Difference between Grounded Low% & Grounded challenge?
6 years ago
Essex, England

Hey Pdub! It's cool to see these categories finally got sorted! Congrats.

I have a question about the difference between the two categories mentioned in title.

Is the only difference between them both that you can only use a bow & no med kits in challenge mode? Can you make mollies, nail bombs, etc? From what I understand of low %, you can't pick up any of the items mentioned that are excluded in challenge mode (pills/parts etc) as they are not forcibly given, other than a med kit and a few throwable items.

Just want to get things clear before I tackle one of these challenges.

Thanks mate!

Essex, England

Also, from what I understand, in Grounded & easy challenge, you can also use bottles, bricks & melee weapons. I feel like this should be stated in the rules, just so people know! :)

Mattmatt これを好き
Texas, USA

Yes sir, Thanks Brad - so I'll explain the difference of what you can do and not do in each to clear up any confusion, because it IS quite confusing, lol.

So in Grounded Low% you can only take supplies or guns/ammo that are forcibly given to you or that you have to take to proceed through an area (the one that comes to mind is the nail bomb at Bills in the safehouse, the nailbomb is not given to you, but you must take it to leave the church), also when Bill gives you the Shotgun, you can only use what ammo is in the Shotgun, you cannot pick up any additional ammo to use, or if you do accidentally you cannot use it. Let me know if that is clear. Since Bricks and bottles are not given to you, you cannot use them. This will take all of us some time to work out, but wildfire has already submitted a run, so you could check that out for ideas.

For Grounded Challenge, this is what you cannot do: You cannot die, cannot use med kits, shiv trick, shiv doors, no upgrades with pills or parts, and cannot use guns (except for forced areas, Bills upside down hanging area). You can use anything else you want, including bow, mollys, nail bombs and smoke bombs, and bricks/bottles and health bars and health snacks. Let me know if this is clearer also.

We just placed on the rules what you couldn't do, and left off what you could do to your imagination. - Pdub

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago
victor149 そして BradTatum これを好き
Essex, England

Thanks Pdub, that is perfect.

I thought that may be the case. I spoke to Wildfire a little about it & he said the exact same as you, so I just wanted to chear it from the horse's mouth.

Thanks man! I look forward to running these categories! :)

victor149 これを好き
投稿日 6 years ago
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