スレッド: Bad Rats Show
IrelandGarguysOdin4 years ago

I assume you wont respond to this since you had the same problem in Bad rats: The rats revenge but I'm posting anyway in case of a miracle - runs 1st place to 6th place are all invalid because they don't follow the rules. The rules state "Beat the tutorial level. Timer starts when selecting the Tutorial option and ends when beating the level. " However the 6 runs in question are using the in-game timer, which ends when the button is pressed (around 20 seconds before the level is finished). The last legit run was from rias 2 years ago, please delete the rest.

TheLauchaKing これを好き
スレッド: The Site
IrelandGarguysOdin4 years ago

The two mods for Bad Rats: The Rats' Revenge are really inactive which is causing problems in terms of verification. The first mod hasn't been online for 3 months and the second hasn't been online for 2 years. The game doesn't actually require mod verification but due to their inactivity, world records are being uploaded that don't obey the rules of the categories. For example, I held the Tutorial % world record but then 2 people uploaded world records that don't cycle through all text boxes which is stated in the rules "Time ends upon dismissing the final dialogue box ("Okay, that's all for now. Enjoy playing Bad Rats!)". I posted a complaint on the forums and messaged both moderators and got no response. Since then, someone else has uploaded a invalid world record. 2 years ago an invalid run was uploaded and the moderators who were active at the time deleted it, so the same should be for these runs but there are no active mods. I would like to suggest myself as a replacement supermod - As I mentioned before i have a world record in tutorial % and I have been keeping an eye on the leaderboard for the past year.

IrelandGarguysOdin4 years ago

As of right now, the 1st and 2nd runs on tutorial % arent valid - 23s by JasonCorn and 22s by pacificostream. Rules say "Time ends upon dismissing the final dialogue box ("Okay, that's all for now. Enjoy playing Bad Rats!").", neither of them did any of the dialogue boxes, they both just closed them. Can someone delete these runs please?


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