A cop said hello a bit after I crossed the 2nd checkpoint, but it was just a momentarily 60 MPH drop.
But what an effort this was. I was telling @kgftbz (about 2 months ago to the day!) that it took a lot of practice for me to even start to begin to get times less than my Mustang Class 2 record with Class 3 cars! After lowering that time by 10 seconds, I believe this is a good run to submit for this car class. (This is about the difference between this time and 2nd place in Class 4, so it seems reasonable.)
It can be beaten! (I show my adjustments at the end for those who don't want to "reinvent the wheel" for what works . . . very unobvious. Different adjustments can be used to get sub 2:20 times, but these adjustments in particular I believe are consistently good for almost the entire track.)
I hope to submit runs with other Class 3 cars here in the future!