United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

Does restarting a run forfeit the road rule?

United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

Info's in the description

United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

Would a dead, restarted run that completed it still count?

United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

Thank you. I did join the Discord before coming to the forum. No one in the BPR channel answered.

Xbox has something called Mixer. It's built in and it's what replaced Twitch. Funny enough, we just got faster net. Xbox also has something called "Game DVR" but that sucks. It either records 1 minute with audio or it records 5 minutes with no audio.

Now that i know the facts, i'll have to restart my run.

TARS これを好き
United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

I originally asked these on the main speedrun forum but was referred to here. There are 4 questions.

-1: There are times when i can play for one session straight but have to take breaks (requiring a pause), or in some cases, have to stop and quit (such as going to work or sleeping), Is the run dead if i resume from wherever the junkyard spawns me or can i keep going?

-2: Since i have no way to have a flawless recording from my console (and have to rely on Mixer), parts of the recording lag and/or freeze (requiring a refresh while i'm paused), will these drop it dead or can i jumpcut in the recording and it still counts?

-3: Do i need to have the typical overlay that breaks down each run's section with a run timer or is that completely optional?

-4: Is it possible to submit the same run into multiple sections? In my run, i'm breaking it down into parts, map discovery, collectibles, and events. I've noticed that car 100% also has a section for 120 billboards.

TARS これを好き
United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

Can they be attempted in an online session or are they offline only?

TARS これを好き
United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

I've noticed that there are potentially 3 categories missing. 50 Super Jumps, 400 smashes, & All Jumps, Billboards, Smashes.

JAVAP5 そして TARS これを好き
スレッド: Introductions
United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

Thank you, I'll have to join the Discord for my questions.

スレッド: Introductions
United StatesAquaticSparrow5 years ago

How is everyone doing. Been playing the game for roughly 9 years (since the Xbox 360 Demo first came out), i've played lots of hours, getting my skills up, the typical speedrunning practice. And i have some questions.

-1: There are times when i can play for one session straight but have to take breaks (requiring a pause), or in some cases, have to stop and quit (such as going to work or sleeping), Is the run dead if i resume from wherever the junkyard spawns me or can i keep going?

-2: Since i have no way to have a flawless recording from my console (and have to rely on Mixer), parts of the recording lag and/or freeze (requiring a refresh while i'm paused), will these drop it dead or can i jumpcut in the recording and it still counts?

-3: Do i need to have the typical overlay that breaks down each run's section with a run timer or is that completely optional?

-4: Is it possible to submit the same run into multiple sections? In my run, i'm breaking it down into parts, map discovery, collectibles, and events. I've noticed that car 100% also has a section for 120 billboards.

Thank you for reading and i look forward to answers by experts.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Burnout Paradise Remastered
Burnout Paradise Remastered
最終ラン 5 years ago