Any% Speedrun Guide (Version 2)
Any% Speedrun Guide (Version 2)
更新済み 5 years ago 投稿者: aWay0fLife

This guide is a rewrite of my original guide, using KCCCC's run as the inspiration. Because their routing and tech was much better than mine.


Right click on gate to open, Walk to Right, Pick up and Use ROCK with LIGHT, Walk to Right, get MURDERED


SWITCH to Reyes (2), Give POLAROID FILM to Ray SWITCH to Ray (1), Look at Corpse, Use POLAROID FILM in CAMERA, use CAMERA on CORPSE, walk to left, open GATE, walk to Trestle Trail Walk to right until you talk to Pigeons, Dia: 1, 1, 3, Walk to right, ESC Skip Van Cutscene when it happens, Pick up BOTTLE, EXIT right, ESC skip cutscene Walk to Right to the Sherrif, Dia: 1, Skip thru dialogue, Once you have control go to CORONER's OFFICE (bottom floor) Dia: 1, 2, 3, 5, Open the drawers until you get FINGERPRINT KIT, Leave room Go upstairs to SHERRIF ROOM, skip thru cutscene, Dia: 3, 1, open Left Drawers (next to the door) until you get FINGERPRINT BOOK, Leave room Leave Office, Go to MAIN ST, Talk to Pigeons, Dia: 1, Walk right, Walk to B STREET Walk Right, Enter RIKKI'S CAKES, Talk to RICKI, Dia: 1, 1, 3, 3, Exit Walk Left to MAIN ST, Walk RIGHT to OUTSKIRTS Walk into BATHROOM, Pick up TOILET PAPER (no need to turn on light you can find it in the dark), Leave Enter QUICKIE PAL, Give BOTTLE to Leonard, Leave Walk Left to TOWN, Enter Diner, Talk to Sandy, Dia: 1, 1


Pick up CLOWN NOSE, Pick up POSTER, Pick up and Look at NOTE This NOTE is a clue to the combination to the wall safe, the game wants you to go look around and note down the info from the note, BUT you don't have to and you can solve the puzzle NOW

Two of the combination numbers will be items that have a fixed answer. (E.g. the number of flags over the big top will always be 4), you may just have to use some math because sometimes you are asked to times the amount by another number or square it (times it by itself).

The last combination number you are asked is always the number of Kids Carney Joe has and is random every time. So you can brute force the combination until you get it right. The answers are below:

Number of letters in top right word, bottom left word (STUPENDOUS TRAVELING BROTHERS CIRCUS) (10, 9, 8, 6) Number of Stars over makeup Mirror (2) Number of Flags over the big top opening (4) Number of Butt cheeks (2) Number of Fish in Carney Joes Gallery (8) Number of Clouds in Carney Joes Gallery (3) Number of Light bulbs over dressing room Mirror (13) Number of Trophies (2) Number of Steps leading to Bed (3) Number of Kids Carney Joe has, (This is Random every game and Needs to be guessed or learned)

(NOTE: this list is not complete as there a lot of variations to this puzzle)

Once done, Pick up MONEY, Exit ESC Skip cutscene, Walk left, Walk to CIRCUS GROUNDS Walk to BACKSTAGE ENTRANCE, Pick up MONEY, Leave Walk to Left to MIDWAY Give MONEY to CARNEY JOE, ESC Skip Cutscene, Leave Walk to BACKSTAGE ENTRANCE, Use CLOWN NOSE, Use HAIR GEL, Use MAKEUP, Walk to STAGE DOOR Dia: 3, 3, 3, 3

Pick up HOT DOG, ESC Skip Cutscene When outside again, Walk Left, Give WC-67 TUBE to Pigeons, ESC Skip Cutscene, Walk to A STREET Walk Right, Enter Nickel News, Walk Left around Newspapers, Dia: 5, Look at POLICETRON 3000 NOTE down what she says (it's random every game) SWITCH to Reyes (2), Walk to SHERRIF'S OFFICE Use POLICETRON 3000, DIa: 4, (Then select what corresponds with what she said) ESC Skip Cutscene Look at the Newspaper closest to you (CHUCK EDMUND WINS $1,000,000 IN QUICKIE PAL LOTTO) NOTE down the Number (You will need it Later) Pick up FRAMED COUNTY MAP on the wall, Use COUNTY MAP with COPYTRON 3000 Use NICKEL with COPYTRON 3000 Go to Leave, ESC Skip Cutscene Walk Right to POST OFFICE Try to PIck up STICKY TAPE, Use BADGE (in inventory), Pick up STICKY TAPE twice (to get 2 of them), Leave Walk Right to OCCULT BOOKS Push LADDER and climb ladder to the top, Pick up CURSED BOOK Climb down Ladder, Leave, Walk Left to MAIN ST, Walk Right to OUTSKIRTS Walk Right to VISTA, Walk Right to COUNTY, Dia: 1


