Just curious, I just like how they feel I guess, but if not I can use the real minecraft luancher so
well, they might be deleted from the board, some are and some arent, just give it time, they are still on your profiles though!
they are being transferred to their subcategories at the moment
I use TLauncher because I dont have 30 dollars just lying around an my runs have been verified perfectly fine
Any runs without a video by Monday at 6 pm EST will be deleted Thank you.
Lmao we dont own the game, we just like to speedrun it Maybe if you ask the owner?
Locked from further response
Fr, a little help with that is to just hit them from the side and if they charge "go fast" away to the side
You should be fine as long as you can prove the run is legit and not spoofed.
The run is real guys, the mods have reviewed it and im sure you guys have aswell
I would like to use a pack that I have, but im afraid that my speedruns wont count if I use it. My pack dosnt give me any help or boosts either.