Maryland, USABsears952 years ago

I know others have thought of this in the past but I'd like to bring it up again.

All warps, timing starts at reset and stops when you finish the final warp. I know of 4 runs currently on YouTube not including a 5th that will be up in a week or two (all from separate runners).

Thus far, the UWR is 21:01 as far as I can tell. None of the runs do LBLJ or SBLJ (the latter of which I think might make the category "too hard" but I guess that would be a mods decision. Is there a "proper" way to get a category added? possibly X number of runs or a petition sheet?

Zeta64 これを好き
Maryland, USABsears952 years ago

Hey, I noticed 31 star and 50 star ONLY have "advanced route" for the categories and I have been sorta making mine up based on ignoring the hard strats (i.e. pillarless & island hop) Does anyone know if it would be possible to add an "Intermediate Route" or even a "no LBLJ" for 31 star? I could suggest my routing but I'm not particularly "good" enough to know if its a good routing

Jodie64, HeyDave, そして adriKK これを好き
Maryland, USABsears952 years ago

Based on the Ukikipedia route guide, I notice a few odd things. First, why don't we go into BBH for the Haunted Books? I timed things in usamune and the full ordeal takes about 32 seconds or so. (we could remove a star like Bully the bullies or even swap WF reds +100 for Haunted books and Penguin Race and I think save 10 seconds? Second, in 50 star, the guide says to get CCM slide with 100 coin, but it does Penguin Race after. Why not do Penguin+100 and CCM slide on its own?

Just a Guy who likes sm64
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