Dia: 5, SWITCH to Reyes (2), Walk to COUNTY, Go to MAIN STREET SOUTH (The diner) Walk to DINER, Pick up HOT DOG, ESC Skip Cutscene SWITCH to Ray (1), Walk to COUNTY, Go to BUS STATION Walk Right, Talk to LADY OF THE EVENING, Dia: 1, 1, 1


Leave room, Walk to Hall, Walk Left, Walk to Door Walk to MAIL BOX, ESC skip cutscene, Pick up WOOD PILE, Pick up GAS CAB, Walk to FRONT DOOR Walk to KITCHEN, Open FRIDGE, Pick up KETCHUP, Pick up HOT SAUCE, Leave use LOG with FIREPLACE, Look at and Use HOT SAUCE, Go to KITCHEN Open CUPCOARD, Pick up GLASS, Look at MAGAZINE, Leave Pick up SOOT (In fireplace), Use SOOT in Glass, Use GASCAN with GLASS OF SOOT Walk to Hall, Walk to Bedroom, Use GLASS OF INK with PRINTRON Use COMPUTER, Select anything from options, answer questions about MMucsflem (Answers below)

MMucas is a cooperative Multitasking lanfuage allowing multiple scripts to run Concurrently Allows for 256 room Local variables Functions can take up to 8 parameters Source level debuggers run on a seperate monitor Variables can be modified while debugging Compiled scripts are packed into .MFL files for distribution Shipped games are encoded using the XOR encryption EIGHT actors can be displayed on screen at one time Room backgrounds are compressed into character sets...... when the screen scrolls it moves by EIGHT pixels Up to 256 sounds can be defined.

Pick up ENVELOPE, Leave room, Return to KITCHEN Use GLASS with FAUCET, Open MICROWAVE, Use Glass with MICROWAVE, Leave At this point the door bell should be ringing, if NOT, re-enter the KITCHEN and leave until you hear the doorbell. Go to FRONT DOOR, ESC skip cutscene, Go to KITCHEN Use LETTER in MICROWAVE, Use MICROWAVE, Leave, Re-Enter Open MICROWAVE, Pick up LETTER, Leave, Exit House Walk to MAILTRON, Use STAMP with LETTER TO MUCASFLEM Use LETTER TO MUCASFLEM with MAILTRON, ESC skip cutscene Walk to HOUSE, return to BEDROOM Open LETTER FROM MUCASFLEM four times, ESC skip cutscene, Leave Use Shortcut door, Walk to UNCLES ROOM, ESC skip cutscene Give LETTER FROM MUCASFLEM to UNCLE CHUCK

Look at MAP, Go to QUICKIE PAL, Pick up MAPS Look at MAP, Go to MANSION Pick up GASCAN, Open DOOR, Dia: 1 SWITCH to Delores (4), Walk to Library, ESC skip cutscene, Leave Walk to FRONT DOOR, SWITCH to Ray (1) Give BUSINESS CARD and MAP to Delores SWITCH to Delores (4), Walk to FRONT DOOR Walk to UNCLES ROOM, Pick up PAINTING, Pick up KEY Pick up RECEIPT, Open CHECK REGISTER, Pick up CHECK STUB Pick up LARGE VACUUM TUBE, Look at MAP, Go to B STREET Walk to RICKI'S CAKES, Give RECEIPT to Ricki, ESC skip cutscene Look at MAP, go to MAIN ST, walk to Town Hall Walk to SHERIFFS OFFICE, Use VACUUM TUBE on ARRESTRON SWITCH to Ray (1), Look at MAP, Go to CIRCUS Open GATE, Dia: 1, 1, 4, SWITCH to Ransome (3) Pick up COMIC BOOK, Pick up POSTER, Open SAFE, Pick up BOOK Pick up Page four times, ESC skip cutscene, Pick up POSTAL NOTICE Open FRIDGE, Pick up CHEESE, Leave Walk Left to CIRCUS GROUNDS, Walk to BIG TOP ENTRANCE Use CHEESE on the HOLE where the Rats are coming out, Leave Use the PAGES in the book while walking to the Exit Pick up POPCORN BAG, Return to BIG TOP Use POPCORN BAG with PILE OF POPCORN, Leave Walk to TRAILERS, return to Ransomes trailer Open MICROWAVE, Use POPCORN BAG with HAMSTER, Leave Walk to CIRCUS GROUNDS, Walk Right to Exit SWITCH to Ray (1), Give Two MAPS to Ransome SWITCH to Ransome (3), Look at MAP, Go to A STREET Walk to POST OFFICE, Give POSTAL NOTICE to POSTAL WORKER, ESC skip cutscene, Leave Open PACKAGE, Walk Right, Give WALLET to Willie, Dia: 1 Look at MAP, Go to MAIN STREET SOUTH, Give MAP and BLOODY WALLET to Reyes SWITCH to Ray (1), Look at MAP, Go to HOTEL, ESC skip cutscene Walk to ENTRANCE, ESC skip cutscene, Dia: 1, 1


