ニュース: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire20111 months ago

Sorry everyone, but the server will be going down towards the end of March! Also forgot to mention that the IPs changed a bit ago! The North America version's IP is and the Europe version's IP is! Sorry again for the inconvenience! Thank you!

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2015 years ago

So for you new folks, we'll accept ur runs if u show us if ur actually that about that good, but if we find u guys as a hacker, then ur runs will be removed. Have Fun Building ;D

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2015 years ago

i'd say all of those spring builds should be added back, I really missed them so much

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2015 years ago

i'm friends with him dw, he has really fast clicking

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2015 years ago

In order to submit a glitched run u must tell us "glitch pb" just so we know your not submitting an old run :)

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

ahh, i'm so dumb, thx Loy btw

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

oh, ur offline....……..

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

ok, I shall join

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

:)- 9.8 1 lonely iron- 6.9 1 more skull- 4.5 1v1- 13.1 2 points- 6.3 2 spooky 4 me- 8.9 3 shades of gray- 7.9 A hedge maze 4 ants- 4.9 Abstract Art- 8.4 Adopt a wolf- 11.5 Alien attack- 13.6 Alien ship- 4.8 All hail lord bawk bawk- 4.9 American flag- 5.9 American football- 4.3 Anchor- 6.7 Ancient chest opening- 5.3 Anubis loved minecraft- 10.2 Are you dinnerbone?- 16.7 Arrow- 3.9 Balancing Act- 9.4 Bales of hay- 13.3 Bandits camp- 13.9 Bawk Bawk Bawk- 7.2 Beach volleyball- 6.2 Bedroom- 5.4 Bee nectar- 6.3 Big blue orchid- 9.0 Big boy track- 7.5 Big boy's chair- 4.9 Big keyboard- 10.9 Big ol' elephant- 8.5 Black n' yellow- 3.9 Blue orchid- 4.9 Brew this building- 10.4 bricked out- 1.8 bridge over troubled water- 9.4 Bridges- 9.0 Build with a twist- 2.8 Bunk beds- 8.3 C O L O R S- 6.8 Cake display- 8.1 Caleb the cow- 9.6 Capture the point- 16.6 Catch them all- 9.1 Cave divers dream- 7.0 Checkmate- 9.4 Christmas candy- 4.4 Clean toilet- 11.2 Cobble fortress- 10.7 Cobble wall- 9.9 Color wireframe- 8.3 Colored blocks- 4.1 Colorful squares- 6.9 Community garden- 3.6 Compass for giants- 7.2 Cooking mama- 3.7 Corner benches- 7.6 Cow chicken cow- 3.4 Coziest fireplace- 5.9 Creeper madness- 7.9 Croissant flag- 5.6 Cry me a river- 7.4 Cute gerbil- 6.0 Daffodil for the lady- 5.9 Dark meat anyone- 4.8 Day before mondae- 9.0 Dead bush- 6.0 Delicious crunchy carrots- 7.6 Desert palace garden- 8.8 Desert ruins- 7.1 Diamond block- 19.2 Don't get lost!- 9.7 Don't slip on the peel- 2.9 Door ways- 9.7 Double façade- 8.3 Double, double toil and double- 11.4 Draw me face- 3.4 Draw my thing- 10.0 Dumbbells- 8.7 Dutch flag- 6.8 Eat this to spit fire- 7.9 Empty aquarium- 17.8 Empty stables- 16.7 Enchanting for giants- 9.2 End station- 6.0 Ender crystal- 9.6 Ender portal- 6.6 English flag- 5.5 Europe!