on other golems

Deathtome これを好き
スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Impressive bosses at low level! Also I didn't know there was a russian translation of the game! (I live in france and when I was a kid my english level was so low that I was on the verge of not buying the game when the game store vendor told me there was no translation for this game!) Still bought it and did not regret, I had a blast!

Okay, I did what you said and played the part from Ragau skip to Volcano tunnels with cheatengine :

As you can see there is a little problem, it is not possible to buy encounter evade and return to junk city with the teleporter (it might be worth going back to london, buy encounter evade and then go back to junk city by foot with encounter evade equipped) Or maybe the guards will still be blocking the road so it would need a second airwalk???

Also, even if you beat lord of earth, you still have to beat baglenji and makoto with low level atsuma!

I stopped the video at volcano tunnel but I can confirm that the game is finishable in this state if the kid removed the debris (gargoyles fight and odin fight will work)

You can fight atlas (it is not glitched, I just choosed to not do it!)

Sayaka Village Shrödinger's gate : it is closed and opened at the same time!

Also look how the game is confused when you return to sayaka village, it is so funny!

Also a good news : Shop updates when the sage cutcene triggers meaning that you can buy baramon, the 50% barrier golem before fighting any of the japan area bosses!

As you can see in the video, battle performance for glitched fights is very low (or maybe my laptop is dying) (Oboro2 and tokimune went under 20FPS)

Also, sometimes you can see that my characters stats go back to normal, this is not a splice, it is because I change the weapon base parameter values but this resets when I load from save file

I went slowly, for exemple you do not need to go to kyoto after the desert, I just wanted to show you the glitched guard! So you can directly go to sayaka village!

I hope that motivates you finding an airwalk in ragau if it exists!

During the video upload, I calculated the chances to have a bingo with the 4 first numbers (it gives your bet x1000) and since you can bet 500 you could get 500000 chips

It is : (16/24 for the first number to be on a line or a diagonal based on the center) then (3/23) for the second number then (2/22) for the third, then (1/21) for the last number : (16/24)(3/23)(2/22)*(1/21) -> 96/255024 this represent something like 0.037643516...% chance of happening... I think I'll stick to the roulette!

I've been able to test it with a special version of rpcs3 that have savestates (it is still a very instable feature) and even with savestates in was a pain to get the bingo! The number is decided each time when it start spinning (probably the same with roulette, I should try savestates on it too to be sure!)

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

I think I found something very huge!! (this is true) The skip if possible probably allow to finish the game, I found a quest trigger!

I'll explain : Yuki quest is completly broken and all quest related dialogues are broken, also all events (sayaka do not get attacked when going to japan)

also the guard that block kyoto city is broken so it is possible to enter but I could not get karin kidnapped or go to ninja hideout or go see tokimune or going inside throne

But something very weird happened in sayaka's village the elder house (where sayaka father have weird graphical glitches)

but when going to the gate that lead to the ascetic court and doing x there is a message "this is closed" but it still teleport us to the other side of the door!

I have advanced until the monk and the monk cutscene triggered! Then it updated the objective !


Now I will see if I can beat lord of earth and maybe finish the game??! But if that is possible that means the skip is even hudger than what you thinked because it also skip ninja hideout (Oboro1) and also all dialogues cutscenes until this point! (it includes sayaka attack and the sphinx boss)

It is a little too early to scream victory because the skip have not be found yet and I am still not sure the game is beatable but it seems like it, I'll keep you updated

EDIT: unfortunately when beating the hydra and Oboro2 the game was confused and triggered the cutscene when first entering the village meaning that now I have to go to see tokimune and probably have to do the ninja hideout after beating Oboro2 (I'm wondering if I'll have to see the monk again? or maybe the game will crash?) But for some reason, yuki joined the party (when we meet up again at sayaka's house)

Anyway, this will lead to interesting results!

Edit2: The game is so confused, it mixes many quest triggers and it is hard to understand!! Maybe by activating the triggers in a certain order, it is possible to advance the story? Update : You have to speak to makoto as soon as you see him in kyoto and the story will continue

I'm in a state where queen of ice just met Tokimune but at the same time mystery man is helping us, so weird!! (meaning that I technically first meet tokimune but I have to fight him)

Edit3 : The game advance smoothly and the boy un junk city help me and sage tower is not bugged anymore And also the shops were updated again so it is possible to buy strong golem again! (But I didn't payed attention if it was updated after the sage trigger or after the lord of earth fight)

I will play the version you are using Is it the : BLUS30028 ? Then make a save after the skip so you will be able to try it!