ESC Skip Cutscene, Walk to ENTRANCE Walk Right to KID, Use BOOMBOX, Talk to KID, Dia 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 Use BOOMBOX, Give a PILLOWBEAR to KID, Dia 2 Walk to ELEVATOR, Go to Floor 10, Use GLASSES, Exit ELEVATOR Pick up STANDARD ROOM PHOTO, Go into the four ROOMS and Pick up STATIONERY in each one Walk to ELEVATOR, Go to L (LOBBY), Talk to MANAGER, Dia 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, ESC Skip Cutscene Walk to ELEVATOR, GO to FLOOR on KEYCARD (Random) Walk to ROOM on KEYCARD, ESC Skip Cutscene, Use CHEWING GUM with HOTELTRON Use STANDARD ROOM PHOTO with HOTELTRON, ESC Skip Cutscene, Use TELEPHONE

Dia 4, ESC Skip Cutscene, Walk Right, Talk to MANAGER, Dia 2, 2 Walk to ELEVATOR, GO To Floor on FRANKLINS KEYCARD, Use KEYCARD in DOOR, Go in and LEAVE, ESC Skip Cutscene Use ELEVATOR, GO To Floor on VICTIMS KEYCARD SWITCH to Franklin (5), Leave room, Zap ELEVATOR SWITCH to Ray (1), Use KEYCARD in DOOR, Pick up PASSPORT, LEAVE SWITCH to Franklin (5), GO To LOBBY SWITCH to Ray (1), Leave, Open ELEVATOR (to call it to your floor) SWITCH to Franklin (5), Float Right and Splash the FOUNTAIN when the KID is in front of it SWITCH to Ray (1), Walk to ELEVATOR, Go to LOBBY, Walk to FOUNTAIN SWITCH to Franklin (5), Float Right and SPLASH Ray SWITCH to Ray (1), Look at MAP, Go to BRIDGE Walk to Right, Use TOILET PAPER on CORPSE, Walk Right Pick up SOMETHING ODD, Use GASCAN on CHAINSAW Use CHAINSAW on OLD TREE, ESC Skip Cutscene, Enter Sewer Walk to TUNNEL Walk Right to end TUNNEL Walk to First TUNNEL Walk to First TUNNEL again Walk to left TUNNEL Walk Right to end TUNNEL Walk to Right TUNNEL Pick up ICE PICK, Look at MAP, go to QUICKIE PAL Walk to BATHROOM, Use BLOODY TOILET PAPER with DRYER, ESC Skip Cutscene Look at MAP, go to MAIN STREET SWITCH to Reyes (2), Go to MAIN STREET Give BLOODY WALLET to Rey SWITCH to Ray (1), walk to TOWN HALL, walk to CORONERS OFFICE Use FINGERPRINT KIT with ICE PICK, Use ICE PICK with STICKY TAPE Use BLOODY WALLET with BLOODTRON Use BLOODY TOILET PAPER with BLOODTRON Use FINGERPRINT with FINGERTRON Use FINGERPRINT BOOK with FINGERTRON Use PASSPORT in FACETRON Use PHOTO OF BODY in FACETRON Pick up REPORTS, Leave, go to SHERRIFS ROOM Walk to ARRESTRON, Give Delores the CURSED BOOK Use REPORTS in ARRESTRON, ESC skip cutscene Dia: 1, 3


SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap ELEVATOR, Look at COMPUTER SCREEN when the MANAGER looks at it NOTE the room number SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, go to CEMETERY Walk all the way to the Right and pick up a FLOWER Look at MAP, GO to MAIN STREET SOUTH Walk to DINER, Pick up HOTDOG, ESC Skip cutscene Look at MAP, Go to RADIO STATION, Use TUBE PULLER on PHONETRON 3000 Use VACUUM TUBE on PHONETRON 3000, Walk to RADIO TOWER Look at MAP, Go to MANSION, Pick up SOOT, Walk to LIBRARY Use PHONE, Dial 7286, You only have to get 2 questions Correct


African Famine Relief Ronald Reagan Carl Lewis Lava Lamp Wedding of Charles and Diana Purple Tentacle Reese's Pieces Moscow H.W. This is your Brain on Drugs Micheal J Fox Inky Blinky Pinky Clyde Mount St Helens Beef Dallas American Top 40

Walk up Stairs on the Right, Walk left to section 2.1 Pick up PROGRAMMING THE SR-01, Look at MAP, Go to CIRCUS Walk to TRAILER, Push TRAMPOLINE Twice SWITCH to Franklin (5), Enter ELEVATOR, Dia: 2, 2, 4 Go to M Floor, Float Right to THIMBLECON

(At somepoint in the game RAY and REYES will return, they seem to be gone for about 10 minutes game time, obviously in a speedrun it depends how fast you are playing for when they return Best advice is to deal with their section when it happens and then carry on following the guide)

"MEANWHILE" Cutscene, Skip with (.) Game Auto SWITCHES to RAY or REYES, Use TELEPHONE, ESC skip cutscene, Leave ROOM AUTO SWITCH, Use TELEPHONE, ESC skip cutscene, Leave ROOM, Dia: 4, 4, 4

Open PACKAGE (for whichever character you are controlling) SWITCH to (Ray or Reyes), Open Package SWITCH to Franklin (5), Float Right, Talk to VIRGIL, Dia: 3, 3, 3, Leave SWITCH to Ransome (3), Walk into DINER, Dia: 1, 1, 1, ESC Skip cutscene Walk into DINER, Dia: 1, Leave, Walk Right, Talk to Chet (Pizza Guy) Dia: 1, 1, Pick up FLYER, Look at MAP, Go to CIRCUS, Walk to TRAILERS Walk up Stairs, Use TRAMPOLINE, Pick up PAGE when you can and ESC Skip cutscene when done SWITCH to Franklin (5), Go to ELEVATOR, Go to Floor NOTED down earlier (guest on the screen) While riding ELEVATOR, CHILL CAKE, Talk to CLARA, Dia: 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 NOTE down which TV show she says Exit ELEVATOR, Go to the Room NOTED down, Zap LIGHT SWITCH, Zap BATHROOM LIGHT SWITCH Splash TOILET, ESC Skip cutscene SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, Go to HOTEL, Give BUSINESS CARD to MANAGER SWITCH to Ransome (3), Look at MAP, Go to HOTEL, Talk to MANAGER Dia: 1, 1, 2, Walk to THIMBLECON, Dia: 1 Give COMIC to KEN THIEN, Give HAMBERGER to SEXY RIKER, ESC Skip cutscene SWITCH to Delores (4), Watch which floor SEXY RIKER gets out on SWITCH to Franklin (3), Zap BATHROOM LIGHT SWITCH, Splash TOILET, Zap LIGHT SWITCH, ESC Skip cutscene Leave, Zap ELEVATOR, Go to SEXY RIKERS Floor and go to room SWITCH to Delores (4), Use ELEVATOR, Go to SEXY RIKERS Floor and room SWITCH to Ransome (3), Use PAGE in JOKE BOOK, Walk to Right and walk to Door Skip through dialogues until you have control SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap DOOR SWITCH to Delores (4), Enter, Pick up JEWELERS TOOLS SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap ELEVATOR SWITCH to Ransome (3), Go to HOTEL SWITCH to Franklin (5), Enter ELEVATOR, Go to Floor 10, Exit Zap ELEVATOR (to close the doors), Zap TV until you get TV show CLARA likes

Static I LOVE my Cat Bananas, Bananas, Bananas Skiing for Cash The Rich and the Soapy Hospital Hijinks

