How do I reset?
Hello, I'm interested in speedruning teardown and I've practiced a little bit but there's one problem. When im ready to do a full run of the game I won't know how to do a reset. Theres nothing on the game menu to delete a save file and I've looked at guides and I cant find anything. So how do I reset teardown?
Also, is there a way I can keep my original save file so I can load up that file when I want to?
Laut4_fc これを好き
Hi, you'll need to delete your savefile which, for Windows, is stored in Documents/Teardown/ by default, the filename is "savegame.xml"
If you want to keep your original savefile, just rename it to something else, like "savegame.xml.backup" and then rename it "savegame.xml" when you want to use it
レベル: Speed Deal
レベル: Speed Deal
レベル: Ornament Ordeal
レベル: Moving the Goods