But I still wonder how you will beat the lord of earth with a very weak party! (I could do it because of cheated stats)

I think I will record the whole run with the use of cheats as a proof the game is beatable with the skip! (Just beated it with good ending)

Skipped bosses & fights :

JellyFish Lady azlights Cerberus Kou Minotor Yuki (x2) Guards near resistance HQ (x4) Giggling man & Dabrad Ooka 1 & Ooka 2 & Ooka 3 Skeletons (x2) Poseidon Emperor of fire Fubial Sphinx Sayaka attacked by ninja Karin attacked by ninja Oboro 1 (but not Oboro 2) Sayaka

Deathtome これを好き
スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

I think it is the version difference because for me I can load it without any problem!

I made an other save where I went to the next map if you want :


I'll explain how to do the OOB cheat so you do not have to make the save file work if you want!

First you need cheat engine (it is kind of complicated to understand how to use it if you have not used before, I recommend the version 7.4 (your computer antivirus could flag it as a virus but it is not) and doing the tutorial inside the program before starting using it

Once you understand it, Open the program and click on "settings" under the logo then click on "scan settings" then tick the "MEM_MAPPED:Memory that is mapped into the view of a section."

As you can see : https://ibb.co/12PjLt4

Then you will have to add big endian values to the values cheat engine can scan (it does not that by default) here is an explanation on how to do it : https://gist.github.com/jordanbtucker/384b67d2b7ccf4e478fb20ae86b13a41

but it is a little complicated, fortunately someone made a cheat table that will make this optional as you can see in this youtube video :

This guy made a cheat engine table for 3 games (one of them being enchanted arms) (can download it in the video description)

https://ibb.co/8XWY5mP Then you just have to tick "add big endian values" and then "attach to rpcs3" (in this order) Be careful, the process should not be attached to the game window but attached to the emulator (if you ticked the "attach to rpcs3", it will be done automatially)

If you tick the "enchanted arms" you will have a list of preset cheats easy to use! (for example you can put the "encounter evade" on atsuma without having to buy it from the casino or using SP to learn it)

Do not tick compact mode or we will not be able to do the next step!

So now we will have to find the value that will permit us to move Atsuma around.

First in Ragau coast put atsuma near the destroyed bridge and then do that : https://ibb.co/qxcVWm2

ScanType unknown initial value Value type : 4byte big endian (very important, it have to be this type) Pause the game while scanning is optional but it is often better!

Then first scan. You should find around 2.3 billion different values (could be a little more or a little less) Then go down the slope halfway

and then in "scan type" search for "decreased value", then hit the button "next scan" then go back to where you were and search for "increased value" for the next scan do that many times and it should eliminate nearly all useless values!

After a scan, if your character has not moved, you can also search for "unchanged value", do not hesitate to move the camera around without moving the character, open the menu, close it and then do "unchanged value" (but do not search that just after the initial scan because there will be a lot of them and your computer might not be able to process!)

Do that enough times (it is a time consuming process) and you should have less than 100 values eventually (it started with more than 2 billions)

then double click on the values to put then on the table then add a zero to each of them, one per one : https://ibb.co/7RHH4WG

For me, it was the 7th one, (for you it will probably different so do not copy the adress, you have to find it yourself) when you find the correct one, the value will overflow and atsuma will be teleported at the center of the map (in this map the center is out of bounds)

For this map I knew that down the slope, the value would be lower and up the slope the value would be increased so I could search increased and decreased values, but if you do not know, it is best to just search by "changed value" but since it is more vague, it will take more time to find the value

100000 units represents a few decimeters for this map (so 1 000 000 would represent few meters) but it depends on the map, the sage tower map for exemple is way smaller so units would represent a smaller distance in comparison

if you are doing +1000000 or -1000000, you will get teleported closer of farer the origin point https://ibb.co/t38MXbT

It's kind of a pain to do without "encounter evade"! but doable! If you can do this even once, you will know to get out of bounds of every maps of the game but you will have to find the value for each map!

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Sure, I just did the whole game up to this point again without any cheats (except the position vaue) and then saved past the guards (I even did the casino legit to be as clean as possible!) (and triggered Ooka bridge explosion scene)


Be careful, if you speak to the guards, they will teleport you back in the intended way, you will have to reload!

this save was made with the bles00049 version of the game (europe), I'm not sure it will work with other versions of the game (but you can still try it!)

put the file inside : RPCS3/dev_hdd0/home/00000001/savedata/<<HERE>>

and then extract with winrar or similar software (be sure to make a backup of your save files somewhere else if you want to keep them)

if you need to do the OOB cheat, I can tell you how to do it in private message!

