would love to see a something like what they have in the dirt 5 leaderboard where you can submit a record for each track and not the game as a whole
https://trackmania.exchange/home Maps -> Nadeo Maps
Aside from the In-Game leaderboards, Time Attack records have pretty much always been tracked on the https://mania-exchange.com/ websites. Those pages are much older than speedrun.com and have features like replay submission and anti-cheat measures.
You can also check the in-game leaderboard for each track on Trackmania.io: https://trackmania.io/#/campaigns
For example, this is the leaderboard for Spring 2022 - 01: https://trackmania.io/#/campaigns/leaderboard/fab938e9-05e3-4c09-856f-62f10579a243/0liUTlKkh9dQ6ahhNXMvfeit5ia
I released a tutorial that covers all you need to know to do speedruns on Trackmania 2020.
If you find it informative, I would love if you could like the video, leave the comment and share it to your friends interested in speedrunning the game !