Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

Those people can feel free to run the original game then with it's semi-random RNG and submit their runs to the respective category where also all already existing runs will be stored.

For races I guess it shouldn't make that much of a difference. For races, the Main priority isn't competition anyway but rather to have fun with All the participants together.

m13 これを好き
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

@Grig burn the modded ISO then. There are was to play those on a real ps2 as far as I know. Or just run the category where the old nö manip runs are located.

I actually like the Suggestion of arkild, despite we need to play on a modified ISO there. This would feel like the "Real" nö manip to me, since this really prevent you from manipping (unless you are a TAS bot) intentionally or even unintentionally. I always thought during duels of no manip races things like "is it good to wait another turn here?" "will that GS advantage grant me Dragon Treasure" Or stuff like "a few more random sorts might have given me ez modo" That would be history with that ISO.

I highly doubt this will be a reason since speedrunners are somehow allergic to modified Isos and the history reminds us why we should be... However if this Method really should come though, then I would only do no manip races on that specific iso since that would be the way to ensure pure randomness. And I would appreciate everyone who would use that aswell. The Real no manip way of playing.

Btw. I also think if very rare cases (for example getting exodia'd bei heishin 2) would happen more often on such an iso, since the RNG advances way more than on the regular game and we might Hit seeds this way which we would Hit waaaay later in the Real game. Does that make sense?

Arkild これを好き
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

For my Taste we should remove any% in it's whole because no matter if Card duplication or pocketstation, the runner has to use Additional Hardware like multiple memory cards or said pocketstation. That this is official Hardware, I don't care.

However I can see that runners don't want their current runs to be removed so please move that category to misc where nobody will click on it for the next forty years.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

No it should not be misc but this is because I prefer sub categories anyway

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

Alright, so finally my opinion about all this. First of all, it is not easy for me to answer this question(s) because it is quite complicated since there are so many ways how you can run this game. (also, I am on mobile so please forgive me any typos or capitilisation mistakes - german autocorrect is a mess)

I am not for a Split between manip and no manip for already mentioned reasons. (rules are hard to define, it is the same run contest wise, how should we tell nobody used manip etc.)

I also think that the current System works quite Well. I like the manip flag since you can Filter the leaderboard however you like with that. Too many sub categories can Look very confusing, too. But the flag helps us to differ between the runs without creating 4 hectodecillion different categories. So what I would do if I were the sole Moderator of this game would be to keep the RNG manip flag but also add it to other categories which are in need of that! Which would be 100%, no THTD, World Tournament, New Game + probably aswell since you can still manip for easy modes. I hope I did not forget a category.

Any% is something different I will refer to in it's own thread.

But yeah, imo there was Never a Problem with the current System besides that the flag doesn't exist for All categories. There is no need to fix something. Manip runners will still do manip runs and no manip runners can still do their no manip runs and compare them to themselves thanks to the fantastic manip flag. Just Look at a3r1uS. He has his opinion and will Never do anything which has to do with manip in the slightest, but He always kept going with his no manip runs without complaining, as far as I know.

I think a separate category for no manip might raise the probability of runners who are capable of manip to take the "challenge" and try to sneak in a manip run on the no manip category just to prove that you can't ensure that no manip is used. I Personally wouldn't do it and actually submit but I can still imagine me trying that out for science. Anyway enough of that, but I hope you get what I was trying to explain...

Oh yeah. If the Split happens nonetheless I would like to See any% no CD no manip as the only "no manip category" and appreciate it if the Rest stays together since splitting every category in manip and no manip would be Overkill for my Taste. In other words, RNG manip should be allowed in every category besodes any% no CD no manip..

Also keep in mind that what ever solution takes effect, races are completely independent so don't worry if you think the races would Change in any way.

I also agree with Spectre in that far that the rules need a better wording. Every category, not just any% no CD.

スレッド: Talk
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

Once again: those mistakes can still be found afterwards. Good mods should be aware of what happens on their leaderboard, so they would find those mistakes, if they happen. Also when it comes to very long runs, then there is a high chance that they won't even watch the VOD in the first place. (Don't tell me you watch every 4 hour video which you are verifying, I'd assume that you are lying) I don't really see why I should wait for them to press the verify button when I can do it myself aswell. Especially when the chance is low that they do any actual verifiying besides maybe checking if the given time and the time in the VOD match up. (which is a thing they can still do after my self-verification if they want to be sure)

Pro tip no matter if you are a moderator or not: Double check if you're submission details are correct! This saves the moderators some work and if you are the moderator yourself then it makes sure that your leaderboard is in a good state and you don't have to correct your own mistake after someone else pointed it out to you.

I think the opinions on self-verification might be a bit too nitpicky. Especially when I see leaderboards which have real timing issues, don't require video proof or "no rules have been defined" etc. stuff like that annoys me honestly. If someone verifies his own run - who cares. I can still look over it myself and PM a mod for example, write in the forums, stuff like that. I don't even need to be mod for that game just to point that mistake out. If there are people who refuse to correct that mistake, then yes that would be bad moderation, however it is not the fault of auto-verification. If you don't do mistakes or at least correct them afterwards, I don't see any negative aspects of self-verification, unless that people with trust issues could think his run is spliced or something. (Which, oh wonder, could still be the case even if someone else verified the run).

