What was this emulated in that the final boss room didnt have a huge amount of lag starting?
"BAD" means the game ends before the final "Real" missions
"GOOD" means you get the non-simulation final missions. The "real" missions.
Good and Bad is how I have split Arcade games with two endings across all arcade games I moderate.
What are the conditions for entry then? The conditions will be put in the rules, if they are wrong please comment what they should be.
Utilized and https://raiden.fandom.com/wiki/Raiden_Fighters_Jet for determining conditions
What a great discovery! We definitely can make an alternate category for this setting. Thank you for posting this!
https://www.mamedev.org/ is the emulator of choice.
I believe there is only 1 version of this game per http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/dettaglio_mame.php?game_name=triplhnt&search_id=1
https://www.mamedev.org/ is the emulator of choice. Unfortunately linking the game ROM isnt allowed per SRC rules, but Pleasuredome likely has what you need.
We do not need any further moderators at this time, thank you.
Yes using an emulator is allowed. Any one that isnt in bad repute is fine, MAME is best and easiest, but I have seen some flavors like WolfMAME used for some games.
We do not need any further moderators at this time, thank you.
I just ran this game intending a true Any%, but for some reason the guy didnt fall down in the last leg of the escape, and thus I got forced into the "Good" ending.
Can we split the categories into a Good and Bad Any%?
Thank you!
Hello there,
I was wondering if it would be possible to get a 2P category?
Also I was wondering if it would be possible to open a new category for non-1CC runs? Would like to play this with my arcade partner but 1CC discourages us.
Thank you!
Categories have been split into Arcade and SNES subcategories. Looking forward to seeing the SNES run of this game!
Hello other arcade runners. Putting this here for future information. If you want to adjust difficulty, here is where to go in the DIP SWITCH Service Mode:
5th option followed by the slider on the first option seems to control Difficulty.
This game has a 2nd Loop after which you reach the true Game Over. I was wondering if we could get a 2 Loop subcategory for Arcade?
Video of a run my arcade partner and I did of the 2 Loop:
Thank you!
In general I suppose. I am a co-op player and the 1CC requirement definitely turns me away with my arcade friend, but I am sure its the same for various 1P runners too.
I am also going to enable the MS timer for all categories, and do my best to make sure its accurate during review.
Hello all,
DoritoBreath's run showed that the Atari version has a small quirk that I dont think is in the Arcade version. Namely: It is possible to hit the point limit in such a way that the point total is not immediately on the screen (at the end of a level warp)
For the purposes of clarity and ease of review, the rule on this is going to be that timer ends when the Score Total is visible on screen. If you find a way to get 50k sooner than the end of level warp, more the better on the timesave. I am looking frame by frame, so I will take the time of the first frame the total is visible.
If people disagree with this, please chime in.