My Unreal time is now down to 48:53 and I will play more of it tomorrow. It's still not ideal but I intend to get at least a 45:xx in the next two weeks. Game is a huge amount of fun to run, basically nothing that can just make you reset.
You can find it in the Resource Hub to the left.
Here is the link to the checklist download:
Sorry, but I don't really see how it's faster than this one by Shanz (?):
Got the 2nd part done yesterday.
Please refrain yourself from pointing out the terrible mistakes I made, I know what I did. Normally I'd just trash the recording and redo it immediately, but this was already the 3rd attempt after two game crashes and I just wanted to get it done. I may just do another one in the following weeks still since I'm not happy with it at all. It should be informative nonetheless though, just SSA is difficult to explain.
Did the first part of two videos on running VC and finally got that uploaded today:
I'm hoping to be able to get part 2 done this week as well. Please give me some feedback and point out obvious mistakes so I'll at least be able to fix those with annoying annotations. I have the feeling that I forgot a bagillion things and talked way too much about irrelevant stuff, it shouldn't be too bad though. ;)
I doubt it's much faster, but it works pretty good at the Mansion and looks cool. Might be a bit too yolo for landing near Cortez, Malibu or the Tank because of lampposts/trees in the way. Extensive explanation: Hold W, D and whatever key you use to fly forward.
Another thing that has been around for a year or so, yet nobody bothered to find a really reliable setup for it even though the timesave is obvious.
How often does it work for you?