Minnesota, USAHelix1 year ago

Many great points have already been made as to why the new time requirement is unacceptable, and I want to add to these by specifically pointing out a couple flaws with the "reduces moderation work" argument:

  1. If the game is really that popular, it shouldn't be difficult to find more verifiers capable of helping keep up with the workload.

  2. This rule only saves significant time if moderators watch the entirety of every run, which is not necessary. I understand checking that time is started and ended correctly, as well as checking key points in the run, but slower runs do not need the same level of scrutiny as top runs. Nobody is going to cheat a slower time, and therefore, your new rule only punishes legitimate runners (regardless of whether you consider them "casual" or not).

UNHchabo, TooManyThings そして 6 その他 これを好き
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

I'm in favor- I know a couple people who tried to learn this game after my GDQ run who hit a wall with menu storage and stopped playing.

スレッド: Project M
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

oh i didn't even know this lol i'll resubmit with that time

SSK これを好き
スレッド: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

@LukeSaward you don't even run this game what are you doing

who polices necroposting on src for a game they don't run or moderate? who polices necroposting at all?

i assume you're just here to be antagonistic

edit: i got blocked immediately after posting this

AntBlueR, grnts そして 7 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

I know I'm far from the first person to say it, but in hopes that site staff see it, I'm adding my voice to the criticism about ads, because this is honestly ridiculous. I understand wanting to place ads on a free website. I can deal with a banner ad or two, but the amount of ads right now is absurd. I'm just gonna avoid going to the site if this is what I'm greeted with every time. I'm not asking you to remove ads entirely because I know that won't happen, but please just tone it down.

Meta, Wrap そして 7 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Sonic Generations
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

I am currently in the process of learning Any%, but noticed the "All Modern Stages" and "All Classic Stages" categories. I was wondering if there would be any interest creating a new category that combines the two. I already plan to run something akin to this as practice for Any% (regardless of if this category is actually added or not). I realize this would essentially be Any% without the bosses, minibosses, and missions, but I believe that makes a significant difference. This category would be more digestible than Any%, may be more enjoyable for some runners, and I think it would have the potential to bring in new runners and do well at marathons, especially if given legitimacy by being added to the leaderboards. Let me know what y'all think.

hert76, NillyTheDog そして 3 その他 これを好き
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

I'd probably look into running PAL if this happened

スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

So now I have a new question

Why can't we report users and forum posts???

スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

More good changes. Comments in general still need to be opt-in, though. Without that, you'll still have the problem of games with inactive runners/mods being spammed with hate speech/NSFW content, which is unacceptable.

I'm also going to echo the feedback of reverting the dropdown subcategory menu back to what it was before. I've seen firsthand that the dropdown menu is confusing people (even me on some games I moderate), and hiding categories that the community wants visible.

Ivory, YUMmy_Bacon5 そして 10 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

Great changes overall, but we're still missing some things.

Comments should really be opt-in, because, like amyrlinn mentioned, people will simply find communities with inactive runners and moderators to post their hate speech and/or NSFW content under.

Additionally, supermods need a comments enabled/disabled toggle for their games. Without that, you're essentially forcing us to moderate a feature that most of us don't want and didn't ask for. Reminder that we're not being paid for this.

Runners should have an option to turn notifications on for comments, because most of us, like Pear, will not manually check all of our runs.

Comments posted before this update should be wiped, as skyweiss mentioned.

And just in general, where's the communication regarding this? As far as I know, we have yet to hear a specific reason why comments were implemented, especially with no warning. This is greatly damaging the already-wavering trust the community had in Elo, and I'm watching a growing number of people pack up and leave the site.

Edit: The "games followed" statistic should also be opt-in, not opt-out.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Kailaria そして 12 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say that it has been sufficiently proven that comments do not belong on speedrun.com.

Elo, if you're still listening, please get some beta testers and actually run site changes by users before implementing them. (I feel especially bad right now for the programmers who have to work very hard to address these urgent issues immediately, because this was all implemented with zero warning or beta testing.) You want to do right by the community, do you not? Act like it.