Zap ELEVATOR (to open doors) SWITCH to Delores (4), Exit room, Use ELEVATOR, Go to the floor with the PIGEONS Enter room, Pick up WRENCH, Leave, Use ELEVATOR, Go to P (Penthouse) ESC Skip cutscene, Open SECRET ENTRANCE Use BOOK OF THE DEAD on PODIUM, Use FLOWER on BOOK SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap ELEVATOR, Go to Floor 12, ESC Skip cutscene Enter SECRET ENTRANCE, Talk to BOOK, ESC Skip cutscene Walk into TOMB, Zap SWITCH, Leave, Enter PORTAL, Leave, Zap ELEVATOR SWITCH to Ransome (3), Give HINT BOOK and THEREMIN RECORD to Delores SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, Go to RADIO STATION SWITCH to Ransome (3), Look at MAP, Go to RADIO TOWER, Climb SWITCH to Franklin (5), Enter ELEVATOR, Go to FLOOR 12, Go to a room SWITCH to Reyes (2), Look at PHONE BOOK, NOTE down the Number for SAFELY FIRST BANK Look at MAP, Go to RADIO STATION SWITCH to Delores (4), Give JEWELERS TOOLS to Reyes SWITCH to Reyes (2), Look at MAP, Go to MAIN STREET, Walk to TOWN HALL Walk to SHERRIFS OFFICE, Walk Right, Talk to WILLIE, Dia: 1, 1, 4 Give POCKET WATCH to WILLIE, Dia: 1 SWITCH to Ransome (3), Use LEVER, ESC Skip cutscene SWITCH to Delores (4), Enter RADIO STATION Use THEREMIN RECORD with TURNTABLE, Use LEVER, ESC Skip cutscene SWITCH to Reyes (2), Give JEWELERS TOOLS to WILLIE Give POCKET WATCH to WILLIE, Dia: 1, ESC Skip cutscene SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, Go to MAIN STREET (Outside SAFELY FIRST BANK) Enter Bank, Walk Right, Give CHECK STUB to MR.EL PAULO SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap TELEPHONE, Dial number for SAFELY FIRST BANK Dia: 1, 1, 1, 1, ESC Skip cutscene SWITCH to Delores (4), Pick up FACTORY KEY (on wall) Look at MAP, Go to HOTEL, Walk to THIMBLECON, Give CANCELLED CHECK to BRANT (The old guy near the door) Look at MAP, Go to MANSION, Walk to LIBRARY, ESC Skip cutscene, Leave Walk to BEDROOM, Pick up TROPHY and RED GEL DECODER Pick up GRAPHICS BASIC, Use GRAPHICS BASIC in COMPUTER Use WILL with COMPUTER, Use WILL with COMPUTER again Select from the options to enter the lucky number you got earlier from the newspaper Look at MAP, Go to B STREET, Walk to RICKI'S CAKES, Talk to RICKI, Dia: 1, 1 Look at MAP: Go to FACTORY, Look at MAP and Go to FACTORY again (this gets you closer to the gate) Use FACTORY KEY in GATE, Walk to FACTORY, Walk Left to ARCHWAY Walk Right to the Truck, Use WRENCH with RESTRAINING BOLT, Pick up BATTERY Walk Left to the SILO, Use the TROPHY with SILO, Walk Left to OFFICE Pick up FILTHY PAPER until you can Pick up the HANDBOOK Look at HANDBOOK, NOTE down the Security and Code information number on the Right SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap TELEPHONE, Dial that Number, NOTE down the TIME it tells you SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, Go to TRAILHEAD Use RADIOACTIVE WASTE with PUDDLE, Walk Right to FOREST TRAIL Walk to any PATH four times to find the THIMBLEBERRIES (don't walk back the way you came on the first screen or you will exit the forest) Pick up THIMBLEBERRIES, ESC Skip cutscene, Walk to PATH SWITCH to Ransome (3), Look at MAP, Go to TRAILHEAD, Walk Right to FOREST TRAIL Follow the footprints until you reach the electric fence Look at PIZZA FLYER, NOTE the Six digit Number at the bottom Walk Right, Use KEYPAD, Enter number, Open VAN DOOR, Enter VAN SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, Go to SECKRIT BUNKER Use BATTERY on ELECTRIFIED FENCE SWITCH to Ransome (3), Walk Left, ESC Skip cutscene, Pick up GOODIE BAG Open GOODIE BAG, Open FOIL WRAPPED BRICK, Walk to ELEVATOR Give FLOPPY DISK to Delores SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, Go to B STREET, Walk to RICKI'S CAKES Give THIMBLEBERRIES to RICKI, ESC Skip cutscene Look at MAP, Go to MANSION, Walk to LIBRARY, Give WILL to BRANT, Dia: 2


