If you have a patch of the game under 1.06, please let me know. I am interested in labbing any previous patches and seeing if they affect the speedrun.
1.06 未満の以前のバージョンのゲームをお持ちの場合は、お知らせください。 以前のバージョンを試して、スピードランに影響するかどうかを確認することに興味があります。
Huntress and Loader are both decently consistant. Neither require many or hard to aquire items in order to get consistant 8 minute times. Various strategies and Equipment items help sqeeze out more time for top level runs, but other than that, it mostly comes down to movement. If anything, Huntress' easier movement makes decent times slighly more consistant with her.
See? The fact that the leaderboard is mostly loaders is bothering me, variety would be nice to see...
Huntress is the most viable character for any% speedrunning, especially for beginners. Huntress is easier to learn and play, especially compared to Loader. So personally, I recommend huntress to any runners looking to get good times faster.