スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

if you're going to sperg out this fucking hard because you intentionally went against the principle of a category just to abuse a slight miswording in the rules of a category; when I'm sure you yourself knew that you were going against the idea of low%, and thus breaking the rules; in essence; then to be honest, I don't want you anywhere near the boards for this game anyway.

I don't speak on behalf of the mod team (I'm not even a member), but I love this game and its speedruns; and I'm more than happy for attention-seeking drama-whores like you to stay as far away from it as possible.

Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

I can't pretend to know much about the orbless runs of today, but I highly doubt gnawing lurkers is any kind of fast, still, impressive find

hsblue これを好き
スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

going to back up unwary on this one, how can you claim it to be a low% run if you don't complete it with the smallest possible health bar?

スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

hey you're the reason I found it :P . I watched the vod where you were testing stuff with hydra, and how close you were getting just gave me the idea of using a longer string like nirrti. Something I was meaning to try out was doing the forward x combo you were using, then switching to a blade of nirrti at the end, or something like that, but I haven't got around to it.

スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

as I've always said, I think IGT should definitely be displayed on the leaderboards, but RTA should be what determines leaderboard positions. IE. if someone has a 1:49:51 IGT and 1:59:51 RTA, and someone else has a 1:49:49 IGT but a 1:59:53 RTA (just as an example), the former should be the one to have the higher leaderboard position.

I don't think there's any problem with displaying the IGT on the leaderboards, even with this being known, as long as it isn't the primary timing method used by the boards to allocate lb positions.

ShuriBear そして esfrenchie09 これを好き
スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

small update, I've done further testing and found a faster, less resource intensive 1 cycle, needs further testing by someone better than me, but it seems pretty lenient from what I can tell, I also have a video where I explain everything I've found to the best of my ability, but it's like 20 minutes long because of how long it took me to press the right buttons and get it to work, so I need to edit it a bit, and it'll take a while to upload. Will edit this post with a link when I have one.

EDIT: didn't cut video, can't find good free editing software on newish computer, will try to make timestamps when possible, but once it uploads, it should be here

Will finish in about 36 minutes apparently, most important info (demonstration of strat) is at the end. and even with me taking a bit of time to explain, and being slow in general, it was a 68 on the karma window timer.

スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

I found a 1 cycle, got a really shoddy clip of it on twitch with my bad australian bitrate, and explained myself really badly and said like at least 3 wrong things afterwards; if people want I can local record it at some point, just so I can get something a bit higher quality.

JTB123, ShuriBear そして 2 その他 これを好き
スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

and I'm guessing that's without celerity? Since you're against scarabs? Cheers.

スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

I don't think saving should be banned, I just think that if we want to use IGT as the primary timing method, they should be (as in if you save, your IGT time isn't counted, only your RTA) and/or RTA should determine leaderboard positions for the most part (although I'm open to cases where say someone has really slow loads for no good reason, and their IGT beats WR by a minute, but RTA they're 2 seconds slower, or something)

スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

oh there's a way to use it for that? huh, is there a video or a forum or something I can head to, to read up on that?

スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

fwiw, I am 100% for the leaderboards having both ingame time, and real time displayed, I think the leaderboard positions should be based on RTA time, since dying and loading a save loses no time on the end timer and etc., but for comparison's sake, I think it makes the leaderboards look a lot nicer, especially when I feel like there are at least a few people who value IGT more in this game.

esfrenchie09 そして ShuriBear これを好き
スレッド: Ninja Gaiden Black
Victoria, AustraliaGrig5 years ago

there is a reason to turn off the karma window at a very specific point later on in the run, being the second time you do the pill bug room after awakened alma, and it doesn't give you a fight timer/killcounts/etc. because that's the second time you've done that fight or whatever. I generally turn it off, because the hit counter generally tells me how many I've killed with each attack, allowing me to know how much essence I want to absorb before charging another UT. optimally I guess it wouldn't really matter since you shouldn't need much essence before the final shop for any reason other than to buy recovery items, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

EDIT: Also helps me know how many spawns I can wait for if I want to try to go for full room clears and such, since I generally judge that based off of audio, and I don't even really know how many can be in the room at once. I know you can also just look at how many you've hit, but I'm bad at judging that sort of thing, and sometimes you'll kill with the very edge of your hitbox and not realise it. Idk I guess it's a very minor thing, and if it was made a set in stone rule that the karma window had to be on absolutely everywhere, of course I'd just leave it on for that, but it'd be a minor nuisance to me.

Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

so someone pointed out that my math was incorrect (I missed one dragon drop on both isis and pegasus BCD), so I updated the sheets on googledocs, link should be the same, and here are the HTML and ODS files, for anyone who wanted something more accurate, my bad. This was never intended to be the be all and end all anyway, I'm glad that people are doing their own research, and that was really the point of this to begin with.

HTML: https://mega.nz/#!ulJDASwa!PKTJBGoVUXCCULYBMofSW-r4Ljo4TPeRD9699WnRbi8

ODS: https://mega.nz/#!P9IDzY7C!wdgTawsleJYFs9vh2r5r53HMrTu7dOTAUdQDEofl8Hw

Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

So, Essentially I've been bothered for quite a while by the fact that everyone just farms the same things for the most part (IE. spend 5 hours on ISIS and get fuck all), and the only real resource we have for looking up drop chances is TEA, so I took it upon myself to compile data from TEA for the duels that I considered worth looking at in the farming phases specifically into a more digestible spreadsheet.

This is by no means saying that farming something outside of this spreadsheet is bad, or that the numbers mean you HAVE to farm a certain way, but I think it's useful information to have, and may help some of the newer people in terms of knowing where to go and what to do.

Below are links to the html spreadsheet, which I find to be the easiest way to read it, and the original ods file in case anyone wanted to edit the formatting, or do their own research on other duels and add to it. Hope this helps someone, peace.

P.S. Here is a google doc I just decided to throw up as well, since I know a lot of people love those.


GenericMadScientist これを好き
Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

@GFC as far as I can tell everyone seems to be on board with moving CD to misc, I'd say it'd be a good idea to rename it to something like Any% (Trading) or something along those lines to make it clear that it's the only category in which trading between memory cards is allowed, or something along those lines, and just go ahead and move it, the leaderboards will look a lot cleaner with only one Any% category in the main lineup, which could just be renamed to "Any%" the way I see it.

I know there's still a bunch of other stuff going on rn, but having the leaderboards change in this way would probably help that discussion along the way I see it.

Feel free to chat with other mods and/or tell me why I'm wrong if that's the case, but I see no disadvantage to just moving ahead with this for now.

Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

don't get me wrong, I don't take issue with there being a mod made for this kinda thing, and people running it if they want to. What I take issue with is the suggestion that no RNG manip runs be primarily done on not only unofficial hardware, but unofficial fucking software as well. The thought of it is beyond fucking stupid. Let's just fucking make the most active category of a game into a gigantic fucking meme for all of the speedrunning community to laugh at, great idea guys, great idea.

Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

and what about people who don't want to pay 50 dollars or some shit to mod their ps2 to run a fucking illegal copy of a game they already own?

Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

This will be my last post here, and this transcends everything else I've written, so read up.

I'm completely sick of this discussion, sick of the RNG manipulators' rhetoric, sick of pie's claims that a change to an arbitrary spreadsheet on a website that never used to exist will somehow make people want to play a game, sick of the drama, sick of fucking everything.

My vote goes to keeping the boards the same for the simple fact that I couldn't be bothered dealing with this anymore, and let it be known that if I'm forced to play on an emulator to get onto a leaderboard in a speedrun, I fully intend to boycott said leaderboards entirely, emulator shouldn't be allowed for speedruns in the first place, so the thought of it being a requirement is a fucking joke.

MrDevious これを好き
Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

I'm completely against this idea, I orginally suggested the modded iso thing as a meme. I'm not playing any video game on emulator if I have the choice

Victoria, AustraliaGrig6 years ago

right, I guess I was coming from the perspective of like, if you don't know what's in your starting deck it should be a lot harder to do manips, so we should target the deck manip first, but I guess I didn't really think about like, disguising using a tool to learn the RNG state with a BRB or something

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