Hello, it appears as if I have been banned from the Destiny 2 speedrunning Discord. When I tried to join it, it said "invalid invite link." I am wondering if I may be unbanned.
Sorry for not approving your runs. Slipped my mind
I would like these two to also have a separate category to run. Just a thought, anyone else agree?
Hello, I was wondering if I were allowed to post a run using Nintendon't and a rom of Mario Party 6 on my wii. I have a physical copy but the disc is scratched so it cannot be read so I was wondering if any runs that I post would be legit. Thanks for reading.
Edit: Just checked the "submit run" tab and emulators are allowed.
Is there a Discord group for this game?
If you need an extra mod I wouldn't mind taking the position.
Here is the link for the Hulk Discord: https://discord.gg/x67dEeA
Please consider joining if you are a runner of this game.
I have updated the Individual Levels leader board. Please check them out when possible, I also need some moderators for this game. I am back on the site now so submit runs and I'll verify them if they are legit.
If the records CAN be beaten without the SRL helmet, then yes merge them.
If you have any comments, concerns, questions, complaints, or suggestions about the mod(s) or the game then please post them here.
Okay, rules for "Getting to # of waves as fast as you can mode" No hacking or modding or cheating in any way or form. Glitching is allowed. As for the "buy every single gun at the gun terminal" these are the rules: You have to buy every single weapon from each class in the terminal. The order doesn't matter, just find a way to keep track of which guns you bought. Also I made up a new mode "Buy everything" In this you have to buy every single thing ranging from weapons, perks, and kill streaks. ¤¤¤Rules for all 3 modes:¤¤¤ Co-op play is allowed, but you should also make a solo tab for the speedruns. No hacking or modding or cheating. Is that good enough, Havii? :)
Some people play this game on the WiiU, so I suggest that WiiU gets added. :)