United KingdomOverMC4 years ago

In case you're not in the Discord, linked below is the poll put together by @Penguin regarding possible changes: https://forms.gle/mGyiraPPAoSNjHpu8

"The 2 sections relate to

  1. Requiring videos to be public/unlisted and removing them if the video proof is taken down.
  2. Allowing dream/lab modes to be used in Hypixel CE"

Your opinion matters to the development of this community so it would be awesome if you could fill the document in. Your vote is completely anonymous and you only need to sign in to prevent multiple entries. Have a great day :D

1. これを好き
United KingdomOverMC4 years ago

This is an overview of suggestions that may have been made before or not, all put into one place for moderators to hopefully take action on. I will explain the reasoning for every suggestion. This thread is additional to one made on how to improve general Bedwars speedrunning. Leave any potential alterations and/or additional suggestions in the reply section.

  • Remove or move obtain item speedruns to miscellaneous Reasoning: These runs are (to be blunt) extremely pointless and dull. They take very little skill and and very luck and ping based.


  • Add build minimum height subcategory to build limit% Reasoning: For the category build height, it should be split into build height and built minimum. This is the lowest you can place block. It could be a fun subcategory

  • Rules generally need to be clearer and more fair Reasoning: Dream modes shouldn't be allowed in any runs that aren't Dream specific speedruns. Use of parties should be more consistent/clear. One possibility is to split it into subcategories for party and no party. For example, potion runs and nether runs should be solo/doubles/3v3v3v3/4v4v4v4 only


  • Remove all effects and 6 effects speedruns Reasoning: All effects is almost impossible and six effects' RNG is ridiculous for an already player dependent speedrun

  • New team upgrades categories Explanation: A few team upgrade categories that would be fun to run, for example, prot 4 in solo mode, or trap speedruns. This has gained popularity recently with YouTubers such as GamerBoy80 and Vixon who attempts this challenge in their videos

  • New backround Reasoning: The backround is of a build battle build that looks pretty bleak. A new screenshot of something like a CTW map or a skywars map would be a lot nicer

Amaz これを好き
United KingdomOverMC4 years ago

This is an overview of suggestions that may have been made before or not, all put into one place for moderators to hopefully take action on. I will explain the reasoning for every suggestion. This thread is additional to one made on how to improve Bedwars category extension speedrunning. Leave any potential alterations and/or additional suggestions in the reply section.

Bedwars Speedrunning Suggestions:

  • Label doubles, 3v3v3v3, 4v4v4v4, 4v4, and dream mode wins as "[Gamemode] Win", as seen "Solo Win" Reasoning: It's nice to stay consistent with formatting and make it clear what the category actually is rather than just listing what gamemode it is

  • Destroy all beds categories for solos, doubles, and 4v4 Reasoning: Although for solos and doubles modes it's extremely hard to break all the beds and there is loads of RNG, this is no reason to weaken the potential for this category. A speedrun being hard or having little entries doesn't make it less of a speedrun. There are enough videos on YouTube of "perfect games" in these modes to prove it's viable. For 4v4, there may be only one bed but it's still should count as a gamemode

  • Place all dream categories under "Dream Win" which has six subcategories, rush, ultimate, castle, voidless, armed, and lucky blocks Reasoning: Why should certain gamemodes be subjectively favoured over others? Place them all under one category and make it easier to navigate

  • Add for for kill% and destroy bed% stating you can't complete the run in a dream mode Reasoning: Dream modes shouldn't be allowed in any bedwars runs really (apart from dream specific runs), they don't count for stats because they are not real gamemodes. These categories would take actual skill to complete if they were only for solo/doubles/3v3v3v3/4v4v4v4

  • Update/Remove guides Reasoning: No longer relevant nor helpful. I would be happy to make some updated guides if needed

Amaz これを好き
United KingdomOverMC4 years ago

I think 6 effect and 10 effect runs need to be reconsidered. I'm not saying that they need to be removed because they do have potential. Currently the leaderboard is empty, this is due to the difficulty and lack of information on how to complete this category. For 6 effects you have to aquire all 3 potions, haste, miner fatigue and then drink magic milk to finish. This requires getting 4 ems from mid, 2 diamonds (in solos and doubles), magic milk using gold, and to find an enemy base with a miner fatigue trap. All of this is okay apart from the trap. There are four different traps in bedwars, miner fatigue is arguably the best one but most new players just get alarm trap. It is pure luck that another team will get miner fatigue trap and if they dont the run is over. I have tried both of these categories many times but always get let down by oppositions not getting miner fatigue. What i suggest is rather than having trap as the 6th effect why not change it to 5 effects; milk, jump boost, speed, haste, and invis. And to fix the category 10 effects, this is what you have to have:


Jump Boost


Miner Fatigue






Magic Milk.

In case you didnt know what this means, you have to have all potions, haste, aquire miner fatigue trap which lasts 8seconds, then pearl to another base whilst eating a golden apple and require slowness trap which gives you blindness as well. The rng in this is insane and not really 'speedrunnable'. It doesnt state this anywhere in the rules but are teammates allowed to be on opposing teams? If yes, then this could be a bit easier.

_Shadoe そして Mcguy215 これを好き
7 years ago
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