French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences5 years ago

Due to the newly announced ZLAN, I am reposting the link to the server in order for beginners to contact us easily: <removed> Edit : Maybe it makes more sense to have a longer-lasting invite: https://discord.gg/dMcDSsa

ZeyaTsu これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences6 years ago

Hello, It seems many people don't agree on the ruling for Individual Levels, and I keep receiving tons of DMs, and since a result hasn't been reached, I decided to make a poll. Two choices are being polled for IL ruling:

  • Single-segment: Runs must be done without dying, saving or loading
  • Real Time Attack: Runs must be done in one sitting, timed from the start to the completion of the level, with saves, loads and deaths allowed

Just as a quick reminder, ILs are SS for FPS speedruns in general, for Half-Life 1 and 2. The poll will be set up as the following:

  • People will vote in the comments (non-secret poll).
  • People can argue about the rulings on this thread
  • Voters MUST have one run in the leaderboard, either as IL or as Full-Game. "I am going to run the game if the ruling is applied" is not a valid reason (see Portal 1 vault save vote).
  • Poll will start now, your vote must be readable and will end the 7th September 2018 at 20h GMT+1.
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago

Hello everyone,

I know that the community of Aquaria speedrunning is small. Some people think it might be a bad idea to have a discord. However, I think it's cool to have a place; it could be nice to help new runners to get info on the run instead of just "copy the World Record". I think the channel ownership should be given to vayarda and RCHelicoptR for obvious experience reasons and I'll give it ASAP. If the community is so small, noone will read my message, however I am still convinced some want to join. I've setup three roles in addition to ownership role:

  • Moderators (to moderate the discord in case of stupid spam)
  • Runners (to contact all the runners at once) without any power
  • Watch dog (for people who are interested in the run like me but not doing runs) without any power

I've made few text channels :

  • General : General talking

  • Offtopic : For usual shitpost that characterize THE INTERNET

  • Questions : Questions that everyone can ask about the run, likely to be how to beat a boss or for alternative routes

  • Resources : Only mods can post here useful links for speedrunning like the guides, pictures of stuffs ... etc

  • Routing : For routing questions

  • Race : Who knows, maybe a race will happen (it has a Race voice channel too)

  • Modding : Aquaria has modding features, and modding can be cool. Also involves mod speedrunning like the Super Meat Boy mod flippy skippy tricky flingy wingy swingy thingy.

  • TAS : PC TAS gets stronger every day (libTAS by Kilaye might be useful one day 👀 )

Finally, here is a link to the discord : https://discord.gg/qGDGwX


RCHelicoptr これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago

After discussing a bit with Yalter about his sv_cheats 1 run : It appeared that he couldn't manage to get 0 millisecond on e02 but instead, was getting .015 everytime. What? Yalter not being able to do such things? It must be impossible then. At first, I looked at SourceSplit and realized the command to input the end would probably be "ent_fire playerproxy suppresscrosshair". But then I realized Yalter timed with Demo Timer and surprisingly, it wasn't using playerproxy input, but something else. So I checked every inputs of the relay to trigger the end. The input "startneurotoxins 99999" works. But it gives 0.015 everytime. https://i.imgur.com/A7PrcZn.png So the condition is to EXACTLY trigger startneurotoxins 99999, but then adds 0.015 for whatever reason. startneurotoxins isn't related to anything in Hammer, it's just a cvar, so why is it a game end condition? It says "Crosshair Disappear", but it didn't. It's true that the commands for crosshair disappearance and startneurotoxins are triggered in game by the same ent_relay, but it adds extra 0.015 secs for nothing. So, maybe it's insignificant, but I think all runs timed with Portal Demo Timer should remove 0.015 seconds due to the Demo Timer inaccuracy and thus making Yalter's run a 0 sec 0 millisec run.

jrstan これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago


I have a question about Hammer. A while ago, I had some problems about Hammer for testchmb_a_10 and escape_02. I remember some people gave ideas to solve it but I didn't really paid attention. I couldn't end compiling escape_02 and testchmb_a_10 crashed on running.

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago

Hello, I have a question about the Inbounds category rules. I was watching some Portal runs, when I wondered about when something is out of bounds. At first, let's talk about walls, no matter the skins (usually nodraws are the most discussed because they are invisible). Is going in a wall allowed ? If I remember correctly, it is. Basically you consider the bounds as 'not oob', which is a fine definition. Hammer > View > Find Coordinates remains a safe way to check if a point in space is in oob with that definition.

