2 years ago

In the rules it says that an Autosplitter is required. Where exactly am I expected to get that from since its not in the resources?

Ohio, USA

Autosplitter can be found in LiveSplit, when you go to Edit Splits. Make sure LiveSplit is fully up to date or else it won't work


Yeah but how does that help me if theres not a dedicated autosplitter for this game? Its not like the programm just KNOWS when to split. Sorry if this is a dumb question im not that good with livesplit

編集者 投稿者 2 years ago
Virginia, USA

Right now the program just starts immediately when pressing new game, and ends on the final split, when you go into the portal after the final hit. I recommend having global hotkeys on for the time being for individual splits.

North Carolina, USA

As mentioned you activate the autosplitter through livesplit. It IS a dedicated autosplitter. You have to set SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake as your game name in your splits window and you'll see the option to activate the autosplitter.

Texas, USA

This functionality of livesplit automatically starts the timer for you. Some autosplitters, such as the one for portal, will also split between levels. The autosplitter for this game does not have that functionality, so while it will start and end the run, you will need to split manually for the actual splits in the run.

Hope this cleared things up!

投稿日 2 years ago
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