Meowskivich1 year ago

Hey howdy hey,

I've been looking into perhaps starting to run Elden Ring since I've played through it numerous times now, and I notice that there doesn't appear to be an "All Boss" category, with the closest thing being "All Remembrances". But I'm curious what it would take to pull of such a feat, as there are apparently a little over 160 bosses in the game pre-dlc.

I'm probably going to start off with a simple glitchless any% myself, but I'm curious if anyone else is crazy enough to possibly attempt an All Boss run.

Meowskivich4 years ago

Heyo, had a question about the trifecta. I was wondering if it was okay to pause the timer to take breaks between games. Like, when you exit to the main menu you can take a break there.

I ask because I am disabled and have to take frequent breaks, doing a 7+ hour run without a break just isn't doable to me.

Meowskivich6 years ago

I was just wondering, since I was planning on doing Time Trial mode to practice for All Time Stones, can I submit Time Trial times for ILs?

And regarding ILs, how come there aren't ones for special stages?

Meowskivich6 years ago

Hey, everyone. I notice that there doesn't appear to be a category for getting all the Time Stones in the game, but I did a run earlier where I did just that.

(video moved down below and potentially replaced once a better time is reached) Got somewhere around 1:15:55, not going to bother checking the exact time since I goofed up my splits a few times, and I'm just going to get better anyways.

I aim to do a run with tails later this week, I'll probably edit this post or something when I complete it. Anyways, take care. Just felt like sharing my run.

Edit: PB Sonic ATS - 50:59.94

PB Tails ATS - 43:50.82

Despatche, MetalVolt そして 2 その他 これを好き
Meowskivich6 years ago

Considering there are no rules for the category, I'm mostly concerned if "All Stages" includes the post-game hell stage where you fight Dracula. And if not, do you have to actually enter the secret village or not?

Meowskivich6 years ago

So, I was curious what exactly the rules are about, say, announcing when you're going to stream here is like. I have the itch to stream my adventures in practicing KH FM today, and would like to openly welcome anyone to slide into chat and give tips n' tricks at their discretion. So I'm curious if there's any formal way of doing that here in the forum, or perhaps just speedrun.com in general.

yujuu これを好き
Meowskivich6 years ago

So, hello, I'm Meowskivich. Crazy guy and all that. Been playing this game forever and a half, and am currently on my 271st or 272nd playthrough for getting all the library paths. So, I'm doing this route: Hero, Dark, Dark, Hero, Hero, Dark And I'm encountering the Egg Dealer as a result. Nothing special.

However... The egg dealer opened up.... with targeting itself with Missile Fever. This is, by far, the most exciting thing that has happened to me since, you know, I'm keen on completing these runs as fast as I can. I'm curious if anyone else has had this occur, and if so, if they know how to replicate it. After all, a free missile fever hit is freaking great.

Meowskivich6 years ago

So, still getting used to things here at Speedrun.com, but I noticed something odd after my 100% glitchless run was verified: It didn't show up on my runs page. After looking around a bit, I clicked the "show misc" tab and there it was. Which made me a tad confused. We have a couple redundant categories, all marbles and all bosses, that are listed as main and yet have no runs (and I personally question their existence as categories, but hey, maybe someone can explain it to me), but... 100% Glitchless IS a Misc though. At least by my logic, a 100% glitchless run shouldn't really be a Misc. category kind of run. After all, it's playing the game as intended. My question I present is really: why is this the case?

Poefred これを好き
Meowskivich6 years ago

So, I'm planning on playing this game at Level 1 with the intention of one day being good enough where I feel like I could do a solid run, and I was thinking of maybe rolling with taking the Sword and ditching the Shield. Then I got to thinking, would the extra point of magic matter too much considering I'd be eternally level 1.

So basically, I'm wondering what all anyone else who runs level 1 does, what their thoughts are, any theories, whatever.

Meowskivich6 years ago

Hey, hello, and greetings. I'm Meow "The Meowman" Meowskivich, Programmer, Game Designer, and all around cool guy. I'm a compulsive completionist, and like running through games I enjoy a few times over. After a bit of thinking about it, I've decided I actually want to get a bit more into some more serious speedrunning, seeing what sort of records I can hold with limitations I agree to.

A bit more about myself, in my spare time, in addition to playing games (video or tabletop), I enjoy watching cheesy horror films, classic movies, and the odd cartoon. I also write reviews and articles for the website Random.Access (http://randomacc.net/), covering any odd thing I feel like blathering about that day, even candles. The rest of the time, I'm usually keeping myself with creative endeavors, such as sewing plushies, drawing animations, and last but definitely not least: making games myself.

Throughout my time on this planet, I've worked on many games. Platformers and RPGs mostly, and as is the case with anyone starting on something new, they're mostly crap. However, I've improved over time, and eventually actually got hired on for a professional project one year. These days, I have a good few ideas for projects to work on, but my most current works are on "Spooky Times 2", a sequel to an old short Halloween RPG I made in...2013? Spooky Times 2, however, is more of a classic shmup/shooter/whatever you call Gradius and R-Type sorts of games. I like to blather about it on my twitter if you care to follow it at all. Most recent video on the development can be seen here, but it's still in Alpha:

With all that said, Hi and Hello to all, and I hope to get some good runs out there. Cheers. -Meow

Oxknifer これを好き
Meowskivich6 years ago

Hi, I'm Meow "The Meowman" Meowskivich, a fresh face here to speedrun.com. A friend of mine and I were thinking of taking a crack at the Glitchless 100% category and I was hoping to get some clarification on some things, just to be perfectly clear.

To post a bit from the rules, "NO glitches/skips/sequence breaks/hopes/dreams/happiness/fun allowed." Sounds legit, so I was wondering if any of the following was allowed within this or not (though I'd automatically assume not): -Grabbing the Underpants early in the coop level -In "Are you hungry tonite?", jumping off of boxes to get to one of the golden udders without needing to take the elevator to floor 1. -Also in "Are you hungry tonite?", you can make a tight jump to get upon a ledge early allowing you backdoor access to the Pp Rocket jumping section -"Poultrygeist Too", using the Bananamite to boost up to skip the ghost hunt. -"Boogie Nights", getting on top of the stack of speakers with a well timed crouch jump -Tricking the cow cube challenge in "The Good, The Bad, and The Elderly".

All of these I'd imagine are a no-go, but I might as well ask. One more thing I'd like to clear up is moving after picking up Udders, cuz some udders don't seem to stop you to begin with, and others in any playthrough I've done will sometimes stop me and sometimes not. So I'd like to get clarification on that.

Finally, in regards to the lines of "Again, runs containing "fun" will be rejected." and "NO... ...hopes/dreams/happiness/fun allowed", is this just silliness or what? Or are there some fancy glitches with these names I'm unaware of? I mean, I'm pretty deadpan, so I can make sure there's no fun allowed. -Meow

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