Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

HYPE for wristbands and lanyards :D

Babyhuehnchen これを好き
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Not a submission but a suggestion - if you're looking for another person to help out with handling game submissions and organising schedule I highly recommend JohnUK89. He handled stuff for pre-ESA and did an amazing job! :)

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

I'm sure in 2013 I enquired about it and I was told that there might be a small room or two for females or two couples but in the end we didn't bother. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly. No problem :)

Yeah I did wonder that so wasn't sure whether there would be a point in asking but just seems odd to me that the venue is booked for 3 more days after the event but none before, only on the day it starts, as I thought most people arrive at least a day before but oh well :P

It's not a problem as we've decided to have mass housing but hotel on 22nd and then 31st to get decent sleep after and before travelling :)

So we can reserve hotel rooms now? Do we have to pay on reserving/booking or when we arrive? In 2014 at Skovde we paid on departure but it might be different :P

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Hey! Don't hate me but I have some questions :P

  1. I love the idea of the dedicated dressing rooms for females. I remember a similar thing at a previous ESA but in the end we didn't bother. Back then it was offered for either all females or couples. Would couples be allowed in this one? Not an issue if not but something I'm wondering. :)

  2. Are there or will there be any photos or video tours of the venue? Previous ESA's provided photos or maps of the different rooms/areas that we had access to. Can there be something similar for this one? :)

  3. Streaming ends on 29th but venue is open until 1st? So 3 more days? How much bonus are you guys planning? XD We plan to go from 22nd to 1st but it says mass housing is available from 23rd. Is it not possible from 22nd?

Right now we're not sure whether to go with mass housing or hotel. There's a big price difference since mass housing would be around £32 each while the hotel room would be £520 for both of us. I love the fact that mass housing is in the same place so no reason to leave :D I'm so lazy. :) I'm just wondering how much privacy might be available at mass housing. In 2013 the mass housing had some hiding holes and corners but I guess it depends on how the room is laid out but I imagine with it being an arena its just one big open square hall?

Finally.. HYPE! :D

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz8 years ago

Well Sly 1 might not be on the green confirmed list but its not on the red list so it could get in, I really hope it does, I want to see it! I also hope Heinki's Deux Ex: HR gets a slot too. :)

mikl これを好き
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

I don't really have much to say since I wasn't there but stream seemed fine, both visual and audio seemed fine despite the odd hiccup and of course noise from main stage but it couldn't be helped.

I was just wondering about the amount of times per year. I think 3 would be too much especially with ESA in the middle of the year. I don't know how many people know about my idea of EGGS but if (and a big if) it ever happens then that could be in April, then ESA in August, then maybe whatever-this-speedrun-event-is-called at Winter Insomnia in December? So its all spread out?

Whatever happens, I'm looking forward to other events, if you need any help organising or promoting let me know :)

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

Just to add to the post above from Joshimuz, Ash did post about coming but didn't say his real name so we don't know if he's been added or not. It'll suck if he gets there and has to pay so if he can be added at the last minute that'll be great. His name is Ashley Butterfield. Thanks.

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

For those wondering how to get from central Coventry to the arena, I looked into taxi's back when I was planning on going and I was told it would be around £10 so maybe get one of those big luggage/airport/disabled ones and share? I would say Ash could maybe pick you up when him and Josh arrive in Coventry but I don't know for sure when it'll be, probably sometime around 2pm?

スレッド: Talk
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

Thanks to anyone and everyone who saw this post, went on the game's page and voted yes because it's being green lit! It's such a big thing and great achievement for his friend. The game was only uploaded 6 days ago yet on day 2 it reached rank 50 out of 1600, day 3 it reached 20, day 5 it reached 13 and day 6 (today) it got the go ahead! BIG thanks to y'all! <3

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

Also. I'd like to know if wayno717 can go for free or not? He's not planning on running anything but wants to come to the speedrun event. I've no idea if he can help out at all such as tech or anything but maybe he can. He just doesn't know if he needs to or can afford a ticket. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks!

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

Name: Joshua Edwards Games: RDR Any% - WR 5:04:52 - Estimate 5:20:00 - Video RDR: UN Any% - WR 1:08:28 - Estimate 1:20:00 - Video

I'm pretty sure that I'm not going. I want to and technically can but I don't think my health will allow me, or at least let me enjoy it as I'm having severe back and abdominal problems which make it difficult for me to sit down or be comfortable in general, so I'll be in pain or moan a lot on normal seats so I'll either be grumpy at the arena or bored staying at the tent, plus my mental health will go haywire with the amount of people at the event as I have social anxiety. If you want to put me down as a maybe just in case things change then my name is Emma Winters, but it's most likely a no.

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

[quote]I won't be able to attend, Suzy is hospitalised and she will have to stay there for a few weeks. Sorry[/quote]

OMG bangerra is she okay? :/ Can you tell her I said hello and I hope she gets better soon? :(

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

[quote]Anybody wouldn't happen to have a spare tent they could lend me for the weekend / space in their tent? I'm now planning to fly over and it would be very cost prohibitive to bring a tent over[/quote]

There's a high chance that I'm not going, but Josh's mum has bought him a 4 man tent which we were going to use for Insomnia. He'll still take it of course but if I'm not going then there's room in it so I'm sure you can share the tent with him tdawg. :)

スレッド: Talk
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

Yeah, so maybe it is speedrunable. I mean as long as there's a start and finish there's a way to speedrun it surely. :P

スレッド: Talk
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

Haha! Who knows! We'll only know if we can get this baby greenlit so we can get it! :D

スレッド: Talk
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

Hello speedrunners and gamers!

Can I talk a minute of your time?

A friend of mine has been working on an interesting and cool looking game which needs to get greenlit! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=497670939 Please help him and his team!

Check it out, click "yes", bookmark it, the lot!

They need as many as they can get so I thought I'd post on here. Hope that's okay and people can help!


Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

[quote]Despite being a Marvel superhero game, I really enjoyed playing this.[/quote]

What's wrong with that? D: You not like Marvel or are Marvel games bad? I haven't played any yet myself. Although I guess its because you're into Batman so you're more DC? :P

Also is that overlay supposed to spell hype as "hpye" XD

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

OMG so it is! I was the same as Henneko, I was looking for a hyperlink or something. I feel so stupid. Thank you for that. I'll send an email soon. :)

Joee これを好き
Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

I've noticed people mentioning a document? I'm probably just being blind or stupid, or both, but where is it? I haven't seen a link to a document. Can someone link me to it? I also wish to email Flicky.

Hampshire, EnglandKitteamuz9 years ago

@tdawg91 not sure why we'd have to do that? Do you mean put them up and down each night? I bloody hope not :( That'll be a nightmare! I doubt that would happen since not everyone will go to sleep at night as its a 24 hour event so some will go at different times. Right?

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