SWL Insane + Skins Run Guide
SWL Insane + Skins Run Guide
更新済み 1 year ago 投稿者: RinasSam

Special thanks to Noob Idiot and merXenary for helping with the strats


Required Skins

1-Vamp Swordwrath 2-Savage Swordwrath 3-Leaf Miner 4-Lava Archidon

Recommended but not required 1-Leaf Swordwrath 2-Lava Magikill (Leaf Magikill also works)


1-The War Begins: Archidons

The Archidon level is very straightforward. The best skins for this level are Leaf Swordwrath or Classic/Savage Swordwrath.

Skip the tutorial, and take control of one Swordwrath. Make sure to NOT KILL the first Archidon. The reason is that if you do, the CA will prove to be much more of a pain than 1 Archidon. When the enemy retreats to the garrison, make your troops go in defense mode, and use the UC'ed Swordwrath and leap jump on the statue while avoiding the CA. As soon as the CA leave and the Archidon comes back, bring your troops on the attack. When the reinforcements come, kill the Archidons, and get back to destroying the statue.

Leap spam is faster with Leaf skins, but the basic attack with Classic/Savage skins is faster.

2-Ambush! Native Spearmen

Upgrades: 2 Swordwrath Helm

The native Spearmen level always ends at the very same time. So this level can be beaten in any way and it will still be record time.


Upgrades: 1 on Swordwrath helm (it should be max), save 1 for later.

This level is quite annoying because of the Swordwrath spam and the forced tutorial. The best skins for this level are Lava Archidon and Vamp Swordwrath.

Follow the tutorial and buy 1 Archidon. Then, headshot the enemy Swordwrath. UC the Archidon (DO NOT PRESS ATTACK BUTTON) and go at the enemy, snipe 1 of their Miners, and snipe the enemy Swordwraths while buying your own. When they come, UC one and leap spam on the tower. If the enemy retreats to garrison and you have multiple Swordwraths coming for the attack, go on defense to save them for later. When the enemy comes back, go full attack. When the reinforcements appear, kill the enemy Swordwraths with UC leaps, and destroy the statue.


Upgrades: 3 points on Swordwrath Sword (it should be max).

Best skin for this level is Savage Swordwrath (Classic will suffice if no Savage skin).

Buy Swordwraths, and UC one. Jump on the Spearton then "bounce" on the statue, attacking it with normal hits. Make sure to kill the first enemy spearton (if possible) and then take the statue down to spawn reinforcements. Retreat, and UC your lowest health Swordwrath. When they are very close to your base (the exact position is a little bit forward from your farthest gold mine), send your men to attack, and UC the Swordwrath to the statue along the top of the map (to evade any pesky Speartons targeting you) and just destroy the statue.

5-Ambush! Swordwrath Counter

Upgrades: Either miner Pickaxe or Statue Crown.

Best skin for this level is Vamp Swordwrath. Buy Swordwraths, and send them on the attack. UC your miners and get as much gold as you can. Go back to your attacking Swordwraths, UC one of them, and go at the enemy army while garrisoning the rest. Retreat while leaping occasionally on the enemy. After 5 or so leaps (supposing all went well, your army should have 7 Swordwraths including the one you are controlling), send everyone on the attack, and leap spam the enemy from the back. You know you have succeeded if you get a time less than 1:00.


Upgrades: Either miner Pickaxe or Statue Crown.

Best skin for this level is Savage Swordwrath.

RNG with reinforcements is an issue here. Buy Swordwrath, UC one, and run at the enemy. Now, you could do one of two things:

1-Attack the statue, trigger reinforcements, and pray to your deity of choice that the enemy RNG would favor you. 2-Kill one miner, which decreases the chance that they will buy a third magikill.

Upon triggering reinforcements, try your best to at least kill 1 Magikill before they blast, then kill the 2nd Magikill and the minion, and destroy the statue.

7-Free Pertland

Upgrades: Either miner Pickaxe or Statue Crown.

Best skin for this level is Vamp Swordwrath.

Rush at the enemy with your Swords while UC'ing miners for gold. UC one Swordwrath to block CA. When the reinforcements come, leap spam the Archidons and the Swordwraths, then leap spam the statue.

8-Free Westwind

Upgrades: Either miner Pickaxe, Bag, or Statue Crown.

Best skin for this level is Vamp Swordwrath. Same strategy as Pertland, but make sure to kill the first Spearton.

9-No Man's Land

Upgrades: You should have Max miner and Statue Crown. Start upgrading CA.

Best skin for this level is Classic Swordwrath (note: with perfect play, Leaf Swordwraths can be just as fast).

Rush enemy with the Swordwraths and activate reinforcements. Then retreat. The run again (and attack) at the enemy giants when they will be right around the farthest tree next to an ice capped mountain (best seen on video). Hug the top with a UC Sword, evade all the giants, and attack the statue. If an enemy giant comes out, evade and use leaps on the statue.

10-Ambush! Native Clubmen and Giants

Upgrades: 2 Points on Magikill staff.

Best skin for this level is Vamp Swordwrath and Leaf Magikill.

Not many people know that 1 second could be saved on this ambush level. Buy 2 miners and 1 Swordwrath. Defend your miners from the giant and clubmen with that one Swordwrath and buy a Magikill. Then, buy as many Swords as you can and kill the 2nd wave, and wait at the right end of the map while UC'ing the Magikill. As soon as you see your Swords raise their guard, blast the enemy with the Magikill, and then leap spam the enemy with your Swordwraths. You should get a 2:27 time if you did this correctly.

11-Ice Hills

Upgrades: Either Magikill Staff or CA.

Best skin for this level is Vamp Swordwrath.

Buy Vamp Swords and attack while UC'ing miners for gold. Then go on defense but UC one to kill the enemy miners. Then, use your entire army to kill the enemy (make sure no one dies). When they garrison, go on defense but keep leaping on the statue with one Sword. When your population is around 17, trigger reinforcements, press attack, and run back to your army. Run behind everyone, and backleap the enemy Magikill and "Bounce" to kill the Archer. Then just swing like a pendulum, leaping between the statue and the giant.

12-Last Stand

Upgrades: Magikill staff and CA should be max.

Best skin for this level is Vamp Swordwraths and Lava Magikill.

You do the exact same strategy as Ice hills, but you save up money for a Magikill when the boss spawns. You should have just enough pop for 4 CA. UC the Lava Magikill, evade the boss EQ, and distract him behind the legs. Make sure to only attack when he slams the ground with the body, so you get enough time to do a backfulminate (and do +300 damage). Also make sure that you keep the boss facing away from the CA (for maximum DPS). Then just spam click when the Spearton comes to save the day.

Another update we didn’t enjoy

The new update to the Stick War Legacy game was just annoying. i got complaints on discord, but i didn't really like it myself either.

devs nerfed the swordwraths, they added a cooldown to the sword jump. so me and a few runners decided to add new categories such as "Any% Bonus levels on the new ve

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