United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

These are the general ideas that were discussed by a few runners. if you disagree, feel free to comment giving your reasoning. Potentially overlooked skips, please bring them up. In the case you are unsure of what a skip is, please ask.

Using a scramble jump to skip a climbing animation on the cliff side at the start is NOT allowed.

After the Deer Door, you can start climbing down the ladder, then hop back up and jump down to save time. This is allowed.

climbing onto the roof edge to skip up the wolf cave is allowed. Wolf Cave

Holding aim to skip an animation in the wolf cave is allowed.

jumping over the door before the AR is NOT allowed. AR Door

jumping on the rocks to skip the rope arrow use after obtaining them is allowed. Rope Arrow Skip

before the monastery, jumping on the pillar to skip rope arrow usage is allowed

after exiting the monastery, there is a chance to get a Molotov airwalk accidentally. if this happens, reload checkpoint, or just kill the Molotov guy in the first place

the wall jump to skip fire arrows is allowed, but there is no way to get through the next gate without clipping it, so at least right now, it is not usable.

skipping Grim fight #1, the method by jumping on the fence and on the wall is allowed, the other methods, which require clipping, are NOT allowed. Grim Fight 1

Grim Fight #2, Molotov Airwalks are banned. Molotov Airwalk

Friendship Skip (end of Geothermal Cavern), is allowed as long as you jump from the fence. the pickaxe attack along the wall is NOT allowed. Friendship Skip

The deer jump (before returning to shantytown) is allowed. Deer Jump

Triggering the end of the airboat fight by going underneath is NOT allowed.

cutscene skip when first getting to the beach is allowed. Beach cutscene skip

Cliffside Bunker; using the pillar to skip to the second floor is allowed.

Elevator puzzle; clipping the door (in any method) or falling through the metal grating is NOT allowed Elevator Grating clip

jump rolling during the walkie talkie scene on the way back to the boat is allowed.

"crazy legs" is allowed

final puzzle skip is NOT allowed. Final Puzzle Skip

skipping the walkie-talkie on the final climb is allowed.

final fight skip is NOT allowed. Final Fight

United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

While adding a handful of different cores and additional content could make for a faster run, they removed the Warren loading zone from Shifting Sands as well as the Tower 1 loading zone from the base of the Tower. This means we now HAVE to open these doors, 15 for Warren, and 30 for the Tower. Thanks devs, we feel the love.

ResiliXia そして SpaceBroJakob これを好き
United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I have added in a new rule in case the soft lock happens to you. if you are unsure of what the soft lock is, here's a link to it. to explain via text: The soft lock is that Victor will not go into ball form to allow you to instant extract him and finish the game. When you deplete his HP to 0, you get a Combo meter started as well as some experience. To ensure that the softlock has actually occured, I have added a rule that you must shoot him again, because after taking his HP to 0, your shots will now register a "RESIST" when you shoot him. From here he will constantly chase you down or the occasional minion spawn

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

feel free to post here on the forum or join in on the discord server https://discord.gg/3frsmZW

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

45 CORE ROUTE (accurate with Update #3)

Extract as many cores as possible

45 total Prismatic Cores (PC) needed Granite steps –

Iron Fang – PC 1/45

Outside Crawler, grab Health booster on top of Crawler

Pylon 512 – (why is the word "Py lon" an emoji?) 4 PC to find, 3 are story health booster in the corner of room with 6 cellbots the Core behind the boss needs the Spider, but you can glide off the wall to get it PC total - 5/45

North West Lonely Basin – Dig for Core just west of Violet and Pylon 512, Dig for PC in NW

PC 7/45 –

Cavern Rush 2 Cores - yellow key and completion and a health boost PC 9/45

Lonely Basin grab health booster From health booster, jump to the left wall and around the gate

The Cradle Dig for the core at the start, go near and west of Assembly for a PC, get PC high up near there PC 12/45

Health Booster in the mud to the left in the Cradle, climb the rocks there to get on top of pipe to skip cellbots and platforming section, grab PC from the crane PC 13/45

Get battle PC on way to Kai PC 14/45

Go to Kai’s Crawler, dig for the Green spider in area just north of House of Steel (is there another place to dig?) – fast traveling there and back

after obtaining Seth, dig in the sand to the left by the black chain for a core and use Seth to grab the one just south of there PC 16/45

Get to the Core Foundry – collect story Core (Bolt Cutter) and Health booster in the blue ball room before boss PC 17/45

Dig south of first Fast travel in Shifting sands PC 18/45

Going towards Duncan, just south is a Core Battle PC 19/45

Go get Duncan and travel from Crawler to Crawler.

upgrade Duncan. Leave crawler (Team of Mac/Duncan) and get 4 PC in the area (not the one Seth is “needed” for) PC 24/45

Go to Lonely Basin, Dig to the left for PC, get White Cellbot PC, PC in upper right corner, PC dig on the north side, grab health booster near Crucible, Enter Crucible PC 28/45

Crucible 2 Cores, switches and completion, health booster at end, exit PC 30/45

Grab PC under Violet, switch to Mack/Seth, head south near repository blitz and dig in the front and pick up 2 PC in corner, (get health booster?) enter Repository Blitz PC 34/45

Repository Blitz – Get health booster, Time challenge and completion Cores PC 36/45

Travel to Shifting sands, switch to Mack/Duncan and go unlock Forsaken Halls

Forsaken Halls Yellow Key, Switches and completion for PCs and health booster under ramp at the end, exit dungeon PC 39/45

Head east of Coliseum for a Battle PC, get the dig PC in front of Coliseum, Caterpillar PC south east of Coliseum, dig PC south of there, head north west to fast travel, Boss PC and health booster, straight west for a Dig PC, skip Seth/Duncan tracks up to the Warren PC 45/45

Warren Final story PC 46/45

Get health booster before getting on the tram

Climb the tower, returning to Crawler to upgrade Duncan if needed or switch to Seth/Duncan and win

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Is there any interest in adding in Individual dungeon runs? perhaps adding in categories for time only and all 3 challenges?

