スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle2 years ago

I watched the video and everything looks good except at 1:35

AJBMRB1279 died to the void from what it looks like. This is what the mods were talking about, specifically Red Team

Unless I'm mistaken, this is the reason that it got rejected.

If you believe it still should be verified, then create a ticket on the discord in #help

United StatesAngryPickle2 years ago

They made mod applications in the discord, but those are closed now. Most of the mod team is just busy. Runs have been slowing down and so I'm hoping the new mods can help.

United StatesAngryPickle2 years ago

Thats of rip, time to get it again but with da /p info

スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle2 years ago

This is proof Survival Games is just better

VAIBHAVsir, SoulO1290, そして Lifqo これを好き
スレッド: EDP445 Simulator
United StatesAngryPickle2 years ago

*Go to the room with the crib (not the weird toy one upstairs) *On the left side you should see a plant and a baby chair *Go in between those and you should make your way through the wall

スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle2 years ago

I've been promoted again and I'm back to verifying runs and helping the community. This thread will probably not be up for longer than a week but I still want to confirm and clarify some things. First, I would like to say that the super mods never blocked me and what GHSpaghetti said wasn't correct, I only figured this out today though. Second, Just because I've been added back to the mod team doesnt mean I agree with me being demoted and GHSpaghetti being demoted, I still think me and Spaghetti were in the right, but I want the drama to end so I will say no more on that. Third, I will try to avoid talking about any of this on the forms and will leave it in staff chats... So I am back and I hope to get to verifying runs and maybe one day being a Supermod or mod on the leaderboards. Thats all I have to say thank you.

alexwaslost これを好き
スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle2 years ago

I'm not that mad about you deleting my forum since keeping drama out of the community is always good. Now WaspBrain getting promoted is just wrong. You demote me because I was unprofessional, but yet you add someone to the leaderboard because hes with you. Wasp was in the Discord for only 3 days, I bet you he didn't even make an application and if he did I doubt that you guys really read it or Tested him on verify runs. Second, whats the difference between the way I make jokes and the way you make jokes alex... because I see all the time that you joke around in the discord, being "unprofessional". I guess you could consider mine more childish since saying "sus" is referencing among us which most of the people who play that are children (dont fact check me on that one) I was starting to forget about the whole situation until you had to add WaspBrain as a mod. I think even if he wrote the worst application ever he still would have got verified...

Awabbatt47, RelatedNoobs, そして DarkStray これを好き
スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle3 years ago

Update: I will be unbanned in a week from now from the discord (potentially getting my mod position back)

The reason I was banned came and In the moderators words

the reason I was banned...

Is because "I was telling lies about my Demotion" (which is not true). I only said one thing before I was banned and it was the truth and nothing but the truth. This will most likely be my last post on this thread. I don't want to have any more drama right now. Also, don't send hate to any of the mods involved, please :)

alexwaslost そして NashTheBasher これを好き
スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle3 years ago

I would also like to say I was a teen volunteer So the fact you expected me to be professional in every situation. It's also not like I was rude to someone. I even gave a warm welcome to Wasp and some other guy, this shows that I don't always make jokes, I try to make the server fun not a Drama chat.

NashTheBasher, LuluDad19Gaming そして 3 その他 これを好き
スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle3 years ago

As you guys might know I was a mod. I loved to verify runs, create guides, and just help out with the speedrunning community. I've broken 1 Discord rule and that's it. I broke no rules on the leaderboards ever. But last night while I was asleep I was demoted for no reasoning. Even worse when I went to complain they banned me from the discord. Further, they said I was being immature and not professional but I think we can all agree we don't need to be professional all the time. I'm not your robot that has to do everything that appeals to you. I want to have fun with the community and if I can't overuse a Dead joke then your clearly trying to get me removed in any way you can. GHSpaghetti told me this would happen the evening before I would get demoted and his prediction was correct. Demoting me for saying a joke is one thing... Banning me from the discord is on another level... So because of this, I'm going to screenshot this forum just so they don't try to hide it. I was starting to side with Quiet and Alex but all that trust is now gone. I hope the mods can maybe allow me back on to the team but as of now I think it's over. I had fun getting the WR in Skywars Any% I had fun having that battle with Awabbatt on CCEXT I had fun speedrunning but I think I'm done with it, since GHSpaghetti isn't Supermod the server has gone to death, making rules more strict. I hope that maybe one day it goes to someone better, but what I do know is GHSpaghetti would have given me a fair chance... If they come up with lies for my ban then I cant do anything because I have no evidence to back myself up...

Adamtheapple926, RaisinForABrain そして 8 その他 これを好き
スレッド: CubeCraft Games
United StatesAngryPickle3 years ago

I use a client called Onix client. Its a PvP client that can display keystrokes, combo counters and all sort of other things. Its not to be confused as a hack client. None of the modules give you an advantage besides stuff like zoom free look and full bright.

If its a banned client please tell me because I would like to use it in my speedruns and if zoom and freelook are banned then would I be able to use other modules like Keystrokes and combo counter.

I just need to know if the client is banned completely and if I just cant use stuff like zoom and freelook.

United StatesAngryPickle3 years ago

I saw that your allowed to use jellysquid to speedrun but i dont know if im on the right wedsite and what can i use it for in speedrunning, also i dont know this but is Optifine allowed, and if so can i get a link to the official website for that.

United StatesAngryPickle3 years ago

I Want To Change My Name But I Dont See The Option To, Can I?

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