The problem is to get the booster you need to have next to no speed (120 odd vs 140 skipping it) to hit it and it isn't fast
I've hit a 25.99 and I ignored the wall, might be interesting to see the speed with this technique
I think it is now but i did a 25.93 earlier in the month with the wallbang. I suppose it depends on the line you take into t3 and the speed you carry, I've noticed at higher speeds the wallbang is ineffective because you are still too fast to make the final turn without bumping the outer guard.
I too am free if you are really looking for more mods to get times through :D
I feel comfortable sharing. I've found that by spamming the direction key in the way you want to turn, you gain/remain at equal speed. If you hold the button down, you drop speed. Bernard most of my record strategy is in the video :D
Ignore the booster after t2. Instead, go wider and maintain your speed to get a wider line for t3. After t3, carry speed (not too much) and hit the wall on the edge of t3. this will line up your car for t4 apex and maintain about 120ish speed.
My new strat that I got a 26.58 on was when I ran into the wall past turn 3 and it turned my car toward the apex of t4, dropping speed somewhat but a better lineup then breaking.
I just found it to be more consistent to skip the second boost, plus it makes turn 3 quicker and a better line up for turn 4