New Category?
2 years ago

While i don’t run this game myself, I had an idea of a new category of having to fill out the Great Sea map via feeding the man-fish. Not sure if this would be too interesting, but it would have to have some thought involved as you can’t just superswim everywhere.

Utah, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

This is already in all figures/menus or whatever it’s called

Los Angeles, CA, USA

The route would probably be something along the line of (starting from post mss) FF1, sail, farm rupees, go to islands and rebuy bait when needed and maybe getting any additional items that make farming faster

And honestly it would maybe be faster in some cases to superswim and save warp, but idk.

I personally would not run that unless it’s a race or something lol, but you are always free to run it yourself, there is always the possibility of adding it to extensions.

syntheticspades これを好き
投稿日 2 years ago
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