スレッド: Phantasy Star Online
ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

Would it be possible to add Section ID too? I think instead of as text it should be possible to add it as an icon? Maybe that’d be better. I don’t know where to find images of section IDs though.

If I’m made mod even just temporarily I volunteer to go through all runs and correct their class (and ID if it’s added).

Edit: Maybe we could use these icons: http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/VIRIDIA.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/GREENILL.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/SKYLY.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/BLUEFULL.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/PURPLENUM.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/PINKAL.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/REDRIA.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/ORAN.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/YELLOWBOZE.gif http://www.pso-world.com/sectionids/2/WHITILL.gif

スレッド: Phantasy Star Online
ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

So is anyone going to implement this?

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

That’d be WU Virtual Console, right? Which means, it’s an emulator. Idk how SRcom treats Virtual Console usually… but I think in terms of being allowed, it’s allowed?

I just looked into submitting and we’re missing more than just a WU VC option, though. The only “region” we have (which I assume is game version) is USA… not that it should make a big difference, but I do think we should have the USA/EUR/JPN options on there at least.

Kriken これを好き
ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

“Planning on eventually adding a function to show you what level and xp you will be at after defeating a boss at a certain level etc.”

Did you mean “at a certain EXP total”? EXP total is what matters, not level. You could be lvl30 for a boss and level up to 31 or 32 depending on how much EXP total you had. EXP total is what determines your level.

スレッド: Phantasy Star Online
ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

That would be pretty nice to have, instead of having to rely on comments for it. I wonder if the ID could be added similarly…?

スレッド: Youyou Kengeki Musou
ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

I’ve been looking into autosplitters recently, and made one for Ys Origin Toal runners. I was thinking that since this game has wildly different load times depending on the PC (just compare RTA and IGT of the Hard 1.2 runs), it would be much better for everyone if we made an autosplitter that doesn’t run during load times, so that everyone is on the same page (this is a thing that’s possible and other people use it in other games).

So was just wondering, what do people think? I’m not sure what would happen to the current runs, maybe they can be retimed to remove load times. I think having an autosplitter that starts, splits, and ends the run automatically while removing load times would be the ultimate perfect goal.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

Wow I forgot about this. Watching it now…

The early game grind/farm is completely different as I thought, that’s so cool. He’s getting 50 Emel from the flowers like I did on Nightmare, but refreshing the first group of them over and over. He powers up the sword, then grinds bombs along the way and grinds the Wing of Alma room thanks to Livart’s whirlwind special attack. That’s a really interesting route, I have a bunch of variations I want to test too though…

His Ud-Meiyu stage is incredibly quick, he doesn’t bother to farm or grind much at all. Still fights with 181HP though. He only levels up to 186HP after the boss, though. I don’t think there’s any point in doing that… he’ll have to farm for longer in Limewater Cave anyway. Might as well kill the enemies that are on the way…

He’s still doing the “Escape” movement wrong. Must not have seen my video.

Wow, he actually uses the Capla Water to kill Piana-Pullus… wtf, even kills Gaposasura. Thanks to that he doesn’t have to grind bombs in Kishgal, enters with 313HP and is 319HP after killing them once… I don’t think going for Gaposasura is worth it, but maybe Piana-Pullus is? 19353 EXP is a damn lot, that’s the equivalent of 24 bombs, and you get an amazing item from it too (Emelas Gloves, +5 STR/DEF). I actually think this is worth it even on Normal, wow, more Nightmare strats going over to Normal… routing Nightmare was the best thing I ever did. lol Using the Capla Water for it should be unnecessary, just need to get into the fight with all 3 swords’ magic filled, and unleash.

Uhm wtf, he used Livart’s magic to do the jump skip at the end of Kishgal… lol

Wow, he died at the Ark. Also used the last 2 Capla Water to spam 3 Ericcil magic really quickly, which almost instantly killed phase 2 lmao. I wonder if I should start trying to fight Ernst without Capla Water… I don’t think it’s viable without turbo though.

Overall, his movement is hella reckless and fast, despite that it’s devoid of mistakes almost.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

I’ve found the .ini Kiniamaro was talking about while searching for my save files. Edited ClampInternalFrameRateMax, and this happened:

I think .ini editing should be banned. It’s a little like hacking. The devs/game never meant for you to access a file within a hidden folder. If that double click thing is allowed, then what’s stopping people from “overclocking” the game to get faster runs? Picking and choosing what is and isn’t right to edit within the file seems a bit dumb.

Edit: A few other editable things I found: “PlayerName="Adol Christin"”, I think Adol Christin comes up a few times in dialogue, changing it to “I” or whatever might save time like it does in other RPGs. “OldAlmaWing=0” no idea why you’d want it, but you can get the Wing of Alma to act like in the Japanese version. …Actually I know why you’d want it, you could theoretically save before going to Kishgal, edit the .ini, then load the save and do the Kishgal early entry. This would create the fastest possible run, merging the JPN only skip with XSEED’s better teleportation functionality. There is some stuff I have no idea what it is but I’m afraid to mess with it: “GameFirstPlay”. “GameClearFlag”, “TitleTimeAttackIndex”, “TitleGameDifficulty”, “TitleCursorIndex”, “SaveFileNo”.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

Improved again to 1:20′31″, this time is pretty ridiculous… haven’t watched it yet, I wonder if he uses any new strategies.