Rubyn そして carlduff これを好き
スレッド: Talk
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

I don't see the point when you say self-verification is not okay. I sometimes do this just to save other mods the work. Because I know that my run is fully legit. If there is any doubt, though, other mods still have the right to check out my video footage and proof me wrong and if that should happen, reject the run on their own. Of course I am strictly against self-verication when it is to try to slide a fake run in there. But the other mods would find out eventually, anyway. Whoever tries to cheat like this shouldn't be a mod in the first place anyway, so measurements would need to be taken, no matter if he did self-verification or let other mods find out directly. Also, a properly spliced run for example would get through the verification of the other mod anyway, unless the creator wasn't carefull while splicing. Therefore you should still watch out if something seems suspicious, no matter who verified the run.

carlduff そして Cuttyflame これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago


best flash game ever maid, go ahead and get into it

スレッド: Talk
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

we can save all those speedrun.com updates by just moving the leaderboards over to facebook. Kappa

TheKombatKing, Julz そして 7 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Talk
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

It has been stated a lot already but here is my opinion. If there is no video, it did not happen. This is how I see it. Of course it might be that it happened but you just did not record it. But if that is the case, please don't submit this to any leaderboard. Even if it is about a casual time, we try to rank people by how fast they completed the game. We can only do this in a fair matter if all runs have been recorded. If you don't have video proof, fine, you can still tell everyone about it but please for god's sake, do not submit it to any leaderboard.

It is 2018. Everyone has a cam or some shit, there is free recording software for the PC and the cheapest capture cards for console are like 15$ or something. No excuses please.

Before someone tries to shoot at me. Yes, I have like two or three runs without video evidence, however those are abysmal times on games I don't run seriously and if a global rule would occur, which states that every run on this site needs to have video evidence, I would be so happy and I would gladly delete those few runs of mine which don't have proof.

Alayan, ShikenNuggets, そして paintophobia これを好き
スレッド: Talk
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

I am pretty sure that one day I won't have a favourite game anymore because I speedran all of them. This is not the case yet but ultimately this is what I'm working towards.

blueYOSHI そして Julz これを好き
スレッド: Talk
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

Sounds like a terrible idea to me. I can only speak for my own discord server but I know many people who are very interested in the stuff I do but they rarely post anything. Because they are shy or too lazy or maybe they don't know what they should even talk about. Like the people who watch your stream but just in lurking mode. You wouldn't want to kick those viewers from your stream either. Many people are also in many discord servers so it can be hard to catch up with everything. I agree that taking some actions so that your discord server is appealing and interesting to everyone is the right thing to do. But if I would get kicked from a server just for not being active for x days, I would probably never join again because I would feel pretty.. excluded, like totally driven away by the server owner. I am sure that sooner or later most people who are in so many servers that they can't keep up with it anymore, they will leave those servers which they don't follow at all anymore by themselves.

Symystery, Sklitterbeer そして 6 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

Do not ever put too much pressure on yourself

Hako これを好き
スレッド: Digimon World 3
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

I guess this is a good opportunity to link to our "Digimon Speedrunning Community" on discord: https://discord.gg/yprMQMT

If you don't have discord, it might be worth a shot getting it. It offers text and voice chat and you can even use it in your browser without downloading stuff! We have a text channel for pretty much every Digimon game out there and the one for Digimon World 3 mainly consists of veeshadow giving updates of his routing or me telling everyone that I'm live with attempts :D

スレッド: Digimon World 3
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

Checking the 1st place run is always a good idea :D I don't think anyone has ever tried the magic route. At least not that I know of, so no clue how that might work out. But I honestly can't imagine it being more consistent than the physical attackers. However veeshadow is right now fiddling around with including the spirit stat in the route. Mainly to reduce magical damage we conceide from opponents in the late game. Yeah 10 TP is the better idea in general, however I want to spend all the TP at that point because I want to have as high speed as possible against MasterTyrannomon so that we get the double turn. The multi crest is a good item in general but it wouldn't be more useful than the Counter Crest. In the mid to end game we deal most of the damage just by countering. And since only one crest item can have it's effect active, we of course go with the counter crest. :)

スレッド: Digimon World 3
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

Hey, welcome! :)

Nice to see new people interested in the run! First of, please use ePSXe 1.9 and no other version! Otherwise your run might get rejected because the loading times differ a lot on the other emulator versions, also the newer ones.

About the game version, yes running the EU version would be allowed technically. However it's not recommended at all. Not only because the US version runs faster but also because the Counter Crest does not work with a 100% chance in the EU version. In the US version it does - means it counters every physical attack each time you get hit, no matter what. This is crucial to the run, so running the EU version would give you lots of trouble probably.

I hope you'll have fun with the game / speedrun. If you have any more questions feel free to ask right away. :)

スレッド: Speedrunning
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

I bought the eazycap for ~10$ and it still does a good job. no need to spend a good amount of money if you just want to submit runs imo

スレッド: Talk
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

definately need a voltage converter for ps2. howerver I had it the other way around and I needed to get one, otherwise my ntsc ps2 would have been fried by the mighty PAL voltage.

so you probably need a converter from 120V to 220V.

also there are games with faster PAL versions? what is this dude

スレッド: Speedrunning
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

"if that isn't enough, just start sleeping onstream."

hashtag narcissawrightstrats

edit: quick reminder to myself to never use hashtags on src

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyHdot126 years ago

very good to know, wasn't even aware that the US version is faster than JAP. Thanks for clearing that out!

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