- 9.0 Eye of Sauron- 7.7 Fairies umbrella- 6.1 Family of blocks- 8.8 Finish line!- 5.3 First night- 4.7 Fish outta water- 8.5 Flat cat- 8.1 Flatscreen TV- 10.1 Flower pot- 10.0 Football or soccer- 12.7 Forest peak- 7.1 Fortress fun- 2.7 Fortress spawner- 7.9 Four doors, one hut- 6.8 Front yard- 9.9 Frosty and friends times 5- 1.2 Gary the snail- 9.5 Giant's anvil- 7.0 Glass covering- 7.9 Got milk?- 12.4 Grab shell DUUDE!- 6.0 Grandma makes the best cookies- 3.3 Grandma's garden- 9.2 Green and gold- 8.5 Green ring- 9.3 HALLO, TCHUSS- 6.6 Home for horsey- 9.2 Home from school- 13.6 Homeward enderman- 2.6 Hot diggty dawg- 6.6 Hotline bling- 4.3 Hungry horse- 4.0 I do not fart rainbows- 5.4 Ice spike- 6.2 Improbable design- 4.0 Intersection- 9.2 Into the jungle- 6.7 iPhone 7 launch queen- 8.7 Ireland flag- 5.9 Iron rocket- 11.0 Isometric- 7.2 It's meant to be a pineapple? Ok- 11.7 It's easy I promise- 5.3 Its something- 9.8 Its watching you!- 7.6 It's a me Mine-A-Plex: 8.5 Journey to hell- 6.0 Jump Jump Jump- 6.0 Just keep swimming- 6.1 Kickflip- 7.9 King sized- 5.6 Kitchen sink- 3.8 Knock knock!- 11.6 Knowledge is power- 9.1 Lamp post- 5.5 Lava floor- 7.9 Legend of the mushroom-5- 2.6 Level 1-1- 7.3 Light it up!- 12.7 Lilly pad- 6.8 Logging operation- 2.3 Long road: 13.8 Master sword- 9.0 Meanwhile in snow biome- 6.7 MEOOW!- 8.7 Mesa spike- 8.5 Micro battles- 12.8 Milk, sugar, egg, and wheat- 7.5 Mine o' clock- 7.5 Mineshaft spawner- 16.2 Minos' vault- 15.9 Modernism- 14.3 Monster maze- 7.8 Mooooo- 4.2 Mozarts was a bit smaller...- 9.9 Mr. pink duck- 7.8 Mr. worms house- 6.2 Much love- 6.4 Music disc- 7.7 My name is not shaun- 8.4 My piece of the pie- 5.8 Nemo?- 3.3 Nether fortress- 16.4 Nether star- 1.9 Nether station- 5.5 Night light- 8.8 Noot Noot- 7.5 Normal rainbow- 2.7 Norwegian flag- 6.2 Nothing like a giant glass of OJ- 11.7 Oh la lollipop- 5.2 Old hub- 9.5 Old prison- 4.6 OMG nature- 5.9 Opposing corners- 7.4 Oreo! Now where is the milk- 18.1 Outlines- 7.4 Painter's van- 5.0 Park path- 7.8 Park picnic- 5.0 Patrick- 7.9 Paul the pig- 6.1 Pepperoni- 9.8 Perfect balance- 7.1 Perry- 11.5 Pew pew pew- 2.5 Picnic for two- 8.5 Pine tree- 7.7 Pink flamingo- 5.7 Podzol Podzol- 6.7 Polished path- 6.4 Pork lee- 4.5 Porky is unamused- 8.4 Pretty colors- 3.8 Pretty pyramid- 8.9 Prickly cactus- 12.7 Princess peach- 14.7 Prison cell- 10.8 Purple OCD trigger- 11.2 Purple prison- 5.8 Quack- 7.3 Rainbow!- 7.6 Rainbow pillars- 7.6 Ravine mix- 8.3 Red bull- 11.2 Red crossway- 9.6 Red fortress- 4.8 Red is heavy- 4.3 Red on blue- 4.9 Red present- 6.8 Red vs blue- 8.7 Right triangle- 3.4 Ripperino- 3.9 Rookt- 10.0 Room of enchantments- 6.6 Roses are red....- 7.4 Russian wall- 9.5 Sam and bob- 3.4 Sandy symmetry- 6.4 Santas workshop- 15.8 Seaweed dance- 5.8 Shades of warmth- 3.8 Sheep inside. Cow outside- 16.1 Shoutout to all the pear- 14.6 Shrine of death- 3.2 Simple cube- 10.6 Simple living room- 5.4 Sir inksalot- 9.8 Sky block- 8.4 Sleepy T- 5.2 Small eruption- 6.2 So bright!