Michigan, USAAlexo5 years ago

Taken some time to update the IL board for easier viewing. You can now see all of the top times for every difficulty! https://i.gyazo.com/12315f51c974cc490e53fb2726e29143.png

OG Xbox was split from the 360/PS3/Xbox One versions for IL runs, considering the boost at spawn, and the fact that E1M1 Can be finished in... 5 SECONDS?! It was becoming more clear over time this would be the case eventually, as lowest times were easier to achieve with the boost at spawn.

15,000 mode was removed, but could return in the future if more people decide to give it a shot.

Stocked entry remains, all of the difficulties can be found in each Individual level as a subcategory.

If I missed any times, or a run wasn't transferred over, please let me know in the discord! I had to transfer over 150 runs, and tried to include all the obsoleted times also.

Michigan, USAAlexo5 years ago

Due to no SR50 possible, No custom control mapping, or aim acceleration available, the Xbox 360/PS3 version of Doom II has been given its own individual board.

The 360/PS3 versions are far less superior to run for the 'Lowest' time compared to PC, but It's a quirky version of its own! Also included is a custom episode, 'No Rest for the Living', which is also hosted on this board.

Good luck runners!

Michigan, USAAlexo5 years ago

Something crazy has been figured out! If you play the game to level 23, the last level, and use the cheat code to advance one level... You go to the secret level in episode 1. Completing the secret level, will put you back at level 4, and you can play the entire game over again!

I'm dubbing this Category 'Infinity', as you could make the game go on forever! I've finished any% 5 times thus far, but would be down to try NM soon also with 5 times.

Right now the decision is where to place the category?

I would like to add it here, but the board is being filled up. If this happend, it would likely become a 5th tab on the top, and only allow for the current settings (Any%, Any% No oob, NM, NM No oob, God%) along with a number of attempts (5 times, 10 times, 20 times). If anyone attempted a specific ammount (3 times, 50 times, 100 times) It could be added later.

Example of how this would look https://i.gyazo.com/95781ab908cf0be7ab64e74a914ad9a0.png

I could add it to Console Doom Category Extensions, but I'm not entirely sure its possible on other ports as of now... so it wouldn't make sense to keep it on a board that bridge's so many different versions.

Or we just create a new board specifically for it. This could take more time, but would clear space on the previously mentioned boards.

I really like some input on this from some peeps, either here or in the discord. If everyone is cool with it, I will likely add a 5th tab here in a week or so... Ciao :)

Rules: Complete the Initial 23 levels of the game. In the final Level, DIS, acquire the yellow key, and open the yellow door. When the Final Objective (Yellow Door) is finished, input the 'Warp 1 level' Code. A, B, A, A, B, B, B, A Play the game over (Certain amount) Times using these rules with DIS every time. On the final play through, Exit Dis the traditional way. Level Warp is only allowed when the yellow door on DIS (Level 23) has begun to open. No other codes are allowed.

Michigan, USAAlexo5 years ago

With much request, the 'Any% No OOB' category has been extended across the board. All of the runs without OOB, have been arranged into the proper spots.

Out of Bounds in any level is banned

Hope this will be more inviting to future players. :)

Update: Nightmare No OOB will be added also.

Michigan, USAAlexo5 years ago

Found a discrepancy that I've discussed with a few other runners.

There is a way to set up some quicker menu times right from the beginning of the run in all games.

When you pause and unpause, the highlighted text stays the same highlight.

If you quit game in a level, quit game will be highlighted by default. This works for exit level also.

If you exit a level, then quit inside a home world, your next run will start with exit level highlighted in the menu everytime. This is likely because "Exit level" isn't an option in the home worlds, but keeps highlighted by design...

It can happen to anyone ending a bad attempt, but I felt it should be brought up for mods and community to discuss its legality in a run?

More of a feature then anything really, and it saves maybe a second over all, so not really sure its a big deal?