I wonder how much faster XSEED version actually is, considering this guy is making full use of turbo now.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

The guy improved his time and it’s now faster than my English version WR.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

My time got beaten yesterday on the JPN version by the Japanese guy with the Normal record by 1′10″! 1:55′19″ nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29889369

Haven’t watched it yet but I’m really curious to see his routing.

Edit: Differences: He kills enemies a little more optimally than me at the start of the game I think. Plays Demi-Galba safe. Goes back and forth in the room before Demi-Galba to spawn a blue enemy and get 5 Emel (maybe he needs 2 of them idk); seems pointless to me. Goes to Limewater Cave before Grana-Vallis Mountain (tested to be slower on ENG). Makes Livart lvl5, farms Emel before Piana-Pius. O_o Gets to 175HP (1 level above me) before Zonplas. Gets the lucky shield. I have no idea how he doesn’t even lose a minute after Zonplas doing all that compared to me (I did lose 2′ at Demi-Galba…). Kills the big spiders on his way to Ud-Meiyu’s dungeon. Goes back to the corridor after Galba-Hand to grind a level (186HP); seems pointless to me. Uses Livart for Ud-Meiyu, doesn’t look faster to me. He almost got first try Piana-Pius, daaaaamn. He does the hard dashjump to the Capla Water, daaamn this guy is good, and crazy. He’s 1 level lower than me at Orjugan (273HP), plays it more smartly, damaging both hands and using the magic with timing to break them. Holy shit, turbo saves a fuck ton of time with Ericcil movement. O_o He keeps dying to Lanaluna. His buying route is different from mine, I haven’t been paying attention because that’s not a big deal (I already improved mine from my WR IIRC). His Escape movement is very poor. Gets the Emelas Shield. …And the Emelas Armor! O_o Wastes the Capla Water on Piana-Pullus! O_o He even kills Gaposasura. Ha, he beat my time because he got Ernst’s cutscene skip. …For whatever reason unequips Emelas Armor for Ark, don’t see how that’d be any help.

A lot of what he does seems useless for ENG, not much I can steal from him I guess. I’m having the thought of trying Livart lvl5 and doing Ud-Meiyu with it, farming there enough for Brillante; like he does on Normal. Something to be tested I guess… Getting the Emelas Armor could be a good idea, not sure where he gets the Emel for it though. I’m 50k short in my WR.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

Didn’t want to make a new topic for it but I ran Hard and got 1:43′19″95. I think I implemented all the new tricks and ideas we’ve found since my Nightmare run so that’s cool. I had some super silly mistakes though such as a death during Escape (hey at least I didn’t select “Quit”…) which cost me a minute on an otherwise very consistent split. Still the run could’ve been good if I didn’t lose 3′ at Ark, some time dying at Galba-Roa again and missing Ernst’s cutscene skip. The time is probably not beatable on Nightmare with current strategies. Demi-Galba is actually harder on Hard than Nightmare, because the flame attack combos you and 3HKOs even if you’re level 2. I didn’t try level 1 but I don’t think that’s worth it, so I just play it safe at level 3.

part 1: twitch.tv/alaktorn91/v/94215269 part 2: twitch.tv/alaktorn91/v/94214682

Edit: Also yeah on Hard enemies still crit you (less often though, I think) and there are still glowing enemies, but I think if you don’t have a sword unlocked there won’t be glowing enemies of that type. It’s otherwise mostly the same as Nightmare (just with fewer mobs in certain places).

スレッド: Phantasy Star Online
ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

I don’t think that kind of NG+ run would make sense… you could just grind a character to max stats and it’d be the same as doing a lower difficulty, no?

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

I didn’t even know this run existed before Korzic told me during the relay event so I’m posting it here. Looks like Normal routing just got even more complicated…

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

OK so, a few improvements that were discovered right after my run: 2 new tricks when escaping Romun Fleet: youtube.com/watch?v=O9e_WM2mJ_c

  1. Found by Ravi, my best guess of how it works is due to how transitions with a party work: 1. Adol must be in the loading zone. 2. 1 girl must be oriented towards the top of the stairs and in the running animation. 3. Both girls must be close enough to Adol, vertical distance disregarded.
  2. Found by me as a byproduct of understanding why Ravi’s trick worked, you can trigger the stairs loading zones sooner if you stop going up/down them right at the loading zone instead of going all the way in (that just gives more distance between Adol and the girls, thus delaying the trigger). This is doable with the last loading zone when escaping too. Also, the last loading zone only checks for Olha to be following rather than both girls, for whatever reason. Edit: There are times when Olha alone won’t trigger the escape, though… go figure.

