Colorado, USANar5 years ago

In the NG rules it does not state fps needs to be capped where in the NG+ rules it says that uncapped FPS is only allowed in glitched.

Does the uncapped ruling apply for all glitched categories or just NG+?

Just want to verify as the rules dont really state in a clear way on this

zgl これを好き
Colorado, USANar5 years ago

I have to agree with @Akezhar on this one @lessaid i also knew about that skip but the fact you have to play the game all the way up to getting the prison cutscene made me put that skip in the back of my head since its the slower route

Colorado, USANar5 years ago

I dont have an official time on the boards for OOBs yet but i have a pending one that was recorded on an old patch when it was. Current . I prefer old patch since 1.03 is definitely harder and needs the perfect angle and manipulation of zombie to get the skips. Which for leon can literally make a break a run if you miss first try.

I was mostly concerned about running the game in a category that i like running. Being obsolete because in the future it may get fixed.

If seperating the boards more is an issue then you will have to mix boards. But as i see it no 1.03 time will beat a unpatched time.

Colorado, USANar5 years ago

Im 100% ok with accepting old patch and current patch and mixing the runs together. I do agree current patch is not impossible but does nearly require you to be at a perfect angle for the glitch. I have 1 run waiting verification which was recorded before 1.03 came out for console but i will say if i was forced to run on 1.03 i would probably just learn a standard vs glitched run because of how much time you could lose on skips.

CursedToast これを好き
Colorado, USANar5 years ago

Currently as it stands old patch is "faster" since getting the airwalk is a bit easier. I just want an official word so i know what i should work on.

tyhill111 これを好き
Colorado, USANar5 years ago

Im not sure about checking on PC but i know how to check on console.

Colorado, USANar5 years ago

Will glitched runs be accepted if they are run on older versions of the game?

5 years ago
5 years ago
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
最終ラン 5 years ago
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
最終訪問 5 years ago