Here's a trick to skip a whole shipdeck in Memory 3. Found some time ago but never posted it here.
Hey, here's a new skip I found in Memory 10. It saves 3 seconds when it works, but it's a very risky jump that needs perfect precision.
You can skip the camera movement showing the way by climbing over the trigger in Memory 8.
In the lab in Memory 9 I found the following glitch.
It seems to only work right after restarting the checkpoint. Use the winch immediately after you hide in the hiding spot. Hold it first to go in the air, then mash until you fall out of the hiding spot. You are now invisible. Using triangle (Helix dash) is not needed where I used it in the video.
Like the Grapple Hook, you can skip the Sword & the Gear using the Helix Blend Glitch.
Same here: I found no way to progress in the level as you need a smokebomb after that.
You can Skip getting the Grapple Hook by using the Helix Blend Glitch in Memory 8.
Havent found a way to progress in the level after that, as you need the Grapple hook, tho.
Hey, Unless I still dont get how to do it correctly, the Rocket Clip seems to be patched out in the PS4 version. I tried it many times in many rooms, but never got it (not even randomly). Is there someone who was able to do it?