Emulator: Nestopia v1.40 Timer: Livesplit Recorder: OBS
This is a PB run of SingleGame% of Tecmo Super Bowl (NES). 49ers are the team used in this run: the roster is altered to slot Jerry Rice (WR) in at RB and the Indianapolis Colts are chosen as they seemingly have the slowest defensive stats in the game (tecmogeek.com) in addition to being arguably the worst defense against the run. Additionally by measuring 10 seconds of game clock against real time (3.33 - 3.5 seconds) it seems the game clock runs almost precisely 3x as fast as real time. Making 1:40-1:45 the approximate best possible time for a quarter, and 6:40-7:00 the best possible time for a single game (exclusively on-field time, excluding possible wasted time from screen animations, tackles, CPU timeouts, play mistakes (early OOB), additional play calls, etc.). Bo Jackson is probably still the best (easiest?) man for the job considering his high top speed, although Jerry Rice carries a slightly higher Running Speed, which may theoretically help with his ability to change direction so quickly and dodge tackles in close range. I have also been trying to figure out the fastest possible way to score (shortest animation time): my estimate at this point would be that safeties are the fastest scoring method, followed by field goals and touchdowns respectively. Sub-7:30 is very doable, but the level of execution isn't quite there yet with this run ;p
# | 名前 | スプリット | 終了時間 |
1 | 1st Quarter | 1m 59s 138ms | 1m 59s 138ms |
2 | 2nd Quarter | 2m 11s 868ms | 4m 11s 006ms |
3 | 3rd Quarter | 2m 03s 943ms | 6m 14s 949ms |
4 | The Final Countdown ゴールド | 1m 55s 834ms | 8m 10s 784ms |
When I took over moderation of this game 2 months ago, I decided to make a few changes. For example, data resets were initially required to be shown in Single Game by previous moderators. I met this requirement myself in my first submission, then I became a mod and realized that half the accepted ru