6 years ago
United States

Hey, while I'm waiting for my equipment to arrive so I can start recording runs, I have a question.

So, basically, I have Toejam & Earl on the Wii VC and only that. Though, the only controller I have access to that works with the VC is the Gamecube controller, and using the dpad for not very long periods of time during practice runs starts to hurt my thumb and I feel like I'm not being precise enough with my inputs anyway.

So my question is: If I use an emulator on the Wii to play the game with the Gamecube control stick, is that supposed to be tagged as Wii VC, Wii VC[emulated], or Genesis[emulated]? Sorry if this is a dumb question, thanks for any answers.

Alaska, USA

I'm not sure I completely understand the situation but let me attempt to answer. If you are playing on the vanilla Wii VC then it can be labeled as Wii VC. Did you have to install a 3rd party emulator on your Wii to enable the gamecube controller compatibility? If what you installed was just a way to use the controller, then you can label it as Wii VC, but if you installed an entire separate program then I'll need a little more information. Also, if you have a usb controller/xbox controller/ps4 controller you can also download Fusion 3.64 as your PC emulator and you can play using that. If you end up downloading a PC emulator the correct submission tag is either PC[emu] or Genesis[emu]. But please respond and let me know the specifics of what you mean about a wii emulator. Are you referencing just the vanilla Wii VC? Or did you install something separate?

United States

The Wii VC has native support for the Gamecube controller(in earlier versions of the Wii model there are Gamecube controller ports, which is what I have). The "separate program" would just be a Genesis emulator coded for the Wii and launched via the homebrew channel.

The native support for the Gamecube contoller doesn't allow me to use the control stick, so I have to use the dpad instead to move, select options, etc. For an extended period of time, using that dpad is... less than optimal. Like I said before, it starts to hurt my thumb not long after using it and I feel as if I'm not being precise as I could be.

If I used an emulator on the Wii to play the game, then it would allow me to use the control stick.

Alaska, USA

Sorry for the late reply Arq. Hopefully you'll see this reply. The only emulator that's allowed for submitting runs for PC is Fusion 3.64. You have a somewhat extenuating circumstance, but the issue with emulators is that there is always the possibility for abuse. If you have absolutely no other option for playing the game other than Wii, then you can use the emulator there with the caveat that the run needs to be streamed to be eligible for submission. Again, if you have a PC compatible gamepad you can always use Fusion 3.64 so long as you stream your run. If streaming is impossible for you, then the game will have to be played on the vanilla wii vc, steam, ps3, xbox360/xboxone, or original hardware.

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That way we can communicate more easily and you can ask around for resources or advice. Hope we can get you running soon! Once again, I'm sorry it took so long for this response.

Minnesota, USA

For Wii VC, using the Wii Remote alone with the "variation" control scheme (A = Map, B = Presents, C = Action) is not completely intolerable, although the Wii Remote's d-pad isn't a whole lot better.

Additionally you could consider using something like one of raphnet's adapters to adapt a non-Gamecube controller to the Wii (for example, the Genesis to Wii/GC adapter: )

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