スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

IGT of RE2 and BH2 starts as the jingle plays during the two text messages.

As for the input: I found that spamming R1 on the PSX version is hard af, on the PC version I can QS with the handgun pretty much completely consistently whereas on PSX my spamming leads to no shooting but jiggling the gun up and down. Same with the Magnum, either Jiggling or simply normal speed... Might be an issue with ePSXe tho, so don't hold me to that, will test it today again. I can see the input delay being a problem tho, tho the USA and JAP versions do compare in overall times i.e. Loading etc. Etc.

Edit: Difference might be that JAP runs on true 30, US runs on 29.97, at least from the readings of DXtory

GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Doing what I can with my net... thanks for the input Trance, as allways o/

GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

One More question. If my streams are a bit pixelated... are the runs void? If so I'll have to resort to gamecapture and youtube upload :(

GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Thanks for the quick input Outrage o/ I will be using a wired X360, it's what I use anyway :)

As for the mod -> it's basically just a color changer for the rpd costume which switches it from grey to blue. There is nothing else involved, I allready made sure :) All I have to test is if it maybe somehow inflicts problems on the hitbox, but I don't think that is the case, since it's just a retexture!

I'll be testing around a bit, setting up splits etc. I will check back once I got everything ready to make a small video file so you can judge based on images and not just hearsay!


GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Whoever read some other threads made by me knows I like to ask silly questions, so here I go again for RE4.

1.) What do you guys recommend in terms of controlls? I do like the mouse aiming in UHD, yet maybe the Controller is a better choice?

2.) If I were to run NG+, choosing the RPD costume, could I use reskin mods and still be able to give a legit run? I found some nice classic RPD colors mods, so if there is a chance to use it, imma use it. If it is, by chance, against the rules, I will of course not use it :)

3.) I can't really remember, but RE4 does feature an IGT. Will I have to use splits for times or is the ending slate with the IGT enough like in RE 1/2/3 ?

That's about it, question 3 is because I am a very lazy person and did not sift through the other forum posts, if that was cleared there allready, I like to appologize in advance.


GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

ah, that clears things up o/ thanks JTB :)

GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

So since the OOB Glitches are on 30 FPS, then running it on 60 FPS would essentially be slower while it is technically faster?

^ I ask like this because that is currently going on in my mind and, well, mind go boom.

GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

yo Crazy, do what I do:

Use XPadder and set the D-Pad to 8-Way, now put the directional buttons to top, left, down, right. You should now have 4 free buttons. Click the one desired and there click on "advanced". You should see an empty square on the top line, click it and put one directional key in, then click the next one and put the according one in.

For example:

Up + Right Right + Down Down + Left Left + Up

Like that your DPad will be working like a charm :)

Concerning all other buttons: By pressing F5 ingame you can pop up an option menu (I guess you knew that allready!?), you can input all other controlls und the "controller" tab easy, at least for me it works perfectly. Please make sure to have the drivers and the essentials program (I think that is what it is called at least, the one where a little info thing pops up if you press the xbox button when idling on windows) for maximum compatibility ^.^

If all else fails, set the keyboard buttons and then input those into XPadder as well, that way there will be no prob in using your controller even tho your game does not recognize it =)

If you can't get it to work, let me know, I'll make a little video of it if need be!


Crazy_Brian_96 これを好き
スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Heya all, I guess we all run this on the small window size which won't let you go fullscreen either way. I think I found a little workaround for that, which will probably not be of much use, but here goes...

So if you, like me, get hands on an old 4:3 screen you can put up on your desk next to your widescreen ones, you could set it to 640x480. This alone improves the size of Bio 2 by a lot, but it's still a window and will probably overlap with your taskbar or be too "big" for the screen, resulting in a non-playable disaster.

I found out that you can easily force a game to go borderless-fullscreen, given that you set the window to your desktops resolution, which brings us to the initial solution. Please note, that the "fix" will put the Game on your main-monitor so you'd be off to a good start to set your standard device to the small monitor, otherwise it will be plastered on your 16:9 screen without improvement, just with the borders removed.

Get AutoHotkey from the website, it's a freeware program allowing you to program Hotkeys like with a higher class keyboard that uses macro keys, but with windows itself. Insert this script for your Autohotkey script:

^!g:: WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A IfWinExist %currentWindow% { WinSet, Style, -0xC00000 ; hide title bar WinSet, Style, -0x800000 ; hide thin-line border WinSet, Style, -0x400000 ; hide dialog frame WinSet, Style, -0x40000 ; hide thickframe/sizebox WinMove, , , 0, 0, 1920, 1080 } return

This will create a Hotkey to use with any game: Controll + Alt + G

Upon clicking inside the Bio2 window you press the hotkey and boom, fullscreen on your small monitor, increasing the size due to the resolution set to 640x480, and giving you a better overview of everything because you won't have to squint so much.

That is the only workaround I see, sadly it requires and old monitor and it will put all your desktop icons etc. to this screen. If you want to play any other game on your big screen(s) you will have to set the standard device back to that screen, otherwise it will start on your small screen. Keep that in mind.

Note: If there is any other way than the input-lag-infested "just use OBS to make it bigger dude", let me know. This is a "hard" method but works pretty fine for me, and I guess a lot of you dudes got an old screen somewhere in your basement, or get one for 5 bucks on a yard-sale.


スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Jup, upon choosing 1.0 it goes completely crazy, choosing 1.1 results in having proper health meters but the time is stuck on 00:00:00

/// EDIT

Nevermind, I downloaded DChaps fixed exe, now eveything is back in order, seems to have reverted the whole thing to 1.0 too :)

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Just adding my two scents:

  • So far, after using 1.1, I found no further issues for myself, nor do I see any fixes. I still get lags and stutters on some FMV sequences and I generally feel like my game runs a tid bit slower. Is that possible? If I compare some areas to other runners Leon seems to be running a lot slower and it takes me longer to get through, yet FRAPS tells me It's running at 29 fps at all times. I don't know however if that is even a possibility, so if anyone knows anything about that, lemme know.

  • After installing 1.1, off course, my timers won't pick up the ingame time anymore. The older version shows "poison", no avatar and no time. The current version on the resources page shows health and the avatar, but does not pick up the ingame timer. Any way to fix this other than uninstalling everything? Otherwise I'll just run without the timer, by now I can tell if I lost time or not, judging by the run itself.

So yeah, no hardware problems on my end, just these few things gladly. What I just want to know is wether or not the game could run slower and mess up my times or if the gametime is indeed bound to the fps, and if I can fix my timer, would be nice to have it back :)


P.S. and thanks to DChaps for that huge post, very interesting to read and good to know RE2 follows the "old" rules of games, where you could actually fix stuff yourself by altering files :3

GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Thanks for the heads up on the boni re.net users get o/ I didn't know this before, definately worth a spin for those gun parts, since they can make a magnum go rocket launcher real quick :D

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Thanks Carci, and thanks uhTrance for showing up to my stream to tell me I can skip doors. I trained a bit offline last night after finishing my stream and I got the timing for the skip down now :) I allmost made it in my attempt last night, the dodging is fiddly and I need to improve on that a good amount still.

Do you guys play with a gamepad or is using the keyboard better in the bio2 version?

So far my strat is to only get the deagle and use the pistol for railcar birkin's arm by locking him into that hole over the door. I do drop the knife going back from killing the fire and getting the key/pin with the helicopter. I only pick up two or three FASes in total, if I manage to dodge all threats correctly that's even more than you need right?

I was raging hard at the end of my stream... how unlucky can you get, getting caught two times by the lickers by doing what you have to do to evade them and still not tricking the AI? The attempt would have at least been a new PB sub 70 minutes otherwise

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Ah! I'll need to write that down... Don't upgrade Shotgun, don't upgrade deagle, don't fuck up in the archive room and don't get grabbed by the damn arms in the briefing room hallway :D

Many things that are to be improved tomorrow in offline testing, I'll attempt a new sub 60 on sunday :)

I also messed up my inventory somehow, I forgot to put away one of the items in order to grab the deagle as long as the zombies are not broken through the windows allready. I then managed to leave the vent grip behind in a chest and had to run back to get it :/

All in all if I had dodged a few more and didn't mess up the order of pick ups resulting in me running into a licker in front of the morgue and having to resort to opening the weapons cache room to get ammo I'd have managed to get it to around 70 minutes... About halfway through I decided to go for a casual no rules run and see where which enemies pop up. Got the upgraded pistol and stuff, and for all that a sub 90 is not so bad :)

Even got an A rank and the rocket launcher for the saved game :D

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

If any1 is interested, heres my first attempt. It's with german commentary because I only had germans in my stream, hope you guys dont mind, you can just mute it since the commentary is not that important :)

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

I do know the strat as it is, but I really thought the improved Shotgun would deal more damage but is neglected because of the time it takes to make the round about in the underground tunnels!

Are we talking normal or hard mode? Final Birkin took 10 bullets from the improved deagle as far as I remember, have to check the video to be sure tho...

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

So I just finished my first test stream with the first run, i messed up pretty bad and ended up with a first PB of 1:27:25, I am fine with that really, now I'll start training to improve my segments. Some of the dodges went really really well...

One thing tho... Would it be a better strat to get the shotgun parts and cut the fight against train birkin shorter than with the deagle? Or does the deagle deal more damage after all?


スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Thanks for the quick Reply uhTrance :3

Heh, train Birkin originally seemed like one of the hardest fights. So I take it I save right after getting the shotgun parts in the saveroom right before the train?

What buggs me a bit, is the window size of the Sourcenext version... Is there any way to make it bigger? I've been playing around a bit... I mean it wouldn't mean much if I'd have to keep it at the size but a bigger screen makes seeing stuff a lot easier ^.^

  • Paxton
スレッド: Resident Evil 2
GermanyPaxtonMega9 years ago

Heya all, I am new to the forums. Carcinogen kinda brought me here and I was browsing for a bit.

I am currently preparing to run Resident Evil 2, to be more precise, the sourcenext version, and have a few questions on that matter! So let's get started...

1 -> Am I allowed to run the SN version or do I have to use the original pc version of BH2 / RE2 ?

2 -> Is watching other runs and gathering information on spawns etc. a good enough strategy to train other than just doing it? I am currently writing an outlining plan on where to go, what to do, what to expect in terms of enemies etc.!

3 -> Is the re2 timer / Health Bar application enough of a timer for the run combining it with the ending slate of the game to determine my time or do I have to use the usual split timer?

Other than that, all tipps welcome. I want to try and compete with you guys a bit. Having GuitarJunky's PB/WR up on the leaderboards is a hefty goal. A sub 60 for my first attempts is a goal I can work with for the beginning :)

I have played it numerous times on my old PS1 before and got the times to unlock all the extras in the dual shock version, but that is a way back and I need to get back into it.

Greetz, Pax

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