I play on NES graphics because I get screen crunch when I play on modern graphics (might because I used winexp to make game window smaller so I can see livesplit and chat) and I notice other runners use modern and the leaderboards are split between the two. What time difference is there and which is faster?
I could use some extra assistence, perferably from a high end runner but anyone could be good since tyhis is a popular game and people are starting to submit to this board
Asking because I do not know of any other genesis games that only allow that emulator
if you want to play on AC submit to https://www.speedrun.com/mmac?h=Mega_Man_Any&x=rkl74qdn
learning warpless and cannot figure out how to get the skip. (also is there a guide for all the warpless strats?)
Light gives the fastest cutscene out of the 3. It is random which one you get
because the megamanleaderboards.net mods are highly against adding games to SRC. Feel free to request it if you want the game on here.
I requested the game back in September but they never accepted it. I tried to talk to the series mod (Darkterrex) about it and he ignored my DMs
TheFinalLemon somewhat recently proved how effective nitro man is in his runs so up to returning to this category discussion.
The remind the options
- Keep new route and old route on same category
- Make a sub category for mega man only
- Split 2014 and 2015 version
Main categories would be any% and real ending (plus any misc categories like normal, hard, etc.) and then have sub categories for the characters.
I was told mods for Mega Man 3 are needed and I am requesting to be mod as I 1) Have proven to be able to add missing runs and 2) I knowledgable in the game (I even have a PB on the boards)
Use a different rom, preferably the JP version
The current mods for mega man 8 have not been on here in 10 months (orsa) or 4 years (plum) and I have a run pending verification
Since when? Last time I check Wq's legit runs (including the second run where he attempted to improve his time) were rejected for no reason
So what are you doing in response?
been running this on a windows 10 computer (PB was on a windows 7 PC) and the game likes to crash sometimes (seen it happen in 4-1 and 4-2, mainly the former). How do I avoid that?
I am requesting mod for https://www.speedrun.com/megaman_maverick_hunter_x for the following reasons
- I have a pending run
- The only mod has not logged in over 4 years
- The boards is missing literally every run
- Categories placed show lack of understanding of the game (any% is listed separately from 100% when 100% is the fastest way to beeat the game as X)
- The mod has no contact methods on their profile