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

I haven't figured this one out yet, but want it included in submissions so that PC and XBO times can hopefully be somewhat comparable. the problem is, I dont know what counts towards the in game timer, and it could be glitched. If I remove all loading screens (where the loading wheel is at the bottom) the time usually is lower than IGT by several minutes. Except this happened in my current Victor 1 PB: http://puu.sh/ru5UT/b05c352208.jpg My RTA is under 1:30, the video time getting back to the main menu is about 1:31, but my IGT is almost 1:32!? In my current 45 Core PB, i had 2 softlocks that I removed from my video and RTA, but that was about 9 minutes in total, and if I add that to my no loads time, it equaled the IGT! So in the end, I have had the IGT read higher than RTA, about where it should be, AND somewhere in the middle... Hopefully someone can figure it out. until then, all runs should include both IGT and RTA

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

Currently the game is on Patch #2 with a 3rd big patch coming on October 5th. while I currently have runs of each category unlisted on YouTube, I am going to wait until this patch launches, then redo the runs. The reason is because of the amount of changes coming:

"In this update, you will experience decreased loading times, see audio and visual improvements, and notice improvements to issues you may have experienced with waypoints, achievement tracking, collision locations, checkpoints and respawn points."

The biggest change is load times, which currently range from 26ish seconds (Joules Crawler) to a minute and ten seconds (Cradle, Shifting Sands, and Warren). the collision locations might effect some of the skips I found as well (hopefully not though since I never publicly revealed them)

If you are curious about my current PBs, here are my times: Victor 1 - 1:29:55 any% - 2:57:54 45 Core - 4:14:52

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

For now I am leaving that category out, as there are 80 intended cores, but 82 collectable by skipping the T8-NK. when the T8-NK is added in, there may be more cores added as well, making this category longer in the future.

United StatesBrassmaster8 years ago

The latest DLC released this Tuesday is definitely speed runnable. Right now it is very RNG based due to Nadia's instructions and possible mess ups (by Nadia). You can clip in through the metal barriers so no need to grab 4 magnesite ore. Aside from that, I cant find any skips because of the layout of the area. The devs say 50 minutes is a par time, and there are speedrun challenges to do it in 40, 30, and 20 minutes. My first play was 33 minutes, and my current fastest is 13:20. It would not surprise me if sub 10 is possible. Also, since you may need to pause to verify Nadia's instructions, I vote for RTA only and not IGT. Any thoughts on running this mode and adding it to the leaderboard? I'm totally down for it.

United StatesBrassmaster9 years ago

Hey guys, I wanted to present my thoughts on personalizing this game's leaderboard, and I'm curious as to your thoughts as well. If the way it is presented now works for everyone, then that's fine and we can ignore this post.

Glitches Yes/No - if Glitchless is a desired category, why not a separate category rather than an option inside of any%? The glitches we have should be 30 minutes faster than glitchess, so having a separate category would give glitchless runs more shine, and let (currently) Ragleyy have 1st rather than 4th.

Game versions as separate categories - Im very sad to see differences between XBO and X360, but once PC launches, and later PS4, Im sure there will be more version differences. Here are a list of differences I've noticed between XBO and X360 for the runs -After the Prophets Tomb at the start of the game, there is a cutscene at the Croft Manor where Lara gets into a fight. X360 can skip this cutscene earlier than XBO. -After getting the pistol, X360 can clip the door, eliminating the need to reload the checkpoint. -The first cutscene after passing through the Supply Shack is not skippable on the X360 -the next few cutscenes are not skippable? (Someone on X360 confirm this for me, please) but if you exit to main menu and reload, they are now skippable. All are skippable on XBO -Copper Mill, at the end, you can clip past the final 5 enemies on X360 -The first half of the Prophet's Blessing can be skipped on X360, but the final clip needed for it is not possible on XBO -After obtaining the Shotgun, you can clip out of the fight and skip the miniboss and a handful of cutscenes on X360 -Enemy Patterns are different during the Silent Night sequence, aka less enemies on X360 -Atlas skip only possible on X360 -Research Base approach OoB as far as I can tell is X360 only

Difficulty - The difficulty used for TR2013 was Normal. We never did a run on any other difficulty. Should we establish that Normal (Tomb Raider) is the standard? Survivor does have a nice difficulty to it, but is not really that bad, so perhaps a category for that as well?

Timing - I agree with the timing as it is; Selecting Difficulty to the cutscene starting after going through the doors at the end. Does someone have another idea?

KeronianKnight そして Ragleyy これを好き
United StatesBrassmaster9 years ago

Any reason there arent categories for console (or what has been called the "low FPS" route), definitive edition, or 100%?

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