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I finally did it! 10 Minutes for full game! I hope someday others will take up their own attempts, but this one will stand for quite a while now. :)

I just wanted to let you guys know I have a full game tutorial in the works for the Any%, and possibly a nightmare tutorial further in the future.. but I'm letting the game sit for the next few months in terms of PB's.

The 10 took every bit of sanity i had, and its time to rest until 2019 probably.


Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


The absolute lowest time currently obtainable is 11:08.

However, as the game has become more complex and broken, there are frame perfect tricks that could greatly lower the time. Looking at all possible walls to make game lag less. 16 different rocket jumps. 9 ghost wall tricks (Frame perfect??).

If all executed, and timed correctly, with first try every trick... it could see a run in sub 11 time.

E1M5 Rocket 1 Ghost Wall 1

Finding another way into the exit from behind would be a holy grail. For now, you have to ghost wall into the blue key door room. level can be finished in less then 42 seconds at lowest.

E1M6 Rocket 2 This level is a pain with shot gunners. Don't get flustered by them. the rocket on this level is a one and done, if you fail.. the next level set up isn't possible for sub 11.

Keep area you are going to towards opposite side of screen you are going towards. 'I go left, so keep level area in right side of view'. Turning left and right helps while passing 'Sectors' of levels.

E1M7 Rocket 3 Ghost Wall 2 & 3 This trick is a nightmare, I had gotten the ghost wall near the switch before in the 3DO and atari Jaguar Versions, but this was the first time it ever happened on GBA.

You drop into another plane by keeping the plane you want to land in over your ammo and armor counter. turn left and right before hitting the invisible barriers.

Usually the fastest possible way is to get into the room with the zombie men near the exit, which will be needed for sub 11.

E1M8 Boss Skip Rocket 4 Ghost Wall 4 This trick I thought would never work in a run. You need to turn and shoot. hold strafe and backwards walk at the same time. you only go through both walls sometimes. This is a run killer.

E2M2 Rocket 5 Pretty standard route since conception. Rocketing out from where the blue armor is saves just under 10 second, but can possibly fail with an unwanted double wall jump. AKA, run killer.

E2M3 Rocket 6 This level can be a run killer if you fail to get more then 75 health by the time you rocket jump.

E2M4 Rocket 7 Ghost wall 5 THIS IS THE EASIEST GHOST WALL TO PRACTICE. Right at the beginning, you rocket and head for the ghost wall to the left side of the level. 26 seconds is the lowest time for any% for now, with first try on the ghost wall.

E2M6 Rocket 8 You can rocket in the tunnel or by the berserk power up. Recommend 60 health or more for set up in E2M8

E2M7 Rocket 9 Get invulnerability. Grab 100 health.

E2M8 Rocket 10 Grab Armor and Health, Rocket

E3M1 Rocket 11 Ghost Wall 6 Get to the corner in the 3rd room. A double ghost wall into the exit room is possible, for a 6 second time.

E3M3 Rocket 12 Ghost Wall 7 This was the first ghost wall level discovered.

E3M4 Rocket 13 Ghost Wall 8

The key here is to not stay on the lava sector, and end up dead after the rocket. Chain gun or shot gun come in handy for ghost walls.

E3M7 Rocket 14, 15, 16 Ghost Wall 9

The Hardest trick in the game. Having just over 196 health and 196 armor make it possible to triple rocket jump. This trick ruined 4 different 11 pace runs, before I was finally able to get enough luck to pull it off for the sub 12.

I'll get more in depth with the route at another time, but all of these tricks would require first try to get below 11... so its going to be an insane play when it happens!

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

For the Last 8 Months, I have been optimizing heavy use of Out of Bounds glitches, to speedrun multiple versions of DOOM for home consoles. Nearly all the original console ports for home consoles in the 90's used the Atari Jaguar version of the game as a base, and allow the glitches to work cross platform.

