My thoughts, banned or not, the use of pausing when your triangulating and looking around is somewhat contrary to speedruning rsg. At least for me, rgs is all about your critical thinking, knowing what you need, how much you need, when you can leave. If you are slow making those decisions you are losing time... unless you are abusing pauses. Another skill you need is an understanding of the world generation, and using that to find lava and then a fortress, bastion, and the gold/spawners respectively. Pausing takes away from that, you are playing on a new world every time, you need to be able to spot structures as fast as possible, even with just a glance. Pausing gives you time to do ALL of this when the time has essentially stopped. If pausing is banned, it should be for the same reason that calculators are banned.
Edit, my fsg on is a 21 minute, (no video I accidentally deleted it, long story), tho I do have a sub 25 fsg with video evidence. So I'm not a top runner in ANY SENSE, but I will say this, my computer is a notebook from 2013, I dont even pause that much, I barely pause at all for chunk loading at spawn or in the nether. The wr run in amazing, but you cannot say that the pausing is for chunk loading, whether or not that is bad or not is up to you...