enemy spawn manipulation
3 years ago
United States

on the second hack if you stand on the garbage bags the spawns are more predictable

United States

i am not sure but it looks like it

United States

like in my glitched run when i cliped through the wall by the vending machines it switched to the spawns for that area

United States

like in my glitched run when i cliped through the wall by the vending machines it switched to the spawns for that area

Warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland

the funny thing is that game can spawn one additionally enemy with shield before third hack but idk how to prevent that. it can waste a lot of time because it spawns at the end of the alley where 2nd hack was.

Did a few runs today and tried some different positions pre-battle to see how it affected spawns. Nothing conclusive yet, but I'm feeling really confident it is location based, but when it picks to spawn something is still arcane to me. Some encounters seem to be fixed (pre-4th hack), but most of them seem to favor spawning closer to the player.

Location also seem to have a big effect on the AI. Standing just far enough causes it to lock in a walking action, making it easier to kill the shield bots. It doesn't seem to care much for spawns though...

Triojo これを好き

Got through a few more runs today. A few takeaways/thoughts:

  1. First spawn is 100% fixed. Good positioning gets you a pretty quick kill that I've started calling the "Ah" split.

  2. Spawns can come with 1 or 2 additional units. It's extremely rare to have 2 more (only have had it happen twice), but once seems to happen enough to be annoying (30-40%).

  3. Additional Units spawn far away, and likely spawn really early. They show up late because your location makes a big difference in their movement, and they move slow.

  4. Your position matters a lot, but so does the direction Maya is facing. Enemies seem less likely to spawn directly in front of Maya unless they are also far away. You can use this to push some spawns to different positions, though it only seems useful at hack 1 from what I could tell.

  5. Enemy movement is predictable to a point. They pick a spot to move to on some interval, but between intervals they seem fixed on their movement goals.

  • Shield bots will walk to position unless the player gets in their way. Then they'll swipe at you and turtle up afterwards.
  • Bird bots seem to move for line of sight, then attack. They'll pretty much always move after attacking unless you are right under them.
  • Normal bots aren't special really. They move, then attack. Not much to them it seems.

I can't say any of these are 100%, just trends I noticed as I played. Watching a few of the other runs on here, they seem to repeat across the runs.

Triojo これを好き

Go for it. Information is meant to be shared.

Some more testing between runs, some more notes:

  1. Super takes 7 seconds. I'm pretty sure that for the mob right before hack 4, your optimal move is to use the super when Max Says "That's expected". You'll catch all of the enemies, and should only take around 5 seconds to finish the super. It's also really consistent. Here is a clip of it:

  2. Speaking of the group before Hack 4, it seems to also be a fixed mob spawn. I never noticed because I've always been clearing it with the super, but the units that spawn are the same and in roughly the same positions. The difference is how they move, which is based on where you are once again.

  3. You can run through enemies, including the shield units. I never noticed because the shield bots would always snipe at you, but you can see more about the shield bots in this video below. This means that in the Chapter 1 escape, you can freeze the first wave from the alley, then blow 4 dashes to get through the second shield group much faster than going around. Of course, you need to have 3 dashes saved up. You can do it in 2 with good timing, but it depends on the shield bots between the two groups.

  4. The spawns for Hack 4 seem to cap around 11-13, and 4-5 of each type of bot. I played around with it after a death in a run. It seems that they may also despawn at some point to be replaced with new enemies, but it becomes so hectic dodging everything, and you need safety to hack anyway that it doesn't seem worth it right now. With some work, there could be a Time Freeze strat that relies on bunching them all up, but manipulating the movement of that many units seems way too hard to make it useful.

  5. For the battle after Hack 1, I was getting some pretty consistently nice spawns by running up to the yellow gate to your left immediately after the hack and watching the alley. I'm going to make that my go to play for that section.

  6. I'm pretty sure Blender has patterns. I've had way too many runs that all go the same way on him for him not to. I just don't know what they all are yet. Needs more investigation.

  7. Late spawns may not be so bad, as you can dash over, then Time Warp (Q) back and lose basically no time. Best used for the fight post Hacks 1 and 2 to catch stragglers. I haven't timed how far back it takes you, but it opens up a lot of optimal routing for CH1 and the Blender fight, where it opens large damage opportunitues.

8 ) Pretty much everything I learned about spawns in Ch 1 can be seen in this run I cut. It isn't the fastest, but it is pretty decent and I'm doing most of what I learned. This includes:

  • The Ah split
  • Hack 1 Spawn manip (at least, what I think is fastest)
  • Hack 3 spawn manip
  • Hack 4 Spawn... something? This one has only worked out a few times honestly
  • Dash through at the Escape sequence
編集者 投稿者 3 years ago

No busier than usual. Had some bad runs and figured I'd try some stuff out to make the most of it. I'll probably look into putting everything together into a tutorial video, guide or something once I get more confident on some of what I've noticed. At this point, I think the last thing I haven't looked into are spawn intervals during Hack 4.

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