With consideration to the mess it was adding each version individually to Speedrun.com, the CE board here will help keep the other Games boards clutter free. New ways to complete the game, like without a blue key, or marathon runs of a certain amount of times played through full game. Here we will keep detailed statistics on each level, and the new ways being found to run this game.

One version will not compete against another, as the board is set to allow submissions of a particular console to compete with said console version only.

For example, GBA vs GBA by default.

32X and GBA can be in the same category.

But you wont see GBA vs 32X on the board, unless you specify it with the drop down menu.

Hope to see some crazy stuff Kappa

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

As of today, you can beat the entire game without using a blue key!

I've decided to submit a separate board to keep track of further 'random run' categories across all console doom ports :)


Ideas so far: No Blue Keys Gameshark God% Blindfolded 100% Tyson

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Just wanted to let you all know some adjustments made to the board recently.

JrmHD91 Has been added as a mod, and is a really great runner! With mods being active as we are, all runs on the board have taken less then 48 hours to verify! So submit them if you've got some good times, we're always looking for more People who played xbox live servers back in the day, and are looking to push this version once again!

-CO-OP category in individual levels has been removed. Until a consensus is reached on timing without the use of in game timer (Not shown in co-op).

E( )M8 is an example of use without the timer, but to do it for co-op runs, and accounting for level loads between consoles, turns off many to timing individual levels in co-op. If the demand is met in the future, it will be added back with discussion on timing rules.

-All Levels now have their proper names in IL's, and the Original Xbox exclusive level, E1M10 Sewers, has been included on the board. The level was added by a developer of the original Xbox port, who made the level when he was a very young map builder, in the early 90's. The map is more for prosperity then anything, but its there if someone decides to grab some free golds.

-Xbox Live Leaderboard Scores: With recent talks, speedrun.com has discussed plans in the future for Highscore submissions. With this being the case, in the future we would hope to support IL's for High scores in accordance to the Xbox live leaderboard 15,000 level point maximum.

15,000 is accomplished on Nightmare difficulty, with 100% Kills, Secrets, and Items, and must go Below the maps Par time. This can be one of the hardest achievements, and few levels still don't have a perfect 15,000 score after the games launch in 2006, so we would like to make the option of video submission of high scores available in the future, if it is adopted over all to Speedrun.com.

Keep running guys! IL's, Episodes, Co-op and more!

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I set WR in any% almost 2 weeks ago.

I've tried getting in contact with the Mod on discord to no avail, so posting here in hopes the run is approved. Anyone else out there????

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

My recent submission is a PB For all cheats, twisted metal difficulty. Would be awesome to see it added! TM2 just had it added, and its been fun to grind :)

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Hey just wanted to let you guys Know I run on PS3 (Digital download from PSN), so if we could add PS3 for future runs it would help. Thanks :)

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

I wanted to submit a run, but I actually own a version of adventure in some official form, and was curious if it would be allowed for submission? If I actually have the game, I would rather get it on actual console as opposed to Emu.

Atari 2600 Plug N Play, from 2002.

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

As of Today,pretty much every official port of Doom 1 has been submitted. I know some others have commented about how the list in main series is getting a little ridiculous. Rest assured the last possible games to be added now are Saturn, DOOM II for Game Boy Advance and Doom 3 OG Xbox.. I don't have much thoughts on running them.. Being the least routed games thus far, perhaps someone else in the future could submit for it if they have the runs ready. Doom 3 Original Xbox could just be added to the Doom 3 board for the masochist that decides to run it.

There has been a lot of discussion as to why the ports were all added... because its DOOM?! regardless of how crap it runs... how fast can it go? In some cases, levels (of course different layouts in many cases) are quicker.

Out Of Bounds discoveries in the console versions have added new ways of speedrunning, and I look forward to all the future console runners finding more tricks and better optimization. A lot of things are still being found after working with each version for only so little time.

Sum of Best for 23 levels with Out of Bounds and Cheats is 10:21 (GBA) (More casual/Practice OOB, but a good run to optimize also) My best 23 Levels with No cheats, OOB is 14:45 (GBA) Sum of Best No cheats,OOB is 13:10

My quick run down after playing nearly all of them. My favorite to run was GBA, I used it for average splits.

