What counts for 100%
10 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

So me and MLSTRM already talked about this, and I wanted to know what others felt. Out of all the collectibles in the game (Kromium Orbs, Cogs, Bilbies, Photos, Races, Missions, Steve's, Boomerangs), what should be required in a 100% run? Personally, I believe all should be required except all boomerangs, as that requires about half an hour of grinding opals, which is no fun, however, I feel other runners should get a say in this.

Massachusetts, USA

I'm currently in the process of note-taking to try to get a very basic route down for 100% - as far as I can tell, that hasn't been done yet? I agree on the idea of not needing to get every boomerang...that was really the only thing I could think of that would be a huge hassle to get around. As of now I'm just note taking which missions open up when, where they are on the map, when I have enough opals to get the next required thing, etc. etc. etc.

If any of this has been done already before I'd love to know...googling didn't pop up any full run results so if there's been any routing done I'm not aware of it yet. Additionally there's no guarantee I'll even be familiar with all the tricks there are in this game seeing as I've only done one or two runs of Ty 1 100%, and I've never even seen a Ty 2 any% run before (I will get around to that sooner or later). I'm by no means skilled at all in "glitch hunting" so the best I'm going for here is just a basic route that can be fixed up later.

Massachusetts, USA

I have a route made entirely made up - https://docs.google.com/document/d/12fPuYf2ijo4de32Ey5yVYrRtDU1fKlZGRotXnbib78o/

if you want to talk it over, let me know, as I know the game very well. However, I must warn you that I estimate 100% to take around 6 hours, so be ready for that. If you do decide to do a run, perhaps that will motivate me to do a run of my own finally.

Massachusetts, USA

To be honest I'm decently far into the route thing so I might just keep going and see how my result compares to yours - I've always wanted to route a game on my own and I tried to do so for Ty 1 100% but gave up pretty quickly once I saw some of the mechanics that were being abused that I had never thought of. Very nice to have this to refer to though, do you have Skype? Or what would be the best way to talk to you about it?

Massachusetts, USA

message me on skype (robthegamer117) name should come up as robert zombie, profile pic as gooboo steve

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