スレッド: 20XX
Arizona, USADagem5 years ago

Hey everyone!

Currently we're considering a category overhaul for the SRC leaderboards. One thing I'd like to do is separate out characters into their own categories, however I want to avoid having multiple empty boards if possible. Please comment what characters you would be interested in posting times.

Feel free to post in this thread with any suggestions you may have.

スレッド: 20XX
Arizona, USADagem5 years ago

I don't manage the Mega Man board site, and have only reached out to them once to try to sync the two boards up a few months ago. In addition those boards have different categories than we do. It's worth mentioning that we're considering an overhaul of categories currently so if you have any suggestions feel free to reach out to me.

Deathwysh これを好き
スレッド: 20XX
Arizona, USADagem5 years ago

They absolutely are! Regarding seperated categories: It's something we're currently considering, but are hesitant to do due to concerns about splitting leaderboards. With your post I'm definitely leaning more towards splitting.

スレッド: The Site
Arizona, USADagem5 years ago

I understand. Thanks for the extremely quick update.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Arizona, USADagem5 years ago

Hi, I'm currently a mod for 20XX. I was appointed some time ago by the current super mod, due to issues coming up in his personal life which would conflict with his duties. He has not logged on to the site in 4 months according to his profile.

In addition, a majority of current and potential runners have contacted me with dissatisfaction towards the number and type of categories for the game. I agree that many of the current categories don't really make sense, and likely need an overhaul. Due to Sabatour's inactivity, I would like to be promoted to super mod to address community concerns regarding categories.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: 20XX
Arizona, USADagem5 years ago

Currently I can not edit the Leaderboards, otherwise a number of category changes would likely have been suggested and worked through with the community. Because of this and discussion that TheFait and I have had, a google doc has been created to track and verify seeded runs. Feel free to add your runs to this document:


If for whatever reason you want to reach me, the best way is via discord. My discord username is Dagem#6415

スレッド: 20XX
Arizona, USADagem6 years ago

Here's my thoughts on the current categories:

Nina/Ace/Hawk should be separated categories. NG+ and Reverent categories are defunct and should be removed. NG+ is too inconsistent to try to run, and Reverent is literally an easier mode that is slower. In addition any "Beat the Game" run is a viable NG+ run. Low % is probably next to impossible right now as is. A better ruleset for the category would be Final Destination must be active. The big difference here you still have the option to pick up a few pieces of health, but what you have available to you isn't insanely limited. Most importantly.... we NEED a seeded category. Seeds are shown on the complete screen and as long as they're visible anyone should be able to run that seed.

Regarding item pools, it's easy to optimize an item pool and share it as a save file resource here. I personally find optimizing item pools extremely enjoyable and I'd love to see that be a thing.

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