スレッド: Metal Slug 6
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

Would it be okay if I did a PSP Metal Slug 6 (Anthology) speedrun that's Low% Hard (default pistol only), but with autofire allowed? Could be its own stand-alone category. :)

It's an option in-game after all, and let's be real here, furiously pressing the fire button with the pistol is very annoying. Not impossible to do of course, but I'd rather not have to replace my controller more often than needed from wearing out the fire button, and it's also tiresome on your thumbs during practice runs. lol

P.S. I'd like to do the same exact category idea for Metal Slug X and Metal Slug 3, if it's okay as well?

スレッド: Metal Slug X
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

Would it be okay if I did a PSP Metal Slug X (Anthology) speedrun that's Low% Hard (default pistol only), but with autofire allowed? Could be its own stand-alone category. :)

It's an option in-game after all, and let's be real here, furiously pressing the fire button with the pistol is very annoying. Not impossible to do of course, but I'd rather not have to replace my controller more often than needed from wearing out the fire button, and it's also tiresome on your thumbs during practice runs. lol

P.S. I'd like to do the same exact category idea for Metal Slug 3 and Metal Slug 6, if it's okay as well?

スレッド: Metal Slug 3
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

Would it be okay if I did a PSP Metal Slug 3 (Anthology) speedrun that's Low% Hard (default pistol only), but with autofire allowed? Could be its own stand-alone category. :)

It's an option in-game after all, and let's be real here, furiously pressing the fire button with the pistol is very annoying. Not impossible to do of course, but I'd rather not have to replace my controller more often than needed from wearing out the fire button, and it's also tiresome on your thumbs during practice runs. lol

P.S. I'd like to do the same exact category idea for Metal Slug X and Metal Slug 6, if it's okay as well?

zantomun これを好き
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

So what can i even do with Rondo of Blood, on Dracula X Chronicles? :( lol Because it's the only version i have... Can a category be made specifically for PSP emulation only? Like RetroArch/PPSSPP.

Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

Hmm, then where should i go to make this speedrun possible? Because i checked Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles on the speedrun website, but they don't have a category for the ported Castlevania Rondo of Blood that's included. O-O And on here, i don't see any category options for RetroArch/PPSSPP emulation. Unless i'm missing something. lol

Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

What if i used Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles, just to play Castlevania Rondo of Blood with the Bizhawk emulator. Would this be okay? And if yes, which category does it fall under? :)

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

Just find it strange out of all the games i have listed for speedruns (like 92+ games), RE2 is the only one that uses Psxfin 1.13, so i was curious as to why. lol

スレッド: Resident Evil 2
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

Was wondering if it'd be okay for me to speedrun RE2 on RetroArch with Duckstation/Swanstation emulation? Or with the stand-alone Bizhawk/Duckstation emulators? :)

スレッド: The Legend of Dragoon
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

I do enjoy the stand-alone duckstation emulator. Also retroarch works pretty good too. :) The emulator category doesn't have to be 1:1 with the console versions. I expect them to be different, even if slightly.

スレッド: The Legend of Dragoon
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

Yeah, low% is the lowest level a character can be, along with only using items and/or weapons that are needed to complete the game. Essentially a barebones challenge run. :D So you can't use magic/drops/shops, for example. I would assume the only way to heal is through default healing, like dragoon form.

スレッド: The Legend of Dragoon
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

I ask this because i'm only able to play TLoD on emulator, and would LOVE to speedrun this. :) Mostly interested in doing a Low% run. lol

スレッド: Chrono Trigger
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

I'll definitely be hitting up the DS section! :D

スレッド: Chrono Trigger
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

If i submit a run of Chrono Trigger on a DS emulator (RetroArch or stand-alone desmume), can a new category be made specifically for it? :)

Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

That's the thing, since players can use controllers that have extra buttons compared to a SNES controller. Which is why i figured being able to remap during a run would be fine. I see it as fair play, especially if you use a SNES controller specifically. Hmm... thinking

Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron1 year ago

The title says it all, was wondering if it's allowed for Contra 3? Let's say you remap the controller button layout between each stage (side scrolling view and top down view controller changes), for example. Even if it's only switching two buttons?

スレッド: Axelay
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron2 years ago

Here's a link showcasing what i meant about the circling enemies on hardest difficulty, at the very beginning of stage 1. 6 circles of enemies, also in VERY quick succession compared to any other difficulty.

It's definitely nutty. lmao

The pattern is 2 quick circles, 1 circle, then 3 quick circles.

xenkaroshi これを好き
スレッド: Axelay
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron2 years ago

The best way to tell that it's on hardest difficulty at the very beginning of the game: You know those enemies that circle around you at the beginning of stage 1? Well, on hardest difficulty there will be a total of 6 circles of enemies that'll appear. 2 rows of circling enemies back to back, eventually totaling 6 circles altogether.

On hard difficulty, only 4 circles of enemies will appear. And only 1 circle at a time, not 2 back to back in quick succession. :)

スレッド: Axelay
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron2 years ago

Any changes to the idea are still welcome. :D

スレッド: Axelay
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron2 years ago

I just get tired of doing hard mode over and over, just so i can play very hard mode. lol Would rather make a unique category which fixes that specific issue. And starting with 3 lives only makes it a bit more challenging as well. It'd be a fair thing to do, since you're essentially skipping hard mode.

スレッド: Axelay
Missouri, USAAbsoLootAaron2 years ago

Was wondering instead of going through hard mode in order to play very hard mode, i can just make a save state starting before the weapon select screen (during the Konami all rights reserved screen) for stage 1, after hard modes completion of course, in order to do very hard only for speedrunning? And since 3 ship lives is what you normally start with for easy/normal/hard, the save state must also start with 3 ship lives.

So the category would be called: Very Hard (3 Lives Start). With a save state that starts during the "Konami all rights reserved" screen... The timer must start as soon as the "Konami all rights reserved" screen turns to black, before the weapon select screen appears.

Would this unique category be okay for implementation? I think it'd be a real fun/challenging speedrun to add. :)

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