What are you working on?
3 years ago
European Union

As title says, I'm just curious. I'm working on High Elves Vortex victory right now, effects probably will be in two weeks time.

Personally I want to nail the non-vortex factions first, Tomb Kings, Vampirates, Hunstmarshals, so on. After that, the High Elves are my most played faction so trying to complete a run with all the lords would be fun. Not trying to go for a victory, Ulthuan would likely be the best choice for that based off of their location and ease of start, I would assume. Im totally down to theorycraft on it, Its nice to have people interested in running the game!


Hey! I don´t have much free time to practice and planning beating a campaing speedrunning for now, but in the future I will try my best for sure. In the free time that I have will go for the quest battles. For the campaing victory I would think (without testing) that a race-vortex related will be longer usually, Im looking at Clan Mors and Clan Eshin for example like Shoggy did.

EDIT: with race-vortex related I mean ritual mode ones, not faction xD.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago
European Union

I think Eshin has much more potential than Mors. Main problem with vortex factions (ritual ones) is necessity to gain a lot of ritual material (5000 is a lot), so either maaaany end turns (hundreds, around 500 with one site), or big conquest (50 provinces/ritual sites). All campaigns that have other winning conditions can be done easier. Good thing is, all but Dark Elves have a campaign that has other winning conditions (DE with Malus require only 1500 scrolls for victory, so he is the best, also has less annoying invasions).

Generally speaking I want to focus on creating strats, not really on running many times. Will do some runs for sure though. What you think about making a Discord server for it? Will be easier to communicate with each other and separate things. I can make one.

EDIT: Made one: If you wanna join, here: https://discord.gg/AVESTZHUN6

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago

Sure, but I don´t use discord so much, even so I will try to stay online once in a while.

Victoria, Australia

Hey, thought I'd join in, I have been running recently the Lizardman Vortex campaign, trying to see if I can get it under an hour. I believe its very possible with good RNG. I agree that the factions that dont participate in the race for the vortex stand a better chance at good times compared to other factions who do

Would you all like to have a separate category for non-vortex campaigns as well as the standard ritual campaigns, or is the separate individual factions enough? I can also make categories for each lord, though that would add a mountain of categories

Also, if yall have the capability to post your runs on YouTube, my initial Finish the Game run has over 500 views for whatever reason, may be a good way to bring new folk into the fold and hopefully get yalls some notoriety

European Union

Categories for ME could be a good thing to add, since there are 5 races that aren't currently represented.

I've thought about the ME campaigns, since theres already a page for the first game I thought it might be a little redundant to have them again, but if y'all are interested in doing those runs (I know id like to do an Empire/Dwarf run myself) ill make the categories


I think is better to keep this page for the factions or LL added in TWW2, not to overextend adding TWW factions.

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