However, if your body goes oob, even by accident, is it allowed ? I mean I can understand that if you peek out of bounds, you might no want to reset and so you reload your save. But if you walk oob, even by accident, during your sg, and then come back inbounds to continue your sg sequence, without profiting from going oob, is it allowed ? I am really curious about that.

BiiWiX これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago

Hello, I have a question about EWW : After going out of bounds, the videos do a double jump, then an attack. If I do a double jump, then I reenter inbounds, and if I double jump then do an attack, I roll back inbounds aswell. Do you have any tips so that it doesn't happen ?

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago

Anyone has tried doing runs on the New Engine ?

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago

I got the "spinning" doors multiple times on the level 1-0, but it didn't lead to bowser, only to the space in the sky. So does it mean it doesn't work on 1-0 ? Does it work in 1-1 ? Only in 1-2 ? What are the conditions so that the spinning doors lead to Bowser ?

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences7 years ago

Do you have deck ideas for Any% NewGame+ ?

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences8 years ago

Hello, I have seen this game is finally out on PC version. Is it stable (no crash) ? Has someone already tried ? Is it worth the 20€ ? How about the DLCs ? Is it a good speedgame ?

themataurian これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences8 years ago

Hello, I propose to change the Game Time field using my Game Time (you can find it on LiveSplit) (delete the old version and restart LiveSplit to find the new version). The Game Time is accurate now. I removed the Autostart script for a bit until I manage to make it an option. I propose to remove the time written when you kill the boss because its accuracy is bad (minutes) and replace it by the game time field from LiveSplit with an accuracy of hundredth. The time is accurate because it reads the value from the game memory. What do you think about that ?

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences8 years ago

Hello, Currently, I've realized that half of the runs were using a save to start the run, instead of the legal map command. I apologize for that, I didn't notice that they were using it, I was focusing on tracking illegal glitches instead. "Couldn't you tell us earlier, Pack ? FailFish " is how I imagine your possible reaction. I am very sorry about that, please forgive me. Like the original Portal, the decision to yes or no allow a vault save should be solved by a vote.

But before, what conditions for the vault save ? The vault save must be mentioned through a variable that will be added later. The vault save must be a few ticks before the crosshair appears and done with SourcePauseTool. Timing will remain the same as all Source engine games : when the crosshair appears.

What do I think of it : I think having a vault save for 10 seconds is really weird considering there are speedgames with 5 minutes of intro cutscenes. However, I don't run the game, so I am removing myself the right to vote.

Who can vote : Anyone with a run submitted without AND with vault save can vote. Anyone submitting a run without AND with vault save can vote too.

The vote starts now and closes :

  • In two weeks maximum
  • When every current runners has voted (considering the community isn't that large) : antigravitymomentum, BiiWiX, Fnzzy, Imita, Lyliya, NuSa , moose.hockey.63, Teslae.

How to vote : A "Yes." or a "No." to start your message followed by your comments, thoughts, ideas ... etc

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences8 years ago

Here is the newest board for Portal 2 individual levels : http://board.iverb.me/ by iVerb and Ncla

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences8 years ago

Can someone do a tutorial ? BibleThump

French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences8 years ago

Now we can get subcategories, could we get the different languages to be implemented, please ?

poultfloyd これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences9 years ago

Hello, I am PackSciences. A while ago, a project was made to make stats from SourceRuns ( www.sourceruns.org ) (runners of Source games) and to communicate that to others. This project was started by Execut4able ( www.speedrun.com/user/execut4ble ) (he made the base of the database and what we had to show to other people. After months, the project got forgotten so I finished the work. I completed with the top 100 database of every Source game (297 runners precisely in our database). Then, I made the maths and the graphs. So, here there are and enjoy : Tables : http://i.imgur.com/ToTV217.jpg http://i.imgur.com/W9oOHMN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/053KHfs.jpg

Graphs : http://i.imgur.com/0J3LHKJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TlxVJHp.jpg http://i.imgur.com/v4aXRtu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/o4P9PkL.jpg

I hope you enjoyed it :)

PurpleSun そして stoot これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences9 years ago

If I am not wrong, Ramone has been made in GameMaker:Studio. As I done with Another Perspective or 10 Second Ninja, I can make a TAS Mod of the this game if wanted, but I'ld need the source code. Anyone interested ?

64couette これを好き
French Southern TerritoriesPackSciences9 years ago

It seems Difficulty 10 is leaky on zugzwang strats, anyone tried yet ?

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