When going to Ud-Meiyu, it’s ≈ 9″ faster to teleport to the Fountain of Prayer right after leveling up Brillante. This might not be that useful for Normal because there I actually kill the new enemies that spawn outside of Port Rimorge for some Emel. Edit: Thinking about it though all that means is that on Normal I’m losing even more than 9″, and even if it were a trade-off of 9″ for like 60 Emel I’m pretty sure that’s not worth going for… so yeah I think I should teleport on Normal too.

Edit: So I just went through it and there’s no need to kill anything extra after the Kishgal grind to get lvl50 at Ernst. Door Miniboss, Piana-Pullus and Galba-Roa give more than enough experience.

Edit: Figured out another minor trick, you can use Brillante’s magic at the same time you open Lanaluna’s gate and hit her, dealing just as much damage as normal (Brillante lvl10). This basically saves the half a second of the magic attack animation, since you’re doing it together with starting the cutscene. Probably 100% pointless RTA, but I’d expect a TAS to use this.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago




The run went overall really well, the new addition of fighting Piana-Pullus was the best idea I’ve had in my life. I probably died less than 40 times in the whole run. Though I died a lot against Galba-Roa without understanding why the arms were hitting me, and somehow I kept dying against Orjugan, both of which are supposed to be easy bosses. But hey, I made up for it with a 3rd try Ernst and 2nd try Ark. :)

Best splits: http://i.imgur.com/s1Ua7P7.jpg

Can definitely go lower since Demi-Galba has a death and Galba-Roa has several. I’m happy with my run though so I don’t even know whether I’ll try to improve it. I didn’t think I’d get sub 2h so quickly. After having done two runs taking the extra slot though, I do think it’s not worth it. It’s way too risky since it’s filled with enemies that WILL hit you, you waste all your healing items for it and it takes like 50″ to do. If I’m ever to do another run I don’t think I’ll go for the extra slot.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

So I just compared the Limewater Cave grind between my strat and Ravi’s… Ravi’s actually ended up being 1 minute slower. O_o 8′28″54 vs. 9′30″96. I’m not sure why. I guess because Ravi grinds in a spot with stronger slimes, on Nightmare it takes too long to kill them…

Spending 8′ and a half grinding is a pain in the ass though. Wish there was a better way…

Edit: Door Miniboss is killed faster with down-thrust, 21″ vs 28″ of charged slashes. I’m working on a new EXP route for Kishgal also killing Piana-Pullus and grabbing the Emelas Glove.

Seems like the fastest way to grab the extra accessory slot is en route to Orjugan, takes 35″ (without considering the opening of the chest). // Hmm, this may actually be unnecessary… I can replace the Starlight Medal with the Emelas Glove for Ernst/Ark, since Ernst can’t level me to 52 anyway. It’s basically a 40″ tradeoff for having Wooden Bracialet for Romun escape, Kishgal and Galba-Roa… I feel like I don’t need it but I’ll probably get it anyway.

So atm I’m doing level 47 (325HP) at bombs, kill Piana-Pullus to get to 48 (335HP after Seed of Vitality), kill Galba-Roa to get to 50 (347HP) for Ernst. Sadly I’ll still only be 51 at the Ark…

I noticed killing the first flamethrower after entering Kishgal levels me from 41 to 42 in my current save. Those things seem to give a lot of EXP…

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

Kind of made a new discovery. Minions during boss fights seem to follow a slightly different formula without flooring, so you get decimal EXP values. I’ve seen this with Zonplas’s spawned fireflies and on Nightmare with the “circle vines” outside Ruins of Lost Time during the mini Gaposdhala boss fight. The latter have given me variable decimal EXP while I was at the same level… the current formula would give 5.625 EXP (22.5 base) at lvl24 but I just got 5.60157 and 5.60156 (61040.20312 → 61045.80469 → 61051.40625). I think the variance is always just .00001. Pretty weird…

Edit: Omg, the pixies in Ernst’s fight can be “killed” twice if you attack quickly enough as they die, for example with Livart’s magic you’re always gonna get 2× EXP when killing one of them. Sometimes if you keep mashing as they’re dying you’ll get 2× EXP.

The Ark gives no EXP.

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

XSEED/Steam version any% Nightmare 2:43′11″20. I probably died over 100 times. Can we add a category for this?


Something went wrong with my leveling so I gotta look into that. Sub 2h is definitely possible but is it doable? I don’t know.

Edit: Looking into EXP stuff and it looks like it would be faster to just get 4481 EXP when at level 47 so Galba-Roa levels me all the way to 49. That’s either clearing 3 rooms of bombs (3 each time) + 2 + mandatory Door Miniboss or idk. // Nevermind… that works for Ernst, but not for the Ark…

Omg I actually only barely reach lvl51 even. O_o Worst case scenario I need 3174 EXP from the pixies which means I have to kill 4 of them during the Ernst fight to get enough EXP… wow. If I only kill 3 it means I need to go for a few extra kills after leveling to 48 I guess (447 EXP needed). The fact you can double kill pixies probably helps a lot, though…

ItalyALAKTORN7 years ago

Vids: Piana-Pius



Ark of Napishtim

Current best segments after only 2 runs: http://i.imgur.com/nZnoYfD.jpg

I’ll try to go for a full run within the weekend.

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