Quivico, discranola そして 8 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

Comments should really be disabled until these changes can be pushed. Ideally, they're disabled permanently. I think it's pretty clear now that comments do not belong on this website.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Pear そして 8 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

Elo/SRC staff, y'all need to do something about comments, like, yesterday. Spam is one thing, but this has also created a big opportunity for relatively unmoderated harassment, and the fact that images and videos can be embedded means people are posting straight up NSFW stuff.

The only way we can moderate this is by:

  1. Actually looking at it in the first place, which is an issue for larger communities who can't possibly keep tabs on the comments of every single run (not to mention that we're volunteer moderators who have actual lives outside of this, and we shouldn't be expected to consistently subject ourselves to whatever we may find in these comments).
  2. Deleting and reporting the comment, in which case the commenter in question can just post again until someone finally reviews the report and takes appropriate action.

As I'm sure you're aware, there are quite a few minors on this website, who may now be unwittingly subjected to... 18+ content, potentially in the comments of their own run(s). Shut this down ASAP, and give us an option to disable comments for our runs and the games that we moderate, as well as the ability to ban users from commenting. Personally, I'm not sure automatically embedding images/videos is a great idea either. Alternatively, just remove comments entirely; this is a disaster.

Edit: Wait, apparently the commenter has the power to restore their deleted comments? Yeah, this is a complete and utter failure. Do something about it, now. People are leaving the site because of this, and I think it may be a legal issue as well.

Edit 2: I have direct confirmation that Elo staff are aware of this, especially the legal issue bit. Here's hoping changes are made quickly.

Otterstone_Gamer, discranola そして 24 その他 これを好き
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

I was viewing the leaderboards and noticed that there isn't a variable for digital or physical game version. Given the large difference in load times, it seems like a useful thing to add. This variable would allow people to better gauge a player's skill level (which would be particularly helpful for marathon organizers like myself), and, of course, allow runners to more easily compare their times with those on the same version of the game.

KillerForce, starsmiley そして 4 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

It's cool to see a lot of the stats on the new profile page, but yeah, it shows way more than it necessary. Total runs, run time, number of runs per game, etc? Cool! But people don't need to see how many times I've visited a page or how many likes I've given/received on comments.

Gaming_64 そして Ivory これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix2 years ago

The font is too small; make it like 1px larger and this would look much better imo.

Also, please remove comments. It's a cool idea in theory, but I don't think it's appropriate for a leaderboard website, and this is now a discussion space under every single run that volunteer moderators must monitor. At the very least, please allow users to opt out of comments on their runs, and allow supermods to turn it off for their games.

Gaming_64, P3RL そして 17 その他 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Minnesota, USAHelix3 years ago

I'm not sure why marathons appear in the Mod Hub... Mine is cluttered with a bunch of marathons I helped organize years ago. Even if they were current, I don't know what the use in having them there is.

スレッド: Project M
Minnesota, USAHelix6 years ago

I didn't see this, sorry!

Yes, that's allowed.

スレッド: Project M
Minnesota, USAHelix6 years ago

Last night, I had a really silly idea. Play through all the co-op events by myself. It's possible, and I plan to do runs of it soon, so I added it as a miscellaneous category on our leaderboards.

More misc. categories will likely be added in the future, including Subspace Emissary Debug% (abusing debug mode in Subspace to play as Sonic, Giga Bowser, etc), and a category just for the Great Maze (because I've had requests for that).

That's all. Hope you enjoy the new categories!

スレッド: Project M
Minnesota, USAHelix6 years ago

Done; that was a lot less work than I thought it'd be. Because of the way I had to do it, this change is already partially implemented for All-Star, Co-op Boss Battles, and Co-op All-Star as well. Eventually, I'll fully implement it for those categories by actually going and looking at in-game times for every run, but I won't put a timeframe on that right now.

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