Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid3 years ago

Partly a lack of runners of the game but with recent WR strats I'm not sure that it makes a difference since you're spamming the fire button, at least on Falcon runs. I do plan on eventually setting up something on real hardware when I have more space for things to compare, but I also just need more info from real hardware to compare with. This can always change in the future but I know I would like to see some sort of good comparison of console vs. emulator before splitting them, personally. Always welcome for info and opinions, too.

スレッド: Battle Clash
Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid5 years ago

"If unable to play legit, move on." There is the problem that the Scope is effected by how it works on specific tvs as well. The signal isn't as precise on flat screens and I don't even know how it works with any modern televisions at all. You need an old, curved screen tv and those aren't always in ease of access. Also currently the WR stomps all the emu times as it is.

I also looked at the Yoshi's Safari leaderboards and they have emulated runs accepted there as well.

スレッド: Battle Clash
Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid5 years ago

As mentioned in the other post, the reason I hadn't implemented anything in IL on this game yet is because there's no ease-of-access to it but I'll be way more than happy to add it if that's something that's desired! I had planned to add the Time Trials Mode into IL but I'm totally fine for adding both :)

スレッド: Battle Clash
Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid5 years ago

I'm on all the time, just that the game isn't super active so sometimes I forget to check. Also, the website seems to regularly log me out even when I tell it to keep me logged in. Apologies. Will check the runs as soon as I pick up my pizza in about 10 minutes.

As for IL, the reason I hadn't implemented that yet is because unlike Metal Combat, you can't get to a menu where you can fight the individual bosses on their own. There is a Time Trial mode that I've been meaning to look at to include on the Leaderboards so expect that at some point. If you want to see each boss listed for an IL time I'll be more than happy to add that on top of the Time Trial list when I can look at what bosses are on what difficulty/Mode.

Tropio これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid6 years ago

Greetings. Is there any way I could get mod status (or super mod if that's needed) for "Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge"? The current person modding (Badical) and myself talked via Twitter (this was back when the boards were first created, so approx. toward the end of May 2018) and when I asked him for mod status to help him with setting the boards up and helping him approve runs, he said "I don't expect it to ever get any runs or get busy, don't worry" and I was never granted mod after trying to reach out a few more times after that. The only reason I asked him is because I'm intimately familiar with both games in the series ("Battle Clash" and "Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge") and am former WR holder for the first of the two games. There's a lot of things that can be added (individual level times, numerous categories that are on the first that are also on the second, etc.) and while I don't wish for Badical to be removed, I do wish to have the ability to try to make the boards look better and more organized, despite it being a game that won't get many runs submitted to it.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: The Site
Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid6 years ago

Thank you so much, Liv! Yes, Metal Combat was never released in Japan since the Super Scope didn't fair too well there and was more novelty, but it sold decently in the states and iirc Battle Clash was one of the better selling games so it got a sequel exclusive state-side :)

スレッド: The Site
Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid6 years ago

I would like to request that "Battle Clash" and "Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge" be grouped into the same series. I'm the only mod for Battle Clash (currently talking to the mod of Metal Combat to obtain mod status there as well to help set up those boards) and have extensive knowledge of both Battle Clash and Metal Combat. Metal Combat is a direct sequel to Battle Clash. Base game should be Battle Clash since it's the first in the series, please and thank you :)

https://www.speedrun.com/Battle_Clash https://www.speedrun.com/Metal_Combat_Falcons_Revenge

スレッド: Battle Clash
Tennessee, USAAltimaMantoid6 years ago

The reason I didn't separate it is because there's a whopping 4 people that run the game, one having never submitted times at all despite having ran it at GDQ. I didn't feel that there's a need to split it because the game simply has so few runners.

As for me personally, only reason I run emu at all, is I don't have the space, setup, or finances, to properly run it off of a console. The WR is faster on console than the emulator time right now, as well.

I am open to discussion on this though!

When you start running it, feel free to hit me up if you have any questions! I really do want to see more people running this game so don't let console vs. emulator deter you from learning it on whatever format you wish :)

Tropio これを好き
7 years ago
4 days ago
Battle Clash
Battle Clash
最終ラン 7 years ago
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
最終ラン 4 years ago
Mega Man
Mega Man
最終ラン 3 years ago
Ultimate Doom
Ultimate Doom
最終ラン 7 years ago
Monster Party
Monster Party
最終ラン 7 years ago
Battle Clash
Battle Clash
最終訪問 13 days ago
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
最終訪問 3 months ago
Battle Clash
Battle Clash
最終アクション 11 months ago
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
最終アクション 1 year ago