4 years ago
Utah, USA

I am just here to ask to any mods here if I can try to help being a mod. I am really enthusiastic about speedrunning 2d games like mario and zelda. If so, I would like to be able to verify runs. I am just wondering. If any mods don't want me as a mod I don't have to be. Thanks.


BBoppers これを好き
Maryland, USA

You signed up a week ago and you haven’t submitted a single run. Chances are slim.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
BBoppers, dlloyd10, そして AriesFireTiger これを好き
Wisconsin, USA

Delete this

BBoppers, dlloyd10, そして linny356 これを好き
Utah, USA

@linny356 as I said I'm just wondering it's up to the mods I really don't care if I don't get mod

BBoppers これを好き
California, USA

Historically, mods have been long-standing, active community members and runners, demonstrating game knowledge and willingness to serve in many capacities.

I don't necessarily believe this is full-required, but probably likely.

BBoppers そして dlloyd10 これを好き
California, USA

There is certainly a spot for you to join the leaderboards as #298.

BBoppers, dlloyd10, そして 4iSteven これを好き
California, USA

I’ve been running the game longer than Roo. he surpassed my knowledge and skill of the game. He definitely earned his mod spot. If anyone else was to be mod I would hope it would be johntabin. No offense Davis but you have a long long long way to go to become mod in this game.

BBoppers そして dlloyd10 これを好き
Utah, USA

its alright my dude.

BBoppers これを好き

At a minimum, to be a mod, be able to answer yes to the following:

  1. Will you learn how to accurately time runs? This includes downloading VODs and putting them into video editors that will count frames, and other methods.

  2. Is your SRC account secured with two-factor authentication? Can we trust you won't compromise your own account or sabotage our board?

  3. Have you actively and positively participated in the Z1 speedrunning community for a long time?

  4. Do you really want to verify potentially any and all runs that come through the leaderboard? It's not fun.

  5. Do you want to collaborate and communicate with other mods to maintain and improve the board?

  6. Will you learn our standards for verification, why those are the rules?

BBoppers, dlloyd10, そして Mars02 これを好き

In other words, besides us not making mods of any Tom, Dick or Harry who comes asking, we're also not making mod of anyone just because they ran the game at some point or happen to be friends with another mod. It's not a sign of respect to have been made a mod (though we do respect them for the work they do), nor is it meant as disrespect to not have been made a mod. Moderating the board is just some work that needs done.

Roo was someone who understands all too well what our job is. He had a WR get rejected because of substandard recording.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
BBoppers, dlloyd10, そして Mars02 これを好き
Game & Watch added to "Accepted Platforms"

With the release of the new Nintendo "Game & Watch" which includes an official emulation port of the NES and Famicom "The Legend of Zelda" these versions are allowed for speedrunning purposes, because as far as we can tell, they play exactly the same as the NES versions (subject to change if other d

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