Skip thru dialogue (This is the hardest part of the run by the way)


SWITCH to Reyes (2), Look at MAP, Go to FACTORY SWITCH to Delores (4), Look at MAP, Go to B STREET, Walk to RICKI'S CAKES Give PILLOWTRONICS T-SHIRT to RICKI, ESC Skip cutscene Look at MAP, Go to FACTORY, Give BATTERY to Reyes, Walk Left to DOORTRON 3000 Use PF-001 TUBE on DOORTRON 3000 SWITCH to Reyes (2), Use POCKET WATCH on TIME CLOCK 2, Set time 5 Minutes ahead of the Time NOTED down earlier Walk to Left, Walk to ARCHWAY, Walk Left, Use POCKET WATCH on TIME CLOCK 3, Set time 5 minutes ahead Walk to Right, Use BATTERY on ELECTRIC TRUCK, Use LEVER Use POCKET WATCH on TIME CLOCK 4, Set time 5 Minutes ahead Look at MAP, Go to FACTORY, Walk Left, Use POCKET WATCH on TIME CLOCK 1, Set Time to the Time NOTED down earlier Use RED BUTTON SWITCH to Ransome (3), Look at MAP, Go to FACTORY SWITCH to Ray (1), Look at MAP, Go to FACTORY SWITCH to Delores (4), SWITCH to Ray and QUICKLY click near Delores to make Ray walk to the left on her own SWITCH to Ransome (3), Walk to Left, Pull DOORS SWITCH to Ray (1), Pull DOORS SWITCH to Reyes (2), Pull DOORS SWITCH to Delores (4), Walk to DOORS


Walk to LOWER LEVEL, Walk Left to PANEL, Open PANEL Look at PROGRAMMING THE SR-01 to find where to put the JUMPERS (The Order of the Colours is always RED, GREEN, BLUE) Walk to CORRIDOR, Walk Left until you reach the OFFICE Use KEY in DOOR, Pick up HAT and GLASS, EXIT, Open EXIT DOOR SWITCH to Ray (1), Look at MAP, Go to FACTORY SWITCH to Delores (4), Enter Door, Give HAT, GLASS and SOOT to Ray SWITCH to Ray (1), Use SOOT with FINGERPRINT KIT, Use FINGERPRINT KIT on GLASS Use GLASS with TAPE, Give TAPE to DELORES SWITCH to Delores (4), Use MAP, GO to MANSION, Go to UNCLES ROOM, Use FINGERPRINT with SAFE Pick up BOOK, Look at BOOK, Look at MAP, Go to FACTORY Walk to OFFICE, Use GEL DECODER with HINT BOOK Use FLOPPY DISK with COMPUIER TERMINAL Use COMPUTER, Select PASSWORD (HU96N4DGDY9X), Select ADVENTURE Go WEST x2 Go NORTH Say "fizzscumm" Skip Thru Dialogue


SWITCH to Ransome (3), Give ALUMINUM FOIL to Ray SWITCH to Ray (1), Exit ROOM, Use ALUMINUM FOIL with HAT SWITCH to Ransome (3), Exit ROOM, Use C4 EXPLOSIVE on LOCKING MECHANISM Use CANDY DISPENSER on C4 SWITCH to Ray (1), Use FOIL-COVERED HAT Walk to DOOR, Walk to CORRIDOR, Walk to Right, Walk to DOOR Look at SIGN, Note down the NUMBER SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap TELEPHONE, Dial the NUMBER SWITCH to Ray (1), Walk to SEKRIT ROOM SWITCH to Franklin (5), Zap TELEPHONE, Dial NUMBER again SWITCH to Ray (1), Use STRANGE TOOL on SLOT, Walk to TRAP DOOR SWITCH to Delores (4), Walk to TRAP DOOR, Enter DOORWAY, Push TUBES Dia: 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3


Look at MAP, Go to BRIDGE, use BALLOON ANIMAL with CORPSE Walk Left to HIGHWAY, Walk Right to TOWN Walk Right to OUTSKIRTS, Walk Right to VISTA Walk to ABANDONED FACTORY, Open GATE, walk to FACTORY, Walk to BIG DOORS Walk to 2nd DOOR, Walk to BLAST DOOR, Walk Right until you reach PILLOWTRON, Walk INSIDE Skip thru Dialogue, Push EVERY TUBE Push the LAST TUBE 5 TIMES until she says "Let's End This"

Written by aWay0flife With help from Jim4120

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