Deathtome これを好き
スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Ok, I have some bad news, the skip video was a prank and it was funny in my head but now I regret it :(

I've been playing with 4 bytes endian values and found a way to push atsuma by some meters or even centimeters if I wanted it and binded some hotkeys to negative and negative values (push and pull) and faked a out of bound skip (I just pressed the hotkey at some point)

I'm terribly sorry :(

I discovered this by "accident" when I teleported Atsuma below anor london stairs (meaning that I can OOB all maps)

But I played a run where I would simulate what would happen if the skip was done for the science and I will share the results, I hope that will help to get pardoned!

First I clipped trough yokohama cafeteria when kou released the queen of ice to see if I could fight Kou (with low level atsuma, toya, makoto and taigalion it would have been impossible but I wanted to see if it was reachable)

Unfortunately the stairs are not solid : https://ibb.co/qrxFhjd

Then I wanted to know what would happen if I clipped through london to see if I could fight the emperor of fire or go to the resistance : https://ibb.co/BKQ4N3H

Probably impossible (maybe possible if I clipped even more but it is a time consuming process because I have to find a well hidden value so I gave up for this)

Then, the infamous ragau clip (I alsoclipped through the desert for science) : https://ibb.co/ggkFNBt

First weird thing, the whole yuki quest was gone (didn't see her again for the whole playthrough) the sphinx too of course, I could go to the desert as soon as I reached junk city

Also, there was a teleporter in the desert to go back to londinus plains but at londinus plains there was no teleporter back (fortunately I saved)

So basically I reached the sage tower with a completly underleveled party (only seraphim was there) and the shops inventory were not updated, so the only option to get strong golems were to find them in chests (or fight very strong lost golems with a weak party)

I was so far into the cheating anyway that I puted an incredibly hight level "mystery man" in the party

but then gargoyles fight, there is the fight button "x" but pressing it would do nothing So, I abandonend about the 3 ether's collecting thing and clipped through the sage's door But then, Odin fight was not possible either : https://ibb.co/7XvBKMf

So at this point I gave up Even if the ragau skip were possible it breaks so many things after and since the shops are not updated it requires finding golem cores in chests

Of course I could have clipped through Odin door but I feel like the sage quest would be as broken as Yuki's !

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

I know that it looks very easy on the video but in fact it is very hard!!

good luck...

Deathtome これを好き
スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Omg it took me so much time to do that : https://ibb.co/pWr0NY0

Other picture : https://ibb.co/m82Hp1L

I'll try to find a way to do it easier because I've heard it could be a game changer :)

Deathtome これを好き
スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

I have been poking inside game files recently to try to find exploits that can be use in a speedrun scenario

Some findings that can be useful or not :

Bingo & Slot machine in casino may be deterministic contrary to the roulette and understanding them might lead to earn money quicker and with less randomness

For exemple the last slot machine have more "7"'s than other 100chip betting machines and nailing down the rythm to align 3 seven to earn 50000 chips might be nice (4/16 + 2/16 + 3/16) : https://ibb.co/zsygK9M

Now for Bingo, I do not understand the logic yet BUT there seems to be one (this could be the quickest way to earn money), here is the model I viewed : https://ibb.co/6YXBBvC

Also not speedrun related but while I was diving into the game files I found some evidence that Sayaka and Oboro(maybe?) were meant to be played at some point in the game since their weapons are still in the game (not all of them are finished) : Sayaka katana's (no moonlight katana to be found unfortunately!) : https://ibb.co/zGr2t9M Oboro ninja weapons : https://ibb.co/c8DDyFB The queen's model : https://ibb.co/Th9HB4r

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Training for the final boss :

I still need atlas for the queen but not for toya (he can un-link me) and not for Infinity

Some mistakes :

Baramon do not need to survive the first phase of infinity (all the other phases are like an other fight) so I can let him die, it is faster

Also should have used the atsuma EX on the blue cristal to destroy it before doing the 50% damage reduction to infinity!

