Manual Timing?
2 years ago
Illinois, USA

Just to put feelers out there for the community, what are everybody's thoughts on either switching to or, at least, adding a manual timing (RTA) section for each run? The in-game timer, as we know, limits us a bit, creating extreme ties on the leaderboards. Any input is appreciated!

Also, if anybody is tech savvy and might have a way to develop an auto-splitter/timer for LiveSplit, that would be awesome. Or just a way to more accurately time videos that have already been done, that would be a huge help if we move forward with this, as well.

misterturrtle323 そして mochuan これを好き
No more runs without milliseconds

From now on any runs that are not on the newest version of the game and don't have the millisecond timer activated will be always rejected. If you are unsure how to do it then ask a mod or look at previous news as Sparky explained it there too.

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