スレッド: BeamNG.drive
RomaniaCrimsonify5 years ago

I agree with Sunnyman on this. I don't think it's fair to give yourself even a minuscule advantage via third-party-apps or mods. Either make two separate categories or add a "modded" column in the times table so new runners at least know what they're up against. Spending hours driving vanilla vehicles only to find out the top time is unbeatable without modding is beyond stupid.

スレッド: BeamNG.drive
RomaniaCrimsonify5 years ago

It's a short dash to the beach with the Baja Piccolina but you need to stay close to an AI driver. Pushing him (there's a damage limit) and overtaking him (there's gap you must stay in) are viable options to go quicker. It's a decently fine balance to strike and I find it fun as hell.

Feel free to use this run for the first benchmark time (premiering in five minutes):

スレッド: BeamNG.drive
RomaniaCrimsonify5 years ago

Yup, link's dead. Can we get a new one?

スレッド: Golf Zero
RomaniaCrimsonify6 years ago

To be honest, method two is a bit time consuming as you're going to have to add up every time from every level after completing a run. Also, I think menuing should still be timed since you can move or jump during the fade in on the beginning of each level and as the game evolves I'm sure we'll find a way to use this to save a few frames.

I propose starting the timer upon tapping the first level and stopping it when the in-game timer ends at the last level of the run. The only thing you need to do to avoid ads is to disable your phone's internet connection before opening the game. You can disable it while still in the app but that won't guarantee that an ad didn't already get downloaded upon launching the game. If slow phones are an issue then this is not a bullet-proof method...

スレッド: Golf Zero
RomaniaCrimsonify6 years ago

Hello lads, I recently picked up the game just for fun and immediately noticed it's very "runable".

I've also noticed that there are no rules in place at the moment and was wondering if anybody is working on them. I'm talking about a full-game here. I'd like to know stuff like when does the timer start, when does it end, etc.

Have a good day.

スレッド: Re-Volt
RomaniaCrimsonify7 years ago

Thanks a buch, Zaufkauf. That did actually help a lot. I'm downloading the game as we speak and I'll slowly begin practicing it. Hope my girlfriend won't mind me using her computer to stream.

Talk to you guys soon. Thanks for the warm welcome :).

607 そして Zaufkauf これを好き
スレッド: Re-Volt
RomaniaCrimsonify7 years ago

Hello, nostalgic RC drivers!

I've recently stumbled across Nerd3's "Complete" series of Re-Volt and I instantly asked myself if this game is speedran to this day. Apparently it is, so glad to see a thread here about it.

I want to start speedrunning this beauty but I wanted to ask you a few questions so here goes:

  1. What version is more suitable for a speedrun and are you aware of some minor/major differences between certain patches?

  2. Is it a good idea to always pick the fastest car of the pack? Since everybody's playing on Arcade I think that helps a lot with handling so I see no reason why you shouldn't always go for the speed demon.

  3. Has anyone timed differences between the difficulty/handling settings? It would be amazing to discover that Simulation makes certain cars faster. Just a thought.

  4. A really interesting target would be a sub-1h run. Are there any lap skips possible by damage-boosting over walls or by clipping through barriers?

  5. Where I can get a copy of the game that would be considered a legit one to run? I believe pirated versions are a no-go here.

  6. What is a good practice plan? Just practicing one cup at a time or just one race a time?

  7. How well optimized are the routes so far? Are there any races that can be significantly faster? I haven't got time yet to sit down and watch a complete run but I can imagine you people have been racing on the almost-ideal line for a while.

Thanks a bunch, hope to battle some of you on the leaderboards soon. Have a good one!

RomaniaCrimsonify8 years ago

Ok, now I have a new fucking problem with this route. I hit the first one every single time, but I started missing the crane snapshot. No matter how I adjust, I just can't get it anymore.

The CLEO thingy would help me greatly but if I can't get it working it's no hope. Any other random things that you think that might help me?

Thanks a bunch!

Havi これを好き
RomaniaCrimsonify8 years ago

I keep having trouble at the first fucking snap. Any ideas why? I seem to be pretty on point. Can somebody give me a screenshot, a little brightened up eventually, with the exact position of the first snap?

Thanks :).

Andra そして Havi これを好き
RomaniaCrimsonify8 years ago

Thanks a bunch! I'll come and cry for help here if anything goes wrong.

RomaniaCrimsonify8 years ago

Ok, I trust you, but I enjoyed learning the route today (mainly from videos). I think it's pretty cool. The only part that pisses me of is the pink parking lot in Queens...

RomaniaCrimsonify8 years ago

Well, the tool doesn't work for me. I have no idea why but CLEO said something like "this tool is not designed for Windows or is corrupted"

Some help, please? I really want to pick up speedrunning this game after 6 years of casual playing and 6 years in MTA and SA:MP, and this category is pretty fun.

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