- 5.5 Son-Father-Grandpa- 6.3 Soul vs gravel- 4.2 South African flag- 6.9 SpongeBob- 6.8 Sprinkles makes everything better- 8.3 SSSSSSSS- 5.2 Stacked corners- 12.1 Stairs of obsidian- 1.6 Stalagmite or Stalagite?- 3.0 Sticky fingers are the worst- 6.2 Stolen nether warts- 11.0 Stone formations- 8.6 Stone tables- 12.8 Studio apartment- 5.0 Study of angles- 5.2 Such bluebird, many wow- 4.6 Sunny side up- 6.3 Sunny sunflower- 3.5 Super beacon- 16.2 Supersized piston- 16.8 Survival games- 8.9 T-rex rib cage- 5.8 Take off!- 7.2 Target practice- 6.3 That's one big carrot!- 10.0 The academic lair- 7.0 The creepiest creeper- 10.4 The door with no handle- 6.0 The egg came first- 8.5 The lone tree ranger- 8.0 The man cave- 5.1 The quest for the end- 7.0 The way up- 5.5 The wishing fountain- 4.3 The wooden throne- 4.4 They keep falling!- 4.4 This is Kevin- 6.8 This looks familiar- 12.0 Thor's hammer- 5.3 Time for dinner- 11.3 Time for war- 11.7 Tiny gladiator stadium- 10.4 Tiny sport area- 10.2 To rainbow, or not to rainbow- 3.1 Tom without jerry- 3.5 Torch- 8.8 Tower of the sheep- 9.4 Tracks to the depth- 5.0 Tranquil desert- 5.5 Tranquil lake- 5.9 Trapped wolf- 7.5 Tube socks- 13.0 Tut's tomb- 7.8 Ugly Steve- 7.4 Unamused slime- 4.5 Villager beach- 10.0 W W W W- 14.1 Wakka Wakka Wakka- 4.6 Warm igloo- 7.0 Wastelands- 4.3 Water bottle- 12.7 Water well- 8.1 Water... Water...- 6.7 Watermelon- 3.5 We found gold!- 5.9 We're rich- 6.5 WEEEE!!!- 9.5 What does the rabbit say?- 7.6 Where is the milk- 9.5 Why is the wool floating?- 2.6 Wishing fountain- 7.2 Witch habitat- 10.4 Woof! Woof!- 10.5 World wide- 4.7 XXXL armor stand- 7.7 Yarn squares- 8.8 Your celium?- 10.5 Your highness- 5.3 Beginning to Blossom- 6.0 Bloom- 8.1 Bunny basket- 11.6 Bunny borrow- 10.0 Bunny central- 3.7 Buzz- 9.2 Chickety chick- 9.9 Crazy- 8.1 Egg hunt- 2.4 Egg!- 14.7 Flower- 6.0 Goody basket of tastyness- 11.0 Grass on grass?- 8.7 Its an egg- 14.6 Mini blossoms- 5.1 New born Bunni- 9.7 Ow my eyes! -.- - 3.5 Peep- 5.4 Rushing River- 7.6 Sticky fingers are the worst....- 5.1 Tree- 6.6

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

yea I figured on Friday

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

ik man, but i just want my wrs to be showing

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

I lost 5 wrs man

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

I lost 5 wrs man

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

Pls put them back

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago


スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

I don't feel like doing the 351+ game on a weekday

スレッド: Speed Builders
Florida, USAFuriousFire2016 years ago

March 31st is fine tho

7 years ago
18 days ago
Speed Builders
Speed Builders
最終ラン 1 month ago
Speed Builders Turkey
Speed Builders Turkey
最終ラン 3 years ago
Speed Builders
Speed Builders
最終訪問 18 days ago
Speed Builders
Speed Builders
最終アクション 1 month ago