Edit : I just realized something, just before going to the queen's castle you can decide to go to bed (4th choice) it seemed to be the fastest but you can alternatively visit Karin OR Yuki OR raigar

For each character you will receive a unique consumable item that is completely OP :

Item Name : Black Stone (Raigar) Effects : Revives All Allies At Full HP Can save the run if final boss do not go well

Item Name : Bullet Pendant (Yuki) Effects : Fills up EX Combination for All Allies I think the formulation is wrong, not sure it it fills EX bar or combo bar or both, this needs testing!

Edit : Tested it and it recovers FULL EX & FULL Combo bar of all allies

Item Name : Flower Bookmark (Karin) Effects : Heal All Allies EP And HP (FULL)

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

I did a new time ! 6h49m18s IGT :

I'm frustrated because of mistakes :

  • casino was bad because I do not considered spinning twice each time !
  • resistance HQ (went to the mines before completing scenario)
  • junk city (I always forget to give the flute back to the boy before going to fubial)
  • I used the spell "protection" against sayaka instead of "high barrier" resulting in death (skill name confused me...)
  • didn't danced before queen of ice and I regret it a lot!
  • had a long hesitation moment after emperor of fire because of new team and was considering putting yuki in team instead of butterfly (but went with butterfly after spending skill gems on yuki...)

Also considering not using as much skill gems before japan area is now way more easier with baramon (less chips required?)

Also I really want to get rid of Atlas for the final ice area of the game and put Odin (but I keep lilly-lilly & baramon), I could also replace lilly-lilly with baglenji but it does not seems worth it!

with the 50% barrier, Odin can legit solo Toya with automatic combat with his level 50 and have no weakness against any of his "reverse EX" or any of final bosses attacks (infinity hits neutral) also dark damage works well against infinity! I just have to fit 100Power,100Mind and 56Speed gems more in the playthrough! Also Atlas 4 slots did really not helped me with the high barrier set-up :(

the defensive set-up hit less but I have also way less to think so turns can go on faster!

even if the run is flawed, I like it and wish to upload it! how do I do? or maybe should I wait to make an ever better one? :)

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

there is only 2 golems with 50% armor in the ps3 version, the baramon in shop after emperor of fire and the other one is inside the beast shrine (knight avei) so... yeah... !

alternatively it is possible to get this skill with even a better range on raigar by defeating the god near the top of the sage tower but it adds a long boss fight, I do not think it is worth it in a speedrun scenario

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

I didn't know about the combo chaining system! Now I can mesure Atlas power (I didn't before)

I'm thinking about a special route when after emperor of fire, and not buy Galirya but Baramon

problem with him is he do not have any kind of attack power but his "High barrier" skill is completely OP, very wide range (6 cells) and boost resistance by 50% of all characters (effectively doubling HP and also doubling healing on party) so it could replace the butterfly

Also it means that I do not have to invest in HP anymore (way less SP points required)

final party would be : Atsuma Lilly-lilly OR Odin (chosing Odin means fighting him with seraphim and it is quite hard but the dark damage on infinity in nice and the fight is doable with Baramon) Baramon (replacing the butterfly, so I would use items to heal if needed) Atlas (because now I understand how powerful it is)

I made a test run and it went smoothly, I did not die on toya & after (but did died many time on Odin because I was using seraphim)

If combo bar is full on all party members I should attack in this order : baramon, atlas, Odin(if Atsuma EX is available) and Atsuma

But maybe it is slower? (is it?) Is it worth a shot or should I stick with your strategy?

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Ok, I got a new run!

7h50m33s IGT final hour of the game went so wrong :) But I'll analyze and train, I really want to do a good run some day!

Deathtome これを好き
スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Ok, I got my first (very bad) run on rpcs3!

Here are the save files : https://mega.nz/file/808SBDTI#G_RX6KvHyF4LeO2whnR-VLyIFGO-Xfh7DXMd25E_OmQ

and here is the video :

9h12h23 IGT after the good ending credit roll.

many major mistakes and the choice to not rely on golem bite me very hard :)

but now I have a feel of the game and I'm studying your run, I'll add menu abuse and run away from fights and also learn where are the NPC for the quests triggers!

スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

Thank you deathtome, I'll run it then :) unfortunately I don't have a ps3 anymore!

Deathtome これを好き
スレッド: Enchanted Arms
Île-de-France, FrancePhantomBKS2 years ago

I really want to run this on rpcs3 (ps3 emulator) but I see that emulators are banned :(

I mean, I understand that the emulators are faster because of loading times and fps boost but is it possible to have a separate category for this?

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