GBA: Controls amazing, Looks bad - 23 Levels SNES: People in 1995 were questioning it too - 23+ Levels 32X: Solid frames, wonky controls - 16 levels. JAG: HD GRAPHACS, lack luster controls - 23 Levels 3DO: Full screen is not fun, Tiny mouse size Doom controls meh - 23 Levels Xbox Arcade/BFG: Love it... but No SR50. Basically a slow PC version.

Yet to play is PS1: Doom 1 & Doom 2 levels, beyond the others in many aspects (Length of full game run obviously). Out of bounds yet to be tested, but considering it worked on the same map set across all consoles, the Devs may have missed it again... We'll see soon enough :)

Thank you to the Doom mods and all the Doomers for putting up with the port madness.. :D

EDIT: Forgot Sega Saturn because so did you.

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

A new Co-op Board has just been added! I'm looking forward to posting some runs soon, so join the Console Doom discord if you wanna give some Co-op runs a shot soon, we can see what times work for who, maybe even set up some races in the next few weeks!

The Level Leaderboard has also been given some new extensions, Classic is now Pistol starts we have all grown used to, and remained untouched. All categories still use the In Game Timer, a rule extended to every IL, no matter the category.

Stocked Entry allows previous levels gear to be used for an IL time. Now a Full game run (Or single Episode) can include an IL record. If you have a really good time on a level in an Episode 1-3 Run, you can post it to Stocked entry.

Co-op Level times are available also, and use IGT. :D


Pear これを好き
Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

The first full game run:

Basically I wanted a new category for optimizing OOB without much issues with health. Its a fun category, and I hope to see some of the others on the board run it :)

Cheats are included in RTA, timing starts normal as usual.

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Due to no SR50 possible, No custom control mapping, or aim acceleration available, the Xbox 360/PS3 version of The Ultimate Doom has been given its own individual board.

It was really clear the 360/PS3 versions are far less superior to run for the 'Lowest' time compared to PC, but It's a quirky version of its own! I have been going through to transfer any submitted 360/PS3 runs posted.

Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago

Due to no SR50 possible, No custom control mapping, or aim acceleration available, the Xbox 360/PS3 version of The Ultimate Doom has been given its own individual board.

It was really clear the 360/PS3 versions are far less superior to run for the 'Lowest' time compared to PC, but It's a quirky version of its own! I have been going through to transfer any submitted 360/PS3 runs posted.

I guess for any future 'Arcade' versions posted here, just let them know it has its own Board!


Michigan, USAAlexo6 years ago


I started a discord to Link up all Console DOOM runners. All advantages, disadvantages, and strategies across all versions will be compiled, and tested here.

GBA, 32X, 3DO, SATURN, PSX, JAG, X360... plenty of others to work with! Our ultimate Goal is to have every Port of DOOM 1 Listed here on Speedrun.com By DOOM's 25th anniversary, a year from yesterday!

This will also be a great place to meet other runners, and discover other versions of DOOM to run. There is only one rule:

Don't be a dick!

See you guys soon! Happy Anniversary Doom!

7 years ago
1 month ago
Doom (GBA)
Doom (GBA)
最終ラン 2 years ago
Doom (XBLA/PS3)
Doom (XBLA/PS3)
最終ラン 1 year ago
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Doom (Unity Ports)
最終ラン 2 years ago
Quake (N64)
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Quake II (N64)
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Console Doom Category Extensions
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最終ラン 4 years ago
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Doom II (XBLA/PS3)
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最終ラン 4 years ago
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最終アクション 4 months ago
Doom (XBLA/PS3)
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最終アクション 6 months ago
Doom (GBA)
Doom (GBA)
最終アクション 2 years ago
Quake (N64)
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最終アクション 1 month ago
